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Everything posted by mikaelkerensky

  1. Banned for this thread going on for entirely too long
  2. Od'ing on sleeping pills is also already a feature
  3. Banned for hating conformity! Gods damned hippies!
  4. Banned for being in league with the clown assassin.
  5. Iirc this is confirmed by the devs once npcs are implemented
  6. (best christopher walken impression i can muster) What part of sudden death... didn't you understand?
  7. agreed, but while we're on the topic... A friend of mine bought an heirloom quality battle ready sword from the local renn faire from this company (www.angelsword.com). This thing can shave paper, at the time held the world record for most number of tameshigiri cut through with a single swing (at 23) and can (and will, we've stress tested it) hold up to chopping down a medium sized oak tree with no visible wear and tear. It did cost him 4 grand though...
  8. This is why i just said if it's a negative trait there shouldn't be a way of overcoming it. If youre an alcoholic your an alcoholic irl. You may be able to stop with self help groups but if you ever pick up a drink again you fall right back down to where you left off (my mom is a recovering alcoholic so i would know). And i don't see too many 12 step programs popping up post zompocalypse.
  9. mikaelkerensky


    Speaking of fade, perhaps a fade feature could be implemented, to show "last i saw zombies were here when i turned my back". Wouldn't update to show where they moved when you weren't looking but it could serve as your characters "memory" of where they were last. Also, if you take the "keen hearing" positive trait a char creation it would be a nice bonus if something like a directional arrow popped up while your back waz turned to indicate "i just heard shuffling/moaning behind me"
  10. Or just make charcoal briquettes and lighter fluid additional rare sources of fuel
  11. If there are addictions they should play out in one of two ways. Negative starting trait=no way of overcoming it with gradual scale up of negative moodles for not attending to it, just like the food/water needs. In-game addiction=use it too often and there is a percent chance to become addicted, but once addicted if you can get through withdrawal symptoms you can break the habit. Or hidden option c, rp it in mp.
  12. Banned when Tharizdun, god of chaos, he who shall not be named, awakens
  13. Banned for nonsensical statements. Lose 5 IQ points and your next turn.
  14. That being said, i do know how to make field expedient diesel irl... Destroys the engine after 50 to 100 miles but it will get you out of town. Just need some used fryer oil and some household chemicals... Pun intended right? Lol, actually it wasn't, but now i wish it was.
  15. Ugh... Fifty pound explosive strapped to your back while running from now flaming zed. Max brooks says they're bad news and i agree... Though it would make for an interesting suicide if you get surrounded. Ka-BOOM!
  16. Since the devs have already confirmed vehicles for a while I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt that they won't be game breaking. They obviously have plans in mind. And even if they're OP to start, balancing will occur eventually. It's a long road from alpha to finished product.
  17. Had to look that one up. Based on qhat the article said, i could definitely see that being next. Bordering ukraine, already has 1200 russian "peacekeeping" troops inside. Very plausible.
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