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  1. For the past month or so I've been working on further developing the DrHyde's Vaccine mod to suit the needs of PZ roleplaying servers. There is one feature I'd really like to implement but am unable to. Vaccinating OTHER PLAYERS -- how can I code a function that will change the other player's bodyDamage()? So far I've successfully added a UI-button to the HealthPanelUI that opens up when medically checking right-clicked player, but I just can't manage to add function that will change right-clicked player's stats. The code I'm using is simple: adds UI-button and a 'confirmPress' function that runs when that button is pressed. But how do I change the local function confirmPress(button, args) to apply changes to the other player's stats and not the one that initiates the button press (me)? Any help is appreciated-- please help me solve something that I couldn't figure out in a month worth of time.. -- Functions for button of UIs local function confirmPress(button, args) local player = getPlayer(); if player:getInventory():getItemFromType('CmpSyringeWithVirus') then if player:getInventory():getItemFromType('AlcoholedCottonBalls') then player:getBodyDamage():setInfected(true); player:getInventory():Remove("CmpSyringeWithVirus"); player:getInventory():Remove("AlcoholedCottonBalls"); else player:Say("Cotton balls?"); end--if else player:Say("Nothing to inject with.."); end--if end--function -- Add HealthPanelUI Syringe Button local ISHealthPanel_createChildren = ISHealthPanel.createChildren function ISHealthPanel:createChildren() ISHealthPanel_createChildren(self); self.fitness:setWidth(self.fitness:getWidth()/1.5); self.TOCButton = ISButton:new(self.fitness:getRight(), self.healthPanel.y, 20, 20, "", self, confirmPress); self.TOCButton:setImage(getTexture("media/ui/iconForMenu.png")); self.TOCButton.anchorTop = false self.TOCButton.anchorBottom = true self.TOCButton:initialise(); self.TOCButton:instantiate(); self:addChild(self.TOCButton); if getCore():getGameMode() == "Tutorial" then self.TOCButton:setVisible(false); end end local ISHealthPanel_render = ISHealthPanel.render function ISHealthPanel:render() ISHealthPanel_render(self); self.TOCButton:setY(self.fitness:getY()); end
  2. Believe it or not I'm currently working on trying to implement that same feature and it took me 3 weeks to make absolutely 0 progress. I tried MedicalCheck.. ApplyBandage... TheOnlyCure mod.. TradeAction.. nothing lead to me making a functioning code. I even asked 10 times till now in the modding pz discord channel.. nothing I've successfully created an UI-button that can be interacted with and is located in the HealthPanelUI-- but when I do a code with getPlayer():getBodyDamage():setInfected(false) it only does that for the one that clicks the button but not for the player whose Health Panel is opened. How do I use otherPlayer/patient/clickedPlayer/playerObj or whatever to change body stats? Anyone? I just want to vaccinate others-- please
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