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  1. ** Tested on build 30.16, NOT backwards compatible with build 29 ** I play games like Project Zomboid because I like the semi-realistic scenario and challenges to survive. No other mod has given me the realism I've wanted when it comes to food preservation and most specifically, canning. Ultimately, for a game that strikes to immerse the player into the game world, canning food for prolonged preservation shouldn't be as easy as simply putting food in a jar and sealing it. So I decided to make this mod to enhance my own gameplay and that of those that seek more realism from food preservation. This mod adds new mechanisms so that survival still remains challenging and food preservation doesn't become a thought of the past. The implementation of everything you can can is based off real life canning. Each canning option closely resembles how that food item would be canned in real life; skipping a few steps and/or details here and there to keep things fun and not overly complicated. ___________________ CURRENT FEATURES ___________________ Pickling Canning Options: Pickles, Broccoli, Cabbage, Leek, Carrots, Bell Pepper, Radish.Open Kettle Canning Options: Strawberry Jam.Water Bath Canning Options: Strawberry Jam.Pressure Canning Options: Rabbit, Rodent (Rat, Mouse, Squirrel), Bird, Fish(All types except bait fish).Extend your food's lifespan with the Pickling Method. The simplest and fastest way to get into canning. Simply cook up some brine, have your vegetables ready and put it all in a jar, seal it, and you're all done! The food might taste a little salty though, but hey now your food will gain a preservation span of 7 days.Extend your food's lifespan with the Open Kettle Method. You can cook and prepare the food that you wish to can in a kettle, pour it in a jar, seal, and that's it! Food processed this way will gain a preservation span of 15 days.Extend your food's lifespan by using the Water Bath Method.You can cook and prepare the food that you wish to can in a regular pot, pour it in a jar, seal, and then place up to 5 sealed jars in a water bath canner to get a tight seal. Food processed this way will gain a preservation span of 30 days.Extend your food's lifespan with the Pressure Canning Method. You can cook and prepare the food that you wish to can in a regular pot, pour it in a jar, seal, and then place up to 5 sealed jars in a pressure canner to get a tight seal and make sure the food is fully cooked. Food processed this way will gain a preservation span of 60 days.Inspect your canned food to see how many more days left it has until it spoils. Download [HERE] How to install: GUIDE - Instructions / Recipes for Canning 101 - Changelog: TEST THE MOD: if you'd like to see how the mod works without having to collect everything and test it out; press the 'HOME' key to enable the testing feature, instructions will appear in your console that runs along with Project Zomboid. Press the 'END' key if the instructions don't show up after pressing the 'home' key. Keep in mind each time you spawn a set of items for testing the testing feature is disabled. This is as to avoid having you accidentally spawn items without wanting to do so. P.S: There might be an error where you press HOME and then another key to spawn items and won't work; try about 3 times and it should work. Q&A: I would love to get some feedback on this mod. if you have any questions, comments, suggestions,...etc. Go ahead and post . Also if you think the mod is too complicated or challenging, let me know how you would scale it down to make it more fun.
