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Found 14 results

  1. Hello! I guess there is not that many controller or Steam Deck users which probably also means lack of feedback. I am a controller user myself (accessibility reasons) and since B42 is nearby I thought it's a good time to suggest a very simple to implement chage. From the very first day I got this game about one year ago one thing bothered me: invenotry and loot menus cover half of the screen. Even though it is possible to adjust those using mouse or touchpad it is far from comfortable (or precise/symmetrical/alligned for all the perfectionists out there), and then manually made changes don't persist. Half of the screen is enormous on 50" 4k TV by the way. That same month I made a mod which changes the math behind how it is drawn. It allows players to chose in percentage how much of the screen space said menus should take on their screen. This includes both vertical and horisontal space as well as positioning. Players can choose to have inventory on the left and loot on the right with plenty of open space in between to finally see their character or keep both menus together on the left. The change to the math behing calculating sizes works well for any common resolution including Steam Deck and split screen players. Chosen layout persists between restarts. Here is the vanilla part of code behind it in ISPlayerDataObject.lua: --some code else local ww = w local hh = h self.x1left = x; self.x1 = x; self.y1top = y; self.y1 = self.y1top + (hh/2); self.w1 = (ww / 2); self.h1 = (hh / 2); self.x2 = self.x1 + self.w1; self.y2 = self.y1; self.w2 = (ww / 2); self.h2 = (hh / 2); end --some code Here is the change I made to it: --some code else local x = getPlayerScreenLeft(playerID) local y = getPlayerScreenTop(playerID) local w = getPlayerScreenWidth(playerID) local h = getPlayerScreenHeight(playerID) local ms = CGUI.Options.ms --loot menu position (boolean) local mw = CGUI.Options.mw --inventory + loot width (%) local mh = CGUI.Options.mh --inventory height (%) local lmh = CGUI.Options.lmh --loot height (%) self.x1left = x; self.y1top = y; self.x1 = x; self.w1 = (w * mw / 2); self.h1 = (h * mh); self.y1 = h - self.h1; if ms then self.x2 = self.x1 + w - self.w1; else self.x2 = self.x1 + self.w1; end self.w2 = self.w1; self.h2 = (h * lmh); self.y2 = h - self.h2; end --some code Here are the screenshots at Steam Deck resolution plus settings used: Having mods is great, but when it comes to multiplayer one have to somehow reach to unknown person behind the server and make them add one more mod which is usually not possible. I would be so happy to see something like this implemented. Thank you, I love your game.
  2. 41.68 Steam (stable) Singleplayer/Tutorial Host/Dedi: N/A No Mods Reproduction Steps: Have a Xbox controller and play the tutorial with it as usual, until you get to the window Open the window with A Instead of climbing, close it with A Open again with A Expected Results: Tutorial should display the controller text action rather than keyboard one. Actual Results: Tutorial will show the keyboard text action rather than the controller one.
  3. So I've noticed that all the nodes can not be interacted with unless there is a drop down arrow and a button. I am unable to drop the cd on the cd player box nor the headphones. I've noticed the inability to change the volume or drop vhs on that node as well. Link:
  4. I've read about the folks have experienced losing shit upon reload of the game, experienced it for the first time myself last night and again just now. Last night parts of my world were reset to their default. I had set up a base at the clothing store between muldraugh and westpoint with pretty much the entire building gutted and rebuilt to how I wanted it. It seems when the tiles were reset to default it was only within a limited distance from my character, because not all of the tiles in there were reset, just surrounding my character, probably about 10 square radius. Also a lot of the stuff from my inventory is gone. I don't have the console from last night. Then, with a new character, I had started collecting stuff and making my way back to my old base and had to log off for the night. Just now when I clicked continue an error was thrown, figured it had to do with one my mods, but it doesn't appear to be the case. I immediately copied the error from console and continued past the loading screen to find my new character had most his shit from his inventory deleted and the time was reset to approximately midnight - don't have a watch to confirm. Here is the error from the console: Sorry, I've forgotten how to spoiler on here.
  5. Just a couple of issues I've noticed while playing recently with a controller. The cruise control option does not work in vehicles. When attempting to get inside vehicles, if not looking precisely in the direction where you can enter the vehicle, when you press 'A' the character turns away from the vehicle When doing vehicle mechanics and speeding up time sometimes the character gets hung up on corners of the vehicle requiring you to slow time down and redo the action Sometimes after choosing a selection from radial menus the right stick is unresponsive upon initial manipulation, requiring me to stop manipulating the stick for a brief moment before it becomes responsive again.
  6. Bat was attached to my chars back. Upgraded bat to spiked bat without removing bat from back. Tried to attach spiked bat to back, couldn't. 3D model of non-spiked bat still on chars back. Couldn't attach anything to back until restart.
  7. Tybs


    Playing with gamepad, IWBUMS version 41.33. In previous builds, when trying to open the menu for character information (and skills, health, etc), normally you follow this procedure: 1. Hold the SELECT button to make the radial menu show. 2. Use the right stick to select the required option. 3. Release SELECT to open the selected option. However, the radial menu currently disappears within half a second, despite holding SELECT. To select the requested option you need to respond quite fast, usually it fails. You can see this effect for player 2 in the video sample below at time 3:04. This also happens while playing solo, btw... quite harsh when you're bleeding out quickly and try to patch up your neck 😅 If behavior could be reverted to the previous situation, that would be much appreciated! Example:
  8. After opening and closing an annotated map, character loses ability to attack until options menu is opened then closed. Build 41.22, untested on .23. Edit: using controller
  9. Again, don’t know if this is only with controller, but when “transfer all” is selected when only stuff that is equipped is in your inventory some mad shit happens. Every Item pretends to drop as “blooo” with descriptions of dirty, bloody, or wet with the question mark icon. Also a weird 3D rendered model appears in the pile that reacts to player movement. When you go to pick up these items they all disappear and nothing shows up in the inventory.
