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Anyone playing it? I purchased it back in 2010 during the dark times no one speaks of and am really enjoying a realm reborn. Despite a few teething issues its a whole lot of fun.


For those of you who havent seen any of the game or are curious (inb4 shameless plug)


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Ima have to check this out later. Never done any of the online Final Fantasy's even though I've done pretty much all of the others...


How would you rate it in comparison to say: World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, Guild Wars 2, Eve Online, etc.?


Edit: Also, if I recall correctly the technical pronunciation of Ifrit is "ef REET." But that's not how most people actually say it.

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I thought you were going to say "Inb4 I can log on to the servers".

It seems like the biggest flaw at the moment, "What's that, you want to play? Well all the servers are full, and our alleged queuing system isn't in place, or doesn't work. So you'll just have to come back later"

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Some general MMO tips if it's not too presumptuous of me:


Make sure to always strafe when moving sideways out of things to make sure you can continue to do damage on the move.

Try to always stand behind the boss as long as you can be within healing range and there's no specific boss mechanics preventing it. Breathe weapons are common and will get squishy ranged dps fried if they're not careful!


Looks interesting, and I'm curious to hear your overall opinion on it.

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Well Im not normally into mmo's, I tried to play WoW but I just couldnt get into it but I tried A realm reborn when it went into open beta and I have to say I am loving it. From what I understand its kind of similar to WoW in terms of gameplay apart from the flexible class system. In FFXIV you can change your class by simply changing your gear, but exp from one class is not carried over to the others so it balances out well.


Overall It's a beautiful world with great gamplay and I am enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would considering MMO's aren't usually my thing.

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I'm very torn right now. It looks like a blast, but so have a lot of other MMO's that have tanked abysmally. I don't mind them borrowing from WoW some- after all, WoW was the king of MMO's (and they, in turn, borrowed aplenty from others). If it's done well and has that charm and appeal that WoW and EQ once had but then lost, I might give it a shot. Hate to spend $ 45 (30 for game, 15 for sub) if it's bad- especially since, as an MMO, you can't even just enjoy it every once in a while after you pay for it, you must keep paying to have a product. The original had a trial, I know, but I can't seem to find one for A Realm Reborn.

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Opinion times (may be slightly biased due to nolstalgia/being a ff fan)


I am personally loving the crap out of this game despite its obvious flaws, namely being the current login issues which have, in times, had me setup a macro program to brute-force the login, and also the fact that as a new player the "intro" section of the game is around about 2 hours long before you even see combat. All these points aside this is the most fun I've had in an MMO in a long, long time and the first MMO I've considered subscribing too since I played Aion: Tower of Eternity at its release.


I can't really compare it to WoW as I feel it unfair to compare something I'm enjoying (FFXIV) to something I hate (WoW)


Its difficult to also compare it to EVE as those are two completely different games, though, I do enjoy EVE online I also find EVE quite "boring" at times, namely when travelling long distances, and found it hard to convince myself to pay the subscription fees for that.


I guess i'll just boil it down to my main pros and cons;



  • Combat is fluid and fun, Characters don't feel overly powered or too weak.
  • The game is freaking beautiful, I often find myself double taking on some of the scenery. 
  • The class system is my favourite class system in a game ever, not being tied to a class decision you made at the start of the game is great. Means you can spend 2313412 hours making your first character just the way you want them and not hate yourself for picking the wrong class for them.
  • I have my own personal Chocobo.


  • Takes a long time to get into at the start
  • Very text heavy, I feel more of the main quest could be voice acted, I don't even pay attention to the text on sidequests
  • Login issues means you can currently be waiting upwards of an hour to get in and thats an hour of physically pushing buttons as the queuing system doesn't work(though these will be fixed)
  • I don't have two Chocobos.
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I think I'll almost certainly give this a try... as soon as I beat Dragon Age: Origins, Awakening, and II... Ya, it might be a while.


I smell a nerf to FATE experience in the future XD


I kind of wish they'd at least pretended they weren't blatantly knocking off Guild Wars 2 in this regard... but hey, copy the best.


I like the combat in this game, it looks almost as good as Aion did to me. Then it turned out to be a clusterfate, but hey.

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Fates are very much A Cluster Fu... hence my usage of that term :D but yeah the combat is smooth I love it. It is very reminiscent of Aion though I feel Aion's combat can be quiet clunky at times.


If you're really considering getting this game I can't stress enough how it's worth waiting until the server issues have been dealt with and things are running a bit smoother. Games fun as hell but being stuck at the title screen isnt.

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That's okay, like I said I want to blow through the Dragon Age series first so it'll probably be a week or two before I get a chance anyways.


I remember seeing this video on youtube of Aion:



And it just looked amazing. But I never played because all I heard were bad reviews. It just looks astoundingly good, though. Aion has, I think, the best looking combat of any fantasy game I've ever played. It's a shame it bombed so hard, though.

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That's okay, like I said I want to blow through the Dragon Age series first so it'll probably be a week or two before I get a chance anyways.


I remember seeing this video on youtube of Aion:



And it just looked amazing. But I never played because all I heard were bad reviews. It just looks astoundingly good, though. Aion has, I think, the best looking combat of any fantasy game I've ever played. It's a shame it bombed so hard, though.



Aion was a hell of alot of fun, I was actively subscribed for a year, it got progressively worse. I sometimes think 'I'll go checkout the new update' but I never do, especially after NCsoft gave all my character data to GameForge

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Decided to get FF XIV-


1) Went to the website. Digital sales have been cancelled.

2) Went to Gamestop. Sold out.

3) Went to Walmart. Sold out.

4) Went to Best Buy. Sold out.



Yeah IT's been suprisingly popular, hence the current server issues and suspension of digital downloads, but dont worry they should start those up again soon as they have just performed maintenance to increase the capacity of their servers.

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Unfortunately yeah they've pretty much stopped all purchases of the game as of yet while they work out Server Stability/Population limits (which has been so much nicer since wednesdays maintenance) I imagine it won't be long before the digital downloads are purchasable again. I'll keep my ear to the ground and shoot you a message when if I found out anything Rath :)

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