  2. Homemade Bats (and clubs, too!) v1.4.31 for Build 31 (1.3.30 for Build 30 still available at the Nexus link for those not on IWBUMS) Coded by Dudeman325 Icons by WolfeClaw Download at the Project Zomboid Nexus Download at PZ-Mods Included in Hydrocraft with expanded recipes! Seriously, check it out! --- What does this mod do? --- Having trouble finding a weapon besides Planks and Spoons on a pillaged multiplayer server? Broke all your weapons after an extended survival? Make some decent weaponry from basic materials! This mod adds recipes to make clubs (1-handed) and bats (2-handed) from Planks, Duct Tape, Wood Glue, and a Saw. The idea is that you layer a few planks together with glue, use the saw to cut it into a rough shape, then wrap some tape around the handle. You need to have at least a basic understanding of Carpentry, and can make more durable weapons with a higher skill level. Master Carpenters can even make industrial-quality Bats and Clubs from a Log with a Saw (rough cuts) and a Hammer and Screwdriver (chiseling / carving). All clubs and bats can be made into a "nailed" version that sacrifices durability for more damage. All weapons are repairable with Woodglue, Duct Tape, Glue, and Scotch Tape. Nailed weapons can also be fixed with Nails. Clubs are comparable to a hammer as a weapon, but are less durable (same as a Baseball Bat at Carpentry 8) and cannot be used to build. Homemade weapons (Carpentry 4) are slightly less durable, and Crude weapons (Carpentry 1) are even less durable and do a bit less damage. All weapons use vanilla Bat / Nail Bat artwork. Crude weapons can use Glue as a replacement for Woodglue, and Twine as a replacement for Duct Tape in the recipes (Twine cannot be used to repair at this time) to give more options for materials in low-loot situations. --- Recipes --- Crude Club -Carpentry: 1 -Saw (returned) -Plank x2 -Woodglue 40% of a bottle or Glue 40% of a bottle -Duct Tape 50% of a roll or Twine 60% of a spool Crude Bat -Carpentry: 1 -Saw (returned) -Plank x3 -Woodglue 60% of a bottle or Glue 60% of a bottle -Duct Tape 50% of a roll or Twine 60% of a spool Homemade Club -Carpentry: 4 -Saw (returned) -Plank x2 -Woodglue 40% of a bottle -Duct Tape 50% of a roll Homemade Bat -Carpentry: 4 -Saw (returned) -Plank x3 -Woodglue 60% of a bottle -Duct Tape 50% of a roll Club / Baseball Bat -Carpentry: 8 -Saw (returned) -Hammer (returned) -Screwdriver (returned) -Log Nailed Club / Bat (any quality) -Carpentry: None -Hammer (returned) -Weapon -Nails x1 Recipes will not display unless you have ALL the items and the necessary skill. Recipes display in-game as needing multiple glues / tapes / twines. This is the number of USES, not the number of rolls / bottles / spools needed. Woodglue and Twine = 5 uses, Duct Tape = 4 uses. All weapons in this mod can be made with just one full roll / bottle / spool of tape / glue / twine. Repairing with Woodglue requires level 2 Carpentry. Repairing with twine is not included because there aren't enough "slots" for repair items available for the nailed weapons at this time to include twine without removing a different item, as well as the fact that twine is not usable to repair anything else. Since this would make the repair recipes different than vanilla repair recipes, I've chosen not to enable twine as a repair item at this time. --- Changelog --- 1.4.31 -Added custom icons by WolfeClaw -Recipes updated for Build 31 (Homemade @ Carpentry 4, Master @ Carpentry 8) 1.3.30 -Weapon stats updated to match changes to melee weapons since Build 27 1.2.27 -Carpentry 5 recipes now require a Hammer and Screwdriver for fine carving, alongside the Saw for rough cuts 1.1.27 -Added Carpentry 5 Club -same recipe as Carpentry 5 Bat -stats similar to a Hammer with durability equal to a Baseball Bat -Carpentry 1 (Crude) weapons have more options for recipe materials -Glue can be used instead of Woodglue -Twine can be used instead of Duct Tape -Removed Duct Tape from Carpentry 5 recipes --- Known Issues --- Sometimes the recipes will not be visible if you have EXACTLY enough tape / glue / twine left. Any help with a fix would be appreciated! --- Permissions and Credits --- Coded by Dudeman325 Icons by WolfeClaw Please attempt to contact me via PM before redistributing this mod, either altered or intact. You are, of course, more than welcome to alter this mod for your own personal use without permission. I will make a point to change these permissions if I am not able to keep this mod up-to-date with the current version of PZ. Have fun, and PLEASE post here if you have any questions, comments, or bug reports! Thanks!