  10. When I try to transfer items to the ground from an inventory that isn’t on my character the action starts, but the items transfer to my inventory instead of the ground. Edit: I use a controller, don’t know if this is the cause. Just realized I haven’t tried without one.
  11. I was playing with someone on the splitscreen, and was going through the health and protection menus, and when they open the protection menu, they lose control of their player and menus, until I close the protection menu with my mouse. We've figured out its only that menu, not the info, health or skills. So we have a temporary fix for it, but thought we should share it none the less.
  12. I just recently started using the controller to play PZ, and let me say I love it. Everything about it is great except one thing: placing things in containers. So often do I have to tediously press A to bring up the item options, press A again to select the list of containers, and then move my option down to the specified container to move it. When you're coming back from a big trip and have many items, ESPECIALLY now that you can have big vans and pick-up trucks to load stuff in, the last thing you wanna do is spend just as much time moving items into storage as you did finding the items. While taking items, X (or SQUARE) is used to quickly grab items from a container to whichever inventory you're in (main or hiking bag, for example), but pressing X with an item that's in your inventory doesn't do the opposite as you'd expect it. Instead of easily transferring that can-opener and pot that you've just grabbed, you come to realize that pressing X places items ON THE FLOOR! Changing this to a quick-grab, quick-place system would be amazing. X to grab and to place would just make life easier, there's no arguing really. If you wanted to drop something you could just select "drop" from the item options in your inventory. Another thing that has an edge over the controller version right now is the ability to select multiple things and transfer them with a click and drag, just like files in explorer. The ability to select multiple things with the right stick being clicked in could be a wonderful addition to the game. The cons of the current system are really just that of being too slow. You all have done a great job with controller optimization and I really feel like there's nothing left out like with some other controller support additions to other games (ehem Ark, The Forest and Subnautica), but the lack of a sufficient inventory management system in a game that expects a good control of inventory management, could quite literally be the breaking point for some people (again Ark, Terarria, Starbound). With the case of terarria though, they learned their lesson and added a system where you could quick-place items into chests that already had the same item, and they separated items into categories, gave the categories all different colors, and made it easier to store things in an organized manner. All in all, the switching of functions for the quick-grab button would definitely give the controller version the edge it needed to be the preferred option, because who doesn't like to game while sitting or laying comfortably in a couch or bed? Anyway, keep up the good work. I'd love to hear some feedback on this from whomever sees it.
  13. How does one map the buttons on a Controller through coding? Would it be something like A = {} function A.Pressed(_keyPressed) if _keyPressed == DPadDown then --Code end end --Or function A.Pressed(_keyPressed) if _keyPressed == "DPadDown" then --Code end end --Or is it a number? Events.OnKeyPressed.Add(A.Pressed) Edit------- Looked at PZ/media/lua/shared/JoyPad/JoyPadSertup.lua
  14. [idea/Suggestion] While I was playing Build 30 or 31, (Don't kill me if Build 31 isn't out yet, haven't paid attention and its 10:52 PM here ), I noticed that the UI isn't top notch nor very stable. I understand that we are on either build 30 or 31, but the UI needs to get a refresh like... right now. I've read the future of the game and how they'll update the UI drastically for the following next builds, however; I decided to create a UI that simplies both keyboard and controllers in hand and hopefully helps the Developers in mind. Keep in mind that this is not fully art designed and its only to improve functionality. --The Start Of The UI-- The first section of game will start and prompt the user on how to start the main menu or to begin interacting with the game once its done loading, simple stuff here. If the person hits ENTER, the game will run on Mouse Mode. Should be very self explanatory, if you hover over the text, it turns red that tells the player he or she has selected the option. If the person hits "A", the game will run on Controller Mode. This one is a little hard to explain, when the player uses the moving buttons, (Left Stick, Right Stick, D-Pad, etc..) then the red will highlight red after moving. For example, the game will always highlight survival when using controller on boot. If I use the D-PAD to move towards the left, it will highlight the other option I have and highlight it red. It will of course dehighlight the previous option that was selected. It shouldn't be rocket science, but its a nice start. --Game Selection-- Once the player hits "A" or enter, the screen will change towards this following "diagram". The Menu will be greeted and the person can just move their mouse/left stick towards any of the three choices. Survival Classic/Sandbox/And Challenges or AKA Custom Maps. Mouse users should know that they are not affected, and controller uses are benefited from the change since its simple to left click and press A at the same time. Hitting ESCAPE or B makes it go back towards the main menu. --Online & Settings-- I'm still working in this section, either on wed or friday I'll show the other missing segments so both can enjoy the simplistic interface. --Character Creation and World Settings-- This one should be easy to create, same like the previous one, I'll eventually explain how these will work. That's all for now! Keep up to date towards the thread every week, hope to solve many issues. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to drop a reply! I'm aware that there are other UI's, but I think this one should be much simpler for newbies. Happy Zombie Hunting! -Videogameget 12/7/2014 11:12 PM PDT
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