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Dogs and Cats


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So, got another thought, if dogs are supposed to be introduced, why not cats?  


As many cat owners know the "thrill" of waking up in the morning to a gift mouse or rat, why not use it for its literal intent?  In the event of an apocalypse with imminent doom around every corner and a less than empty fridge, a gift from ones pet cat could benefit both parties.  


Another thing that cats would be good for is attacking mice or rats looking for a quick meal on the players food reserves.


The fact that cats tend to be more independent plays into the players advantage too based on minimal care requirements, but a good rub or cuddle could also help depression and boredom, especially the companion factor if live survivors are nowhere in sight. 


Sorry for the long post but it seemed relevant to post.  

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I think horses in particular would probably not last long without survivors protecting them and caring for them, but they could be an awesome addition eventually.


Yeah, horses really would not survive at all if not for people. Though while still healthy they could easily outrun zombies.


The image of my character walking down a country road with rifle in hand then see a horse charge across the road with zombies in tow would be frickin sweet.

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The only animal i wouldn't eat would be a german shepherd. Damn I love these dogs.

Maybe if I'd see a stray cat id just let it run off. But if I'm hungry...

*Dayum cats and dogs are DELICIOUS.*


No honestly, if you were desperate, would you not kill a cat and dog to eat em?


I seriously hope this thread isn't only about pets right now lol. 

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 horses would not survive without people?


guys, we still, to this day, have herds of wild horses roaming areas of America and thriving without any human contact.

as skittish as horses are, no zombie would EVER get close enough to them to do any damage.


You make a good point, there are herds of wild horses, but I would also point out that all native North American horse breeds died out between 11 to 13 thousand years ago. All the horses you see today were introduced by us (by that I mean conquistadores and the like)


I also agree the horses would easily outrun them while in good health but they (horses) are still prone to broken legs and can be slowed down if sick or pregnant.


EDIT: Also wild horse herds are really only found in AZ, CA, CO, ID, MT, NV, NM, OR, UT and WY and have a total population of just over 49k if you include wild Burros also.

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...you know, this thread is making me want the devs to add horses solely because so many survivors would move heaven and earth to protect them.


Not sarcasm: that seems really sweet.


I agree, it would suck having to feed them, they would get spooked by the dead bodies... but they would be really useful for rebuilding a post apocalypse society (which I realize is not within the scope of  this game)

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Horses would really be beneficial after the gas runs out for carrying goods too, though it'd suck to have it get spooked and run off with all your goods :cry:   

Or, break a leg then get eaten by a zombie horde attracted by the loud clopping sound of the hooves (not to mention the neighing/snorting)

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