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Being a scientist Developing a cure (game mode)


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Well I just thought it would be a cool idea,obviously in a much later build with npcs,vehicles etc

but you  start out with co workers in a lab with a couple guards and you are trying to  make the cure to

the disease and you send your guards to find supplies and they can die off leaving you with your fellow 

scientists and fighting so much for this cure even giving your life (if it comes to that). well what do you think devs? now im sure its a stupid idea but I have a feeling atleast one person who reads this will like it

and think more of it but for now i just want to know what you think.






Love you guys and thank you for this wonderful game!  :D  






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its a good idea, 

but the problem might be that part of the lore is not knowing exactly why the Zombies started showing up in the first place, what caused it. it could be the comet that made the machines go crazy in Maximum Overdrive, it could be a bunch of lifelong vegetarians who were forced to eat 1000 pounds of Kobe steak...maybe even people who were forced to sit and watch the Kardashians for 500 hours non stop and this was the end result. (i know that would make ME go a little kill crazy)

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Indeed - it's not confirmed that it is actually a disease that caused the zombies.


However, another issue is that the possibility of a 'cure' is a confirmed "no" by the developers, so the game mode would run afoul of that.


I also think the scope seems quite ambitious - this sounds more like the kind of thing that would be a substantive DLC then would be part of the core game - although saying that, we'd have to see exactly what NPCs and vehicles bring to the mix once they're added.

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It might also be cool for i guess a story mode and at the end your only surviving co worker has the cure figured out at the same time a zombie horde is coming to your lab

so you go out to distract them giving him/her (depending on who dies and who doesnt) enough time to take the cure and get out of the lab in time to survive


(while making an epic end by the way)


I dont know i just had that thought I apologize.

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its a good idea,

but the problem might be that part of the lore is not knowing exactly why the Zombies started showing up in the first place, what caused it. it could be the comet that made the machines go crazy in Maximum Overdrive, it could be a bunch of lifelong vegetarians who were forced to eat 1000 pounds of Kobe steak...maybe even people who were forced to sit and watch the Kardashians for 500 hours non stop and this was the end result. (i know that would make ME go a little kill crazy)

Oh. My. God.

Best apocalypse story EVER.

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