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Zombie attention span


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I always use the "proper zombies" option, which gives the zombies a normal memory. However, I find that I'm never able to keep the undead after me, I have to make a concerted effort to actually get them to follow me.


One of the most awesome things about zombie lore is their unrelenting nature, in fiction like TWD you get massive zombie hordes which'll break through brick and wood for days without straying to get a piece of you- usually in huge numbers.


If you cba to read the above, here's a summary:


I got a massive horde to follow me up to a house, and lost them simply by opening the door, walking in and closing it.


Seriously, I waited a couple of minutes for them to break in, took a peek outside and they'd all gone.




I don't wanna be a complaining poop head, but I feel this is a problem which should be addressed.


- J




Just viewed another post, where somebody wanted to see zombies doing a little more instead of just waiting around. Well, here's an idea, instead of having them waiting in the streets for "something to happen", how about zombies do a little more searching? Instead of waiting around, have a couple of them wander around, a little more alert and hungry than the others. (I, for one; would find this v. scary and a great addition to the atmosphere.)

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Zombies have an attention span of... well, a zombie. But seriously, zombie AI need an overhaul before NPCs come into play because right now, they are NOT a threat, they are, at best, an annoyance and only a threat if you're unlucky or stupid.

I always play on sandbox setting that gives them "Long" memory, how long? Gold fish long at best, I had hoped that zeds with long memory would at least walk in the general direction they saw me walk until and beyond I went out of their sight and so, that they would find my safehouse and try to kill me. No. As it was mentioned many times before...

There is a invisible wall between streamed and metaverse that zombies cannot pass under any circumstance whatsoever.
Zombies seem to be distracted by sound of the wind because they tend to stop dead in their tracks if they lose sight of player.

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unless you break the line of sight for the zombies, they should continue after  you at all cost's and never stop until they truly cant see/find you. And so when that point happens then they still continue to try and attack you. Example you ran into a house, the zombies follow and start banging on doors & windows. You run out the back and escape. Maybe hours, days, weeks? who knows but those zombies should continue to try break in, if they do they should then attempt to break in the other doors & whatnot  inside, trying to find their food.

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What should happen is this:

1: Zombie see player
2: Zombie follow player
3: Player goes out of zombie's line of sight
4: Zombie continues to walk in the direction the player was last seen forever\until it has a new thing to follow

This is how hordes that walk endlessly are created, season 2 of TWD anyone? Zombies heard a chopper and followed it long after there was no sound. Zombies do not realize that they are walking without a purpose after the purpose is gone. It's not like they'll get tired. It's like "ahh, fuck it, he'll be back"

What happens is:

1-3: Same as above
4: Zombie stops dead in it's tracks

Meaning that zombies pose no threat as long as you can hide behind a tree, I can only imagine how much more broken this will get after the stealth update when players will be able to hide 3x as efficiently.


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On the same subject, I think zombie also don't do enough damage or at least, not quick enough. They take forever to inflict slight damage, even when they come from your back you have enough time to defend yourself. 

I have a general feeling there is some RNG involved into zombie damage. Sometimes I can take out 40 zeds with a knife without a scratch, other times a single zombie will bite my balls right off in a second. Both can occur with 0 Guard skill. I like the way it works right now even if it really is RNG.

Seriously, let's not forget that ONE BITE is the conclusion to "This is how you died" part of the game. It's good the way it is, every zombie encounter can be the last one and generally, zombies are unarmed, they shouldn't be able to do much damage fast, it's enough a single attack that damages your skin can be lethal.

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Yeah, this game isn't as easy as people make it out to be. I don't know how y'all are getting so lucky but I've be devoured by hordes before and it was completely and totally not my fault at all. I planned and executed my plan flawlessly and some how still got consumed by a horde. One single biter grabbed me and in my attempt to get away they actively surrounded me and once I got away I realized there wasn't a single exit I could run. Upon realizing that I tried to fight my way out and made a hole slightly big enough to plow through but by that time it was too late and the zombies that had been closing in had caught up, grabbed me again and the hole I just made closed up and that was the end of my run. 

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When they're in numbers like that, it's definitely more fun. However, the only time I died by playing seriously was when I had a splint on my leg and I slept at a random house on my way back from a loot run, went outside at about four o clock in the morning to go back to the base and didn't see them coming.

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