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Everything posted by mikaelkerensky

  1. Ham radios would be a nice addition too i think. When official channels break down enthusiasts are often the last link to the outside world. http://qrper.com/2013/11/philippines-amateur-radio-association-committed-in-aftermath-of-haiyan/
  2. Putin has the brain of a hardcore Call of Duty fan, which is to say, none Completely disagree, he is a very intelligent person. He wouldn't be where he is if he weren't. And the methods he has used to acquire pieces of other countries are very well thought out and subtle. If he were stupid he wouldn't scare me so much. Hitler was stupid, made many tactical and strategic errors that we exploited to beat him. Putin won't make those kinds of mistakes.
  3. Thank you for replying so quickly! Vous etes impressionnant! Never expected combat or agility skills to get books. I too wish you could learn how to hack and slash from a book, but unfortunately you have to learn that by doing. Happy to hear fishing gets a book though, keep up the amazing work!
  4. Since fishing has been confirmed as soon™ I was wondering if there would be a skillbook associated with it or if it would be like agility and combat skills and have no book.
  5. Anyone, yes. But it's not an mp server so far.
  6. Like Shaun of the Dead's Ed https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=SZZMU4yiFqH7yAGjlYG4DQ&url=http://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DLiCq5yJchPA&cd=6&ved=0CDgQuAIwBQ&usg=AFQjCNH5mWF5tE8-9Z6HFF4GmSJFzSQGoA&sig2=cWO4tym825Jat8tM8UBhZw
  7. Also, even as a U.S. citizen I also judge the u.s. I've stated before on this topic that i don't agree with at least half of american foreign policy since ww2. We've done a lot of terrible shit over the years. So I understand that, as a country, we're not in a position to morally judge others actions. But as a citizen that has, realistically, very little control over foreign policy, i feel thatas an individual I can morally judge the actions of political leaders.
  8. Devs have already confirmed tool making at some point in the future iirc. Around the time hunting comes into play.
  9. There are no bad guys or good guys in this sort of conflict. It's a messy, unclear situation. Your average russian is a great guy. Hell, some of my ancestors were russian, so I even share their blood. But Putin scares the crap out of me. He's not doing what he does for the average russian. In the long run lots of regular people are going to suffer if this continues. I don't know anything about kosovo, I'll go look that up later. But the reason the west feels that the crimean referendum is illegitimate is because there were plenty of russian troops around to insure the vote went a certain way and there were no international observers there to make sure the election was free and fair.
  10. Looks like the police station in muldraugh
  11. Russia is going to take all of eastern ukraine and the west is going to play chamberlain and let it slide. Nato won't do a damn thing because they're too afraid of what a war with russia would lead to. How far will we let putin go before figuring shit out. I don't like comparing russia to nazi germany. Russia isn't evil. But tactically they're doing the same shit hitler did annexing austria and poland. How long before the russian equivalent of the blitzkrieg happens and wakes everyone up. The only thing stopping that is putin is smarter than hitler. He'll keep annexing bits and pieces of neighboring countries with majority russian speaking populations and the west won't do anything. Unless putin makes a mistake and overreaches himself.
  12. Very impressive! Congrats on the fine base you've cobbled together.
  13. The crisis is far from over. U.s. Government just pulled it's two tank divisions out of europe. Russia is still poised to invade eastern ukraine. Sanctions talk is ongoing. Putin could be encouraged to move on other places simply because he is so far away the u.s. And nato could do very little about it. Russia is about 10-20 uears from economic collapse under current circumstances. I still feel war is inevitable.
  14. Fun and bragging rights are fine by me. I'm claiming last place in advance.
  15. Mikaelkerensky... My handle pretty much everywhere
  16. Sounds interesting, but then there would be an intelligent zombie wandering around... ::shudder::
  17. It would have to be a mod because devs have stated no playing as a zombie. It won't ever be in the vanilla game.
  18. It was mentioned in at least one mondoid post that npcs would have character traits that would create storylines based on their traits. A shifty character foments unrest in a leaders camp and so on. Group dynamics are a big part of npc development and as such is one of the reasons it's taking so long to bring to fruition. If npcs are a quarter of what the devs intend it means a rich and detailed storyline whether your character is present or not. Truly an exciting development in pc gaming if they get the ai even close to their stated goals. Afaik no game currently in play has the scope of what the npcs in pz are capable of. I say, without hubris, that pz may be the creator of a new iteration of ai. We may all look back on this in 20 years as the birthplace of ingame ai.
  19. He guards the doors to every safehouse i build. Sad to say I've actually gone on a loot run with the specific purpose of finding a spiffo. Gladly i lived and lay my life down with a will!(to find a spiffo)
  20. Ohio river is right there, why not some kind of water wheel to generate power
  21. I shall say the most important question of all...ARE YOU ADDIN' COOKIES? +1
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