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  1. I can't join to a "specific" server, when I try to join the game simply crashes I don't have any issues joining other servers, I can play without problems on single player I've tried using "-novoip -nosound" but it didn't work, sometimes when the game don't get crashed, when I try to join I get "worldDictionary error" The mods from the server aren't showing in the Menu or sometimes the game crashes, is there anyway to know which mod is causing the conflict? I've never had this problem before, even in a server with 500 mods LOG : Network , 1738440738726> 0> [01-02-25 14:12:18.725] > ConnectionManag er: [connect-state-workshopupdate] "checkmods" connection: guid=1738419396729367 ip=xxxxx steam-id=x access="admin" username="Jex" connect ion-type="UDPRakNet" ERROR: General , 1738440742763> 0> GameWindow.uncaughtException> Unhandled j ava.lang.NoClassDefFoundError thrown by thread MainThread. LOG : General , 1738440742769> 0> GameThread exited. Exception: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError thrown from the UncaughtExceptionHandl er in thread "MainThread"
  2. I'm trying to host a modded server, but there are some mods that whilst they're properly installed and added to the server they don't seem to be actively working, I've tried SO MANY things and searched in many places for an answer but nothing seems to work, also I've even tried creating a world and using only one of those mods at the time and still they're not there during play(e.g 'More traits' is one of them and it is a mod functional in MP). If anyone can help me with this I'd be eternally grateful and feel free to ask for any information needed
  3. I was traveling for the holidays so I sent the server files (db, Saves, Server) to my partner so we could host it on their laptop and play together. Was able to just download them, drag them into the folders in the Zomboid folder, replaced any old files and it worked. Back home now and trying to get that server progress back since I can host again. So I had them upload the files just like I did and I downloaded them and dragged them into the same spot, replacing any old files. However instead of it working like before it just loads the old instance of the server and character instead of the new one with progress. Not sure how to fix it and have been looking for fixes for hours now with nothing seeming to help. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated <3
  4. Hello! I have a problem with PZ that has persisted for years. When I try to play in multiplayer mode, my game crashes, logs out of the server and crashes my entire PC in the process. I thought it was a local problem, but I already formatted my PC and nothing changed. I love this game and I don't want to give it up again. Please help me. logs.zip
  5. I play with a friend on our server, but the next day the error "Unable to establish a p2p connection to the server" appeared. I forwarded ports on the router and firewall, disabled the firewall and antivirus. Then I created a dedicated server and the error disappeared, but the next day it appeared again. It hangs on receiving information from the server, and then gives this error. I can go to other servers. I have a static IP address, and my provider allows opening ports. We have a few mods, but they are small and should not affect the gameplay. I have attached the server and co-op logs here. coop-console.txt server-console.txt
  6. Rokko

    delete me

  7. Hello! I'm here to talk about our multiplayer Project Zomboid server called Equinox! Are you looking for a mix of Roleplay and Dnd? Are you looking to be a part of a story where you are the main character and that you are able to shift the story in whichever direction you want with your fellow players? Then this is the server for you. In our server, we prioritize your roleplay experience and your character development all within a new player friendly environment! The admin team has over 3 years of experience running servers and are fully dedicated to ensuring that you have a good and fun time on our server. We have many events planned per week for you to participate in and enjoy. Some of those events are also surprise events and random, so you can have a realistic survival experience while on the server, whether that experience is by yourself, with your friends or with the fellow players of the server. Right now the server is on Season one. Season 2 we planning to have it come in during late November or early December. Features - New player friendly, to apply to get in, you just have to answer a few questions about your character and we will whitelist you within the day and sometimes within less the a few hours. - Active Turn