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  1. Version: 41.78 Multiplayer Host No Mods Server initialized in 41.78 Reproduction steps: 1 or 2 zombies can be found in a "potato" state. They seem to be crushed on ground, and they don't aggro you, but if you hit them, they turn normal. Video: https://clips.twitch.tv/CloudyAmusedPastaShazBotstix-vbsEJ1KVT7IxDR_D There is a second video: https://clips.twitch.tv/CloudyZanyCiderArsonNoSexy-Sadetrp3m9j9Zn4g
  2. Version: 41.78 Multiplayer Host No Mods Server initialized in 41.78 Reproduction steps: A certain number of zombies reapparing on a certain zone, in the case of the video, they are reapparing on my tile where i'm present Video: https://clips.twitch.tv/SilkyAgileWerewolfCoolStoryBro-kAVxRNwA3r-wyJ92 I think there is a link with my previous post, if they desappear, zombies will reappear after a certain amount of time.
  3. Version: 41.78 Multiplayer Host No Mods Server initialized in 41.78 Reproduction steps: 1. Aggro Zombies 2. Move during a certain time with zombies aggro 3. A certain number of zombies disapearing, and some times all of them like the video below Video: https://clips.twitch.tv/YawningObservantSwallowTBTacoRight-eMBkt4b5TeKLHmNA Note: It appends in the server of my friend too, with the same version of the game
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