  3. They're Crawling Out! PZ Mod v 0.1 Killed all zombies in the area? Happy with your impenetrable fortress? Bored with living in a backwater all your life, cultivating carrots and daisies? (grim laughter) The forces of darkness have risen coprses lying for many years below ground. The dead and buried come to life. They are emerging from under the ground, crawling out, searching for the only survivor, smelling fresh meat! The deeper their grave is, the longer their way out from down below, and the stronger they are. ------------------------- Well, enough pathetics The purpose of this mod is to vary the late game a bit. After some days of gameplay (their number can be modified in settings) new zombies start to appear not far from the player. Because they can't appear out of nowhere, I've decided that they should appear from under the ground, cause it's the only place (in theory) where corpses can be found after you cleared the area (yeah, I know, it's dragged in by the head and shoulders, but .. why not?). So be careful, they can appear inside your fortress. Anyway, they can't break through house floor or asphalt road. If there's much asphalt/floor/water in the area, it would be unlikely for a zombie to find the way out. The plants also stay intact (because the soil was digged up already and no corpses were found). The time between zombie appearances can be modified in mod settings. New zombies walk towards player position. As time goes by, new zombies become more tough (this can also be turned on/off in settings). A little bonus: as the groung becomes digged up while zombie is crawling out, sometimes a worm or two can be found near.. Installation: Unpack into \Users\<Username>\Zomboid\mods\ Settings: Mod settings are kept in file "settings.ini" in mod folder. Notes: As it's my first mod and I spent only a couple of days making it, it's a bit ugly and must have some bugs. So be careful with your long-played-games. Anyway, it works for me. As i play only single player, I have no idea how it'll work in MP. As I'm using VirtualZombieManager, the zeds are not permanent. If someone could help me making them permanent on the map and/or modifying their stats (except health), that would be very much appreciated Download: Latest version v0.3 is here. Thanks: To all modders & devs, I learned a lot from their source code
  4. So I've used this nifty little mod once in a while. More or less for modding testing purposes but decided to clean it up a bit and release for anyone to use and so here it is DOWNLOAD(reference last updated to Build 30.16) INSTRUCTIONS:You know how you can now write stuff onto notebooks, journals, and doodles right? Well get yourself one of them to write on and then follow this simple instructions. 1) write this line "materialistic wish granting machine activate:" This activates the mod. 2) press enter, in the second line write "=itemID,quantity-" Replace 'itemID' with the ID of an item, looks something like 'module.itemName' (e.g. Base.Axe). Then replace 'quantity' with how many units of that item you want (e.g. 1). 3) press the "OK' button and watch the magic happen as the item spawns in your inventory! Don't worry if you mess up on the second line, as long as you get the first line right something should show up in the command prompt (that runs along with the game) telling you what went wrong.P.S: the mod is case-sensitive and doesn't guess what you 'meant' to write or complete words for you, so make sure to enter everything correctly without misspelling. Here is an example: materialistic wish granting machine activate:=Base.Lollipop,1- Reference: so I made this little program that went through all the item script files of the game and stripped all the item IDs, compiling them all in a reference.txt file. You can find this text file inside the mod folder. Use this to find whatever is that you need if you not sure. I did a quick scroll through and found some hiccups here and there but for the most part is pretty useful. Use Ctrl+F to search through faster. P.S.S: you can also spawn items from any mod with this, you'll just have to know their itemIDs. For example if I wanted to spawn a quart jar from my Canning Essentials Mod I would write '=CanningEssentials.GlassQuartJar,1-'. P.S.S.S: I did make this mod with somewhat of a modder perspective so if you have no PZ modding background whatsoever and find it too difficult to use or have any suggestions, feel free to comment. And That's it, Enjoy!