base DnD like combat for small group events. - Some occasional horde events and group pve combat events - Your character can only die during rp events, we don't want the harshness of Zomboid to ruin how you'd want your character to go out - Vehicle and safehouse protection - whats your is yours. - Active and friendly staff, we will help you to the best of our abilities in a timely manner and we're always ready to assist if you have any gameplay or technical issues. - Text based RP. No voice chat required, it is optional and we have dedicated ones for events and just to hang out with your fellow players. - Faction friendly, if you have a group of friends and want to create a faction (4 players must be in the faction), we will create a personal text chat and voice chat for you guys to hang around and plan your ultimate base. We are always actively looking for more players! Feel free to join our discord if you are interested in the server! Thank you so much for reading this and I hope you have a wonderful day! https://discord.gg/NkmDHssM8A
  8. Servidor focado em sobrevivência. IP: Porta: 16261 🔄 WIPE 31/08/2024 🌐 Servidor BR 24 horas ON 🌎 Host Porto Alegre RS 🏠 SafeHouse ON (sem RAIDS) ⚔️ Facções Ligadas 📈 XP atual 1 👊 Multihit desligado ⏰ Duração do dia 1 hora 🍀 Itens Incrivelmente Raros - O respawn dos itens é feito em detalhes mínimos variados de 5/7 dias. 🚨ITENS JOGADOS NO CHÃO SERÃO APAGADOS AUTOMATICAMENTE🚨 💎SEM VENDA DE VIP OU QUALQUER COISA QUE DE VANTAGEM💎 📢Horarios de reinicialização / Backup ⚠️Servidor: 🛑 Parada 07:00 backup ▶️ Ligado - 07:30 ⚠️Servidor: 🛑 Parada 12:00 automática ▶️ Ligado - 12:10 ⚠️Servidor: 🛑 Parada 18:00 automático ▶️ Ligado - 18:10 ⚠️Servidor: 🛑 Parada 00:00 automática ▶️ Ligado - 00:10 🆘Precisando de auxilio chamem discord🆘 Discord: https://discord.gg/CUgqA5u3Bd
  9. I'm very new to modding in Project Zomboid so please forgive me if I'm overlooking something. I'm trying to create a mod where if you sitting next to another play that is actively gaining xp then you'll also gain xp. The idea is kind of like an apprenticeship mod, anyways, I'm having trouble adding xp to another user. I'm most familiar with Typescript so I picked to go with the pipewrench library. The General idea is with an Event listener on `addXp` I can see which Player is currently `working` (gain xp) then search for every other player connected to the server and if the user is within the specified distance and sitting on the ground, if so, they'll also gain xp. The only problem is that the online players do not receive any xp when I feel like they should. The code doesn't throw any errors. I would appreciate any insights, Thank you! // PipeWrench API. import { getOnlinePlayers, getPlayer, getPlayerFromUsername, IsoPlayer } from '@asledgehammer/pipewrench'; import * as Events from '@asledgehammer/pipewrench-events'; // Example reference API. import { distanceBetweenPlayers, greetPlayer } from './api/ExampleAPI'; const maxDistance = 2.5; Events.onGameStart.addListener(() => { Events.addXP.addListener((character, perk, level) => { let player: IsoPlayer | null = null; const onlinePlayers = getOnlinePlayers(); // find player receiving xp by full name for (let i = 0; i < onlinePlayers.size(); i++) { const onlinePlayer: IsoPlayer = onlinePlayers.get(i); if(onlinePlayer.getFullName() === character.getFullName()) { player = onlinePlayer; break; } } if (player) { // loop over all online players to see if any are within max distance for (let i = 0; i < onlinePlayers.size(); i++) { const onlinePlayer: IsoPlayer = onlinePlayers.get(i); if (onlinePlayer.getFullName() !== player.getFullName() && onlinePlayer.isCharacter()) const distance = Math.sqrt( (player.getX() - onlinePlayer.getX()) ** 2 + (player.getY() - onlinePlayer.getY()) ** 2 ); if (distance <= maxDistance && onlinePlayer.isSitOnGround()) { const learningPlayer = getPlayerFromUsername(onlinePlayer.getDisplayName()); learningPlayer.getXp().AddXP(perk, 50); learningPlayer.Say('Learning from ' + player.getDisplayName() + '!'); player.setHaloNote('Teaching ' + onlinePlayer.getDisplayName() + '!'); } } } } }) });
  10. If anyone wants to play PZ on a server join my discord channel / Si alguien quiere jugar PZ en un servidor unanse a mi canal de discord Discord: https://discord.gg/CHvcK3Db
  11. I'm admin of my own server. The bug shows up when my character have an skill at level 0 and reads the any book of level intermediate and up using the admin power instant action. If they reads the beginners book recibes the corresponding boost. At level 2 of the skill stops reviving boost as usual but if they read the intermediate book recibes no boost at all. This is true for every level of skill book and every skill. I consistently try them all.
