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  1. icho

    Send message in chat

    thanks, but i already solved the problem
  2. icho

    Send message in chat

    i solved this problem, but i have another, if i use cyrillic messages are broken, i tried utf8, utf8-bom, utf16le, utf16be and windows1251
  3. icho

    Send message in chat

    i need just to send random message in chat but my code isn't working, there are no errors or warnings in log local messages = {'message1', 'message2'} local function sendMsgInChat() local randIndex = math.random(1, #messages) local randMsg = messages[randIndex] sendServerCommand('chat', '[SERVER]: '..randMsg) end Events.EveryHours.Add(sendMsgInChat)
  4. icho

    Chat message

    How to send message in chat, i tried sendServerCommand but i have no idea how is it working
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