  5. So I spent some time and updated a few mods to work with build 25. I figure a few people out there might get some use out of them before they are officially updated at least. I have gotten the following mods working: BasseriDriedFruit (link, removed until permission received. Updated version posted here anyway. Oh well.) CraftHelper (link, all credit to the original author: peanuts and Omegapl. Removed since Omegapl's version is updated and works) DestroyItems (Written by me. Special thanks to RoboMat for his mod tutorials) HideBodies (link,credit to johndough. This was a very early version of his corpse mod found here before he added more items, chance of infection, etc) KinyoshiModsPZTransmorpheringBatsMod (link, all credit to kinyoshi) Recycling (link, all credit to Ramibuk) RMLockpickingMod (link, all credit to RoboMat) RMUnpackBags (link, all credit to RoboMat) RMUtility (link, all credit to RoboMat) WoodenDowels (link, all credit to Onkeen. Out of date. Some newer items not available for construction.) Yet Another Weapon Mod (link, all credit to NCrawler. Spawn chances seem low. You may want to look into adjusting them.) ZSpawn (link, all credit to Spyder638, dylan1313 and EcentriCreation. Out of date. Newer items not included and trying to wield a molotov cocktail caused my game to crash. That's what happens when you spawn an item that isn't really supported by the current version of the game though. Basic item spawning seems to work fine. Removed since Necro Forge seems better and more up to date, though still pretty dead at this point.) Lots of text to follow. TLDR: No rights reserved. Credit to the original authors. No guarantees anything will work. DestroyItems was a script I made (after basically stealing it from a guide RoboMat wrote. Thanks RM!). I was ending up with a huge number of useless broken items after surviving for long periods of time (first world zombie apocalypse problems, I know) and I wanted a way to just get rid of them. I used to make a fire pit and put them inside it and put it out (role playing like I was burying them) but that doesn't work anymore. With the recycling mod and eventually composting hopefully that will be a thing of the past for me. For now though just select any number of items or item stacks, right click, select destroy item(s), and they are gone forever. I have it set up so bags are ignored and won't be deleted to avoid unfortunate accidents as well, because who wants to delete bags with (potentially) all their stuff in them? Just to avoid any responsibility I will say I don't guarantee that to work (even though it most definitely should), so be careful too just to be sure. HideBodies was something johndough wrote that removes zombie bodies so I can maintain some semblance of my ocd composure and keep my safe house corpse free. The blood still gets to me but something is better than nothing. Just right click a corpse and you should get an option to hide it. ANYWAY, wall of text aside, all credit goes to the original authors of course. Hopefully they don't mind my modifications. It was mostly just moving files into their respective client or server folders. I haven't tested everything so no guarantees they will all work perfectly. I have also not tested anything with multiplayer (and I have no idea how MP modding works) so these are provided without any guarantee or warranty. If anyone would like to adjust other mods that I have not included, try putting the lua folder in a folder called 'client'. Any mod that adds new items to the world itself (like the recycling mod) would need the part of the file that adds those items to the SuburbsDistributions and has a require "Items/SuburbsDistribbutions"; line (or any similar line for other map areas) in a folder called 'server' instead of 'client'. Well that is more than enough typing. Let me know if you have any problems and I'll try to help. I have links to the mods below that shouldn't die anymore. Enjoy External links: DestroyItems HideBodies Kinyoshi's Transmorphering Bats Mod Recycling RMLockpickingMod RMUnpackBags RMUtility Wooden Dowels Yet Another Weapon Mod Edit: looks like that file upload size limit is pretty rigid. How smart of them Please use the external link for any I couldn't attach. I'll upload the rest here if there is interest, I can figure out how to do it, and it is allowed. Edit #2: I've removed links to mods I wasn't absolutely sure I had permission to post. I will see if I can get as many as I can back up shortly. Edit #3: Recycling distributions weren't working. Fixed now. Edit #4: Put the older mods back up with proper links and credit given, still working on permission for others Edit #5: Added ZSpawn, YAW, and external links. Edit #6: Added RoboMat's Lockpicking and Unpack Bags mod as he changed permission to "Credit where it's due" Edit #7: Removed mods which are no longer necessary for me to maintain, fixed the download links, and removed the TIS forum hosted files since the new links shouldn't die on me. Most mods should still work with build 30, though I haven't tested much.