  12. It would be neat if you got a sadness debuff for seeing a friend as a zombie, and another for killing them. I guess the game would have to track what players have spent time near you, so you don't get the same effect seeing dead strangers. I think it would be an interesting addition.
  13. Hi So my suggestion is about better in game voice chat. Basically make the enviroment around you change the way you are being heard, if you are in an open space, then of course you should be heard clearly, but if you are in a seperate room, behind a wall, inside a car, your voice should be muffled a bit.
  14. icho

    Send message in chat

    i need just to send random message in chat but my code isn't working, there are no errors or warnings in log local messages = {'message1', 'message2'} local function sendMsgInChat() local randIndex = math.random(1, #messages) local randMsg = messages[randIndex] sendServerCommand('chat', '[SERVER]: '..randMsg) end Events.EveryHours.Add(sendMsgInChat)
  15. Infinite trees engulf half of the map. The bug manifests with a straight line of trees near Riverside that never ends. It could be a corruption of the map due to some mod, but it could also be just a vanilla malfunction. Images below (link) 1. https://drive.google.com/file/d/11_6aQlyZEAJHl-1trz1Lcmf72nWFCYkv/view?usp=sharing 2. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1s8PgDtb5BJDCEvFuVvle9S01EfB52NWi/view?usp=sharing
  16. Formatting such as [col=255,255,255] or *255,255,255* doesn't work over radios, either in overhead messages or in the chat log. The cause of this is twofold. For the chat log, this appears to be because SayChat.getMessageTextWithPrefix calls ChatUtility.parseStringForChatLog, while RadioChat does not. Notably, this also affects vanilla radio broadcasts, for example ones that use music. For the overhead messages, it appears to be because RadioChat.showInSpeechBubble doesn't call ChatUtility.parseStringForChatBubble, whereas RangeBasedChat.showInSpeechBubble does. (This is because RadioChat overrides it and doesn't call super, but I'm not entirely sure why the override exists.) Frequency doesn't show up properly, as -0.1-MHz. You can test it by listening to the AEBS. This is probably because radioChannel defaults to -1, and setRadioChannel isn't called in Radio.AddDeviceText. Even worse, the override that takes a string argument doesn't create a chat message, meaning it cannot be called there, at least not without changing the surrounding code. Frequency now shows up properly, at least. Also, stationary/placed radio messages don't show up in chat, even if they're from players. Combined with the quick message fade, this makes it almost impossible to use for multiplayer communication. Finally, handheld radios will automatically turn off if not held in your hand, which makes clipping a walkie-talkie to your belt useless. This makes even handheld radios useless in multiplayer.
  17. Version: 41.78.16(Steam) Mods: None Singleplayer works fine, with mods and without. On Multiplayer, my game bugs out. I can't remove the curtains; When I kill a zombie, they lie on the ground and move around as if they're still alive and I can't loot the corpses; The map doesn't load in completely (like a 4x4km cell). after some time (1-2min) Anti cheat 21/22 or 24 kicks me out. These are by now all the issues I've found I uninstalled and restarted the game, removed everything that as to do with the game: the Files in User folder and steam folder. Yet the issue still pops up. The Bugs happens on official, Community servers and my own. My friends which are on the same servers don't encounter this issues. Video of the bugs: Bugged MP.mp4 Anticheat Type 22 was disabled in this video! I've safed up the Serverlogs, I'm not sure if there is sensible information in the logs so I'd prefer not to send it before an expert tells me so. Your help would be appreciated!
  18. Hello everyone. We are developing a server and we are looking for a PM developer who can help us. Preferably Spanish speaking. Conditions by DM.
