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Everything posted by getstoopid

  1. Wow didn't know that! Very sad that this was abandoned =/ It looks great
  2. The container problem could be solved in a simple way - just the torso is the container holding the items after the zombie was killed. The bigger problem I'd see is that "aiming" for a limb or something would make combat a tedious clickfest and very stressful though I like the idea of having more tactical options while fighting multiple zombies.
  3. Nope that wasn't what I meant or even said for that matter... it's just not the way infection was intended in vanilla. You want to change that? Go ahead and install a mod.. there are plenty out there that change the way infection works, maybe even a "State of Decay"-mod?
  4. Well the whole point of the zombie apocalypse (in PZ) is that it is not fair to you. It is deliberately not that kind of game. You got infected? You die... there is no "if".
  5. *handing over a shovel* Please bury the poor thread again when you are finished...
  6. Yup, would be really cool to have something like that to increase immersion. Not on the emergency channel though as this ought to be an automatic broadcast.
  7. I also think that farming should be not too complicated but some more that it is now would be quite interesting I guess, like greenhouses or mushrooms but let us wait what b42 has in store for us as they do actually work on improving it in multiple aspects afaik?
  8. I don't like this at all, though I'd agree that high ground is somewhat fun-killing, but a group of artistic circus-zombies doing the pyramidZ? That would be ridiculous.
  9. This would be at least a +4 trait I'd say.
  10. I'd love to see both ideas implemented =)
  11. Yep would love something like this too
  12. Some more details would be needed to understand what your ideas are exactly with those traits. "poor driver": what would it technically do because there is "sunday driver" already. "mute": would not be really an issue in multiplayer and in single player none at all. "scared of guns": what do you mean by "having a hard time" using them? instant panic, low aim or you simply can't use them? "driving instructor": what does "good at driving" mean in game terms? "half dead": the points-system does not work well with traits that have positive and negative effects at the same time. "delicious/disgusting": would be a multiplayer-only trait - at least for the time being. "shut in": "hard time" from a health perspective or stress?
  13. There is a dedicated server included, but never used it. I use a docker container for me and some friends ("afey/zomboid") - easy to host and manage, needs no maintaining and just works (aside from server state info which we don't really need).
  14. As for the newbie-introduction - it would actually take much from the game that makes it great and frustrating at the same time in your first tries to survive. I would agree that normally a game where you need to die many times to learn the basics of the game is a really bad design. However in pz it's exactly what this game is about. It is about exploring your possibilities and the "no-no"s and "do it better the next time".
  15. Interesting idea... should be a sanbox setting I think and maybe have its own setting when it will occur and with what chance. If it does would it be every tap or just some? Or all in one town?
  16. That would make sense of course but it would also reduce the necessity of some of the tools which would in turn make the first days way easier. If there would be a chance to injure yourself by being unskilled and increased by using (bad) improvised tools then there would be a tradeoff and I think it would be ok to implement.
  17. There is a mod you can use for the time being. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2737665235
  18. especially since a bite already leads to your death... a broken bone on top would not make much difference, I guess.
  19. I would not really understand why a zombie could cause a broken bone under normal circumstances? What other deep wound than a bite or laceration would be reasonable? I actually like the idea of risking some other unexpected wounds like a tiny chance to inflict a laceration while crafting something with low skill or even break a bone when disassembling something and "fail" or a bleeding cut to the hand when using a knife. But zombies?
  20. I like the idea of makeshift power generators with high electrical skill
  21. Would make sense to have in nearly all public buildings and even some (a few) private houses, at least in the kitchen.
  22. I totally agree with you that the game needs more ways of dealing with the zombies. It should give me more options to distract a horde or lure them into a nice mass-killing trap or whatever. How you build up your character, yes that's what I was talking about! =) But then what I don't get is why you take your buddy in the middle of a zombiehorde going slayer-barbarian-hero on them and ranting about him dying... if it was his story to lose his wits and start rampaging or just being that type of guy who always dreamed of this than it's also his story to die eventually caused by this one misstep. The only question is when will it happen... no small chance of surviving a bite would change that, no? The only thing that may change is that you got this one heroic bastard who even defied death the first time he got bitten! HA! Well, two weeks later he died after the second one *g
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