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graphic suggestion: render character behind walls


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Isometric view have some kind of problems like for example that:
when devs decided to not allow rotate stair in every way.

There is implemented a visiblity bubble around your character system but
in many cases it makes more problems than it solves so there is my idea.
When you are near walls you don't see much. For example i had problem
when building walls when i didn't see where i builded wall and where is
empty space.







So my suggestion is to make something like this:
I will use Torchlight 2 for example:



So basically you make objects like walls etc visible and character
visible too by making a glowing model or maybe white / dark contour of character which would fit perfectly the graphic style of the game.
It could be just option to enable/disable but i think it could make game
more clear. Also with this you could enable rotate stairs like other crafting objects.

I think it would be better system than the current one (visibility bubble).

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