  19. • 41.78.16 • Singleplayer/Multiplayer. • Host. • No. • Still occurs on new save • Reproduction steps: 1. Start game in Apocalypse mode. 2. Attack a zombie with downward kick (Left ALT by Default) in a fighting stance. 3. Moving during the hit, the zombie falls instantly. I think this bug is serious and it breaks the game. Fix it as soon as possible. logs.zip
  20. • Version? • Singleplayer/Multiplayer? MULTIPLAYER • Host or dedicated? HOSTED • Mods? Some mods • Old or new save? Old, but occurs on brand new hosted server with just 2 players • Reproduction steps: It's been happening a long time even before 41.78.16 I just figured I report it here. So basically, when a car alarm goes off on Player 1's end there is sound coming out from the car and lights blinking in and out while on Player 2's end there's no sound at all but when you get close enough to the car you'll see that the headlights are blinking like how it would be if the alarm got set off. We got no problem with the ping/connection.
  21. Hi devs, I'm trying to containerize the PZ server to deploy it to a k8s cluster, and noticed that your game files are huge!! Uncompressed v compressed, the media directory is 4.8G -> 860M, or 5x smaller An area we can focus on specifically are the maps. If we look at all of the `media/maps/Muldraugh,\ KY` dir, it's 3.9G! It's a large directory, but it's also doing 2 things at once, which might have been a legacy decision. Muldraugh is a named spawn point, but unlike its 3 neighbors, it also holds the entire gameworld files. This is slightly annoying as a server operator, because if I want to modify the spawnpoints in Rosewood, it's very obvious where the work needs to be done: I can't say the same for Muldraugh. That directory is full of chunk data files that get in the way. I think you should crowbar the functionality of Muldraugh being a named spawn point away from it storing the whole default world map. Doing so would be a nice quality of life improvement for server ops. additionally, having the world map stored off somewhere else would allow you to compress (zip?) the big chunk files into a nice, single binary file that can get decompressed at runtime, without closing off tweaks to the spawn area. Here's what that could look like: It's not lost on me that right now the team is going through a major rewrite of the game for 42... Maybe now's the time to tackle a bit of tech debt? If you want to talk more about this, I'm MindFlayer # 0001 on the Discord. Thanks.
  22. Version: 41.78 Multiplayer Host No Mods Server initialized in 41.78 Reproduction steps: 1. Aggro Zombies 2. Move during a certain time with zombies aggro 3. A certain number of zombies disapearing, and some times all of them like the video below Video: https://clips.twitch.tv/YawningObservantSwallowTBTacoRight-eMBkt4b5TeKLHmNA Note: It appends in the server of my friend too, with the same version of the game
  23. - Remote Controller V1, V2, V3 does not detonate planted bombs, does not activate Noise Maker. - Planted bombs disappear after the server is restarted. - In the single player version, planted bombs explode without damage. - In Build 41, bombs will deal less damage due to changes to zombie health. In build 39, 5-6 pipe bombs could blow up a whole horde. I basically play as an engineer, when all the players considered him useless, I considered him useful for myself in the end game. I was upset by the news that remote bombs stopped working in the new build, please developers fix it. Thank you for a wonderful game.
  24. As the title says, multiplayer erosion does so much less than singleplayer, as shown in the images. The grass on the ground is 10 years later mod, but that only affects sprites, doesn't touch erosion at all. My settings on both are erosion 100% on day 1 and 12 months into the apocalypse. Singleplayer above, multiplayer below.
  25. Newly launched server! Come and play with us! This is your 10 years later post-apocalyptic story in Louisville! WarZ is a PvPvE server located in USA east-coast. A 10 years later world with low population zombies, all tough, 10% joggers, and 30% smart. Too much? How about infection only when bitten, with bite cure, and +10 free skill points? • Mods collection https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2923143168 • Skill journal set at 70% EXP recovery • Residential safehouses are turned on, trespass off, and looting off. • Players and server shops. • 5% zombies drop rate earning coins or ammo. • 2hrs day length, loot respawns every 48 IRL hours. • more... Launched: last Jan 20, 2023. Wipes: TBD, gonna be long-term. Limit: currently up to 16 players max, and may upscale as needed. SERVER CONNECTION INFO IP: Port: 27645 Share link: steam://connect/ Discord: https://discord.gg/TXWQUpbhA8
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