  6. Hello! This is my first mod release for PZ (Well any game actually...). Enjoy! Feedback/Bug reports are appreciated! Special thanks to forum user AnonPrime (http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/user/19537-anonprime/) for his tremendous help and insight on the ins and outs of PZ modding. This mod currently adds two lanterns to the game: - LED Lantern - Takes batteries. Lasts as long as the flashlight. - Gas Lantern - Takes gas (Petrol) and lasts about twice as long as the LED lantern. Uses a quarter of a can of gas to fill. Both are about as common as the flashlight. - Issues/Bugs - - The Gas Lantern cannot be refilled when it is not completely empty. - The Gas lantern cannot be refilled by a Gas Can that is less than 25% full. (Has a used delta of less than 0.25) - The icons are not all that great and are just a simple recolor of each other. I am terrible at art and welcome any submissions. - Mod Permissions - http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/2530-mod-permissions/?p=36477 - Image Copyright Info - The icons and images used thus far are licensed under the Creative Commons Deed CC0 and can be found here: http://pixabay.com/en/lantern-light-oil-lamp-black-metal-151524/ ChickensLanternMod-v0.5.zip
  7. FlourCraft v1.1.30 for Build 30 (works with Build 31, too!) By Dudeman325 Download at PZ-Mods --- Install --- 1- Extract the rar to your mods folder (shown in-game in the Mods menu) 2- Enable "FlourCraft" in the Mods menu 3- Eat and survive! --- What does this mod do? --- This mod adds new recipes and food items made primarily from flour. Get more variety out of your ration stockpile by making pancakes and noodles, or survive on simple gruel as your stomach rumbles for more palatable fare... --- The recipes and foods --- Bowl of Gruel -15 Hunger +30 Unhappiness +30 Boredom Recipe: 2 Water + 1 Flour + Bowl Not very appetizing, but is simple to make and still fills you up. Bowl of Sweetened Gruel -15 Hunger +10 Unhappiness +10 Boredom Recipe: 2 Water + 1 Flour + 1 Sugar + Bowl Tastes a little bit better, but not much. Homemade Pancakes -20 Hunger -10 Unhappiness -10 Boredom Dangerous uncooked (Cook 12min / Burn 17min) Recipe: Bowl (keep) + 1 Water + 1 Flour + 1 Sugar + 1 Yeast + 1 Egg or Wild Egg (foraged) Just like Mom used to make! (Before she became Mombie) Dry Ramen Noodles = 1 Water + 1 Flour + Rolling Pin (keep) + Butter Knife or Kitchen Knife or Hunting Knife (keep) I know this is a bit simplified compared to real noodle making, but is workable for the time being. The numbers listed for Water / Flour / Sugar / Yeast are the number of uses, not the number of whole items. --- Changelog --- 1.1.30 -fixed pancake cook/burn times. They still cook/burn quickly, so keep an eye on them! --- Permissions and Credits --- FlourCraft was made by Dudeman325 Please attempt to contact me via PM before redistributing this mod, either altered or intact. You are, of course, more than welcome to alter this mod for your own personal use without permission. I will make a point to change these permissions if I am not able to keep this mod up-to-date with the current version of PZ. Have fun, and PLEASE post here if you have any questions, comments, or bug reports! Thanks! (Sorry if I'm stacking up too many threads in this section. Maybe I should consolidate any mods I may make in the future into one compiled thread...)
  8. Svarog

    Paint Mod

    A very simple mod I made for myself so I could upgrade my safehouse a little faster. I play on sandbox with every loot setting set to Very Rare so finding enough paint of same color is a pain, plaster, even more so but I still want my base painted. Not to mention, I could paint entire room in my house with one can of paint and before that, plaster said room's walls with two bags of plaster. I hope someone can find some use for this. Features: - Paint 20 walls with one can of paint - Plaster 10 walls with a single bucket of plaster. Mediafire Download Link http://www.mediafire.com/download/3hxk3v89dhh7o8q/SvarogsPaintMod.7z
  9. I finally found the time to edit the profs and traits to my liking. I´m still not finished with my overhaul, but it is working pretty well already and gets rid of a bunch of not working traits. So what does the mod do? Adds 3 new professions, each starts with a level in the according skill:FisherDoctorFarmerRemoves some traits that aren´t working right now:PatientShort temperedBroodingLight drinkerHeavy drinkerCurrently two languages (english and german) supported, detects the gamelanguage automatically How to install? Simply unzip the file below and copy the "CoxisProfs"-folder to your "Zomboid/mods"-folder, start the game and activate it. After that, restart the game to be on the safe side. Bugs You still need to earn a skill point and spend it on the given professionskill. If someone knows how to set the level with LUA please tell me.DOWNLOAD
  10. Fur Clothes v 1.3.31 for Build 31 (1.2.31 still available at the PZ Nexus for those not on IWBUMS) Coded by Dudeman325 Icons by WolfeClaw Download at the Project Zomboid Nexus Download at PZ-Mods --- Install --- 1- Extract the rar to your mods folder (shown in-game in the Mods menu) 2- Enable "Fur Clothes" in the Mods menu 3- Show off your fancy new duds! --- What does this mod do? --- Want to stay a bit warmer during those cold winter nights, but sweaters and pants aren't warm enough? Put those trapping skills to use and make some warmer clothing! This mod adds new recipes for skinning Rabbits and Squirrels (as well as Rats and Mice for Expert Trappers) that give Fur alongside the meat you would normally get, and recipes to use that fur, a needle, and some thread to make Fur Coats and Fur Pants. The old skinning recipe for squirrels and rabbits (Cut Animal) is still available, but you shouldn't use it if you want to get fur as well as meat. Instead, use the new recipes (Skin Rabbit / Squirrel / Rat / Mouse). You still get the same meat with -hunger adjusted by the same formula, the same Cooking xp, as well as multiple furs depending on the type of animal and your Trapping skill. As of now, fur clothing looks exactly the same as Sweaters and Pants. The color of the clothes you get is completely random, there is no method that I know of to choose a color of clothing without editing / making new art assets, which I am not capable of. If you know how to do this, please contact me! Last, I'm well aware that you cannot freeze to death as of the current build, and that being extremely cold has a very minimal effect (according to the wiki, a penalty to your situational awareness). I made this as an immersion mod, because I didn't like that I was still getting very cold while sleeping even with the warmest clothing, and I wanted to add a little more value to the Trapping skill. --- Changelog --- v 1.3.31 *Fur Clothing temperature bonus increased (Coat 26, Pants 18) *Fur required to make Clothing increased (Coat 26, Pants 18) *Added Fur Bundle item with custom icon *Added recipes to bundle / unbundle x20 furs *Animals that can be skinned and amount of furs gained now based on Trapping skill *Skinning animals (only new recipes added by this mod) now rewards Trapping XP as well as Cooking XP v 1.2.31 * Added custom icon for Animal Fur by WolfeClaw v 1.1.30 * Removed Wooden Needle * Removed Twine from recipes * Recipes now use Needle and Thread * Increased Temperature of Fur Pants by 3 (now 15) * Animal Fur uses Dead Rabbit icon --- Recipes --- Skin Animal (Basic, Expert, Master) Requires: Kitchen / Hunting Knife Recieve: Meat + Fur Skinning Results by Trapping level 0 (untrained): Cut Animal (vanilla) recipes only 1: Rabbit (Basic) Fur x2 2: Squirrel (Basic) Fur x1 3: Nothing 4: Rabbit (Expert) Fur x3 5: Squirrel (Expert) Fur x2 6: Rat (Expert) Fur x1 7: Rabbit (Master) Fur x4 8: Squirrel (Master) Fur x3 9: Rat (Master) Fur x2 10: Mouse (Master) Fur x1 Fur Coat (Temperature 26) -Fur x26 -Needle -Thread 80% of a spool (8 uses) Fur Pants (Temperature 18) -Fur x18 -Needle -Thread 60% of a spool (6 uses) Fur Bundle -Fur x20 Unbundle Furs x20 -Fur Bundle Recipes will not display unless you have ALL the items in your inventory. Recipes display in-game as needing multiple threads. This is the number of USES, not the number of spools needed. Thread = 10 uses. Each item of clothing in this mod can be made with just one full spool of thread. Recipes cannot be removed as Trapping levels get higher, so make sure you use the best skinning recipe available --- Known Issues --- Sometimes the recipes will not be visible if you have EXACTLY enough thread left. Any help with a fix would be appreciated! I'm aware that Fur Clothes cannot be ripped into Ripped Sheets. This is an intentional disadvantage to offset the additional warmth, and it doesn't make much sense to me to use a dirty animal skin as a bandage. --- Permissions and Credits --- Coded by Dudeman325 Icons by WolfeClaw Please attempt to contact me via PM before redistributing this mod, either altered or intact. You are, of course, more than welcome to alter this mod for your own personal use without permission. I will make a point to change these permissions if I am not able to keep this mod up-to-date with the current version of PZ. Have fun, and PLEASE post here if you have any questions, comments, or bug reports! Thanks!
  11. BinxB


    so the first thing right off the bat I feel there needs to be a Doctor career for the game when build 30 is official. maybe a boost to first aid skill or naturally better bandages tho I feel the simplest thing could be just spawning with a first aid kit if you choose to be a doctor/EMT. i mean I know alot of people are gonna say thats OP to jsut find one but thats the point of a career to start with something you wanna specilize in
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