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Papa Juliet Whiskey

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Posts posted by Papa Juliet Whiskey

  1. On 5/14/2022 at 3:39 AM, TrailerParkThor said:


    Definitely is this, but I agree it should be handled better. There are a lot of holdovers from the primitive stages of the game: Overencumberance basically having no effect,



    Encumbrance does have effects, if I'm not mistaken.


    You lose fatigue much quicker when running or walking. Also, at max encumbrance, you don't regain any fatigue just standing around, like you normal would(same if you are at max tiredness, so I assume the negatives stack in this case.)



  2. I think there is a mod that makes your moodles(status effects, hunger, tired, etc) display with a higher degree of color contrast, but I don't know how much that would help, as I believe they only change the shades of red or green currently being used.

  3. Probably this way, because for a while, build 41 was single player, unless playing coop. Would be bad for game play in that sense, having your unqualified character bleed out every time you get into a car crash, or climbing over a glass covered window frame.


    Regardless, in its current state, first-aid is a rather lackluster skill. I'm guessing that multiplayer is a thing now, they may take a look at rebalancing skills. 


    I think their aim is to have the skills work in such a way, that surviving alone in the wilderness is something that is viable to a degree, do I've got no idea what their specific plans are.

  4. I use a bit of RP where I can to add some flavor to the game. I try to have each character I create to have some goal, or quirk that I add in myself. It's all in your head.


    One character I made had a car fetish, so I set up a small base near some parking lot (the fenced lot in Riverside, I  this case), and made a self imposed rule to drag back a car from every make, in every color I can find. Then, at some point, he managed to die(go figure, he?).


    Next character on that world save was a gamer nerd. (I did use a mod that ads 'payable' PC games). Had him set up in a warehouse, scoured the world for computers and games, then set up a lan party gaming cave, with the hope that life'll return to normal someday, and him and his buddies can get back to nerding it up on the regular. He was asthmatic, got tuckered out, cornered and eaten.


     The next character? Eddie "The Bum" Leger, a homeless dude who existed in my hometown growing up. He'd get himself onto "trouble" with the law during the winters, who let him stay at the local jail, out of the storm (true story). I got the zuper cart mod, and imposed a no car rule. So every loot run he was on, it was just him, a backpack and his trusty shopping cart. He liked booze, and out of an old habit from the life he once lived, I make him pickup any bottles and cans he comes across. A bit of a hermit, I built no bases, and had him move from place to place, drinking every drop of booze he came across, the moment he found it.


    Don't remember how he died... but the next character was a mechanic who stumbled upon a car lot, the same from the first character, and decided to build an auto body shop, collecting all the car parts he could. I also had him keep a journal that he wrote in everyday.


    Next guy collected mannequins, dressed them in various outfits. First responders, fast food servers, boxers, soldiers, etc.


    One character lived almost exclusively in the wilderness, only going into towns to gather things they couldn't find or make in the wild.


    Another character is one of my ex girlfriends who I created only to run into the first horde I saw. Vengeful? Perhaps a little.


    I know none of this is built into the game, at least in its current state, but this is how I keep things fresh.


    And who knows, maybe 1.0 will swing in sooner, rather than later.


    Or more realistically, whenever they finish it.

    NPCs will hopefully add something more tangible,  but that happens in its own due course.

  5. There is an option I  sandbox mode, which I think is on by default, that causes them to avoid hitting doors and windows without seeing or hearing the player, or meta events. I don't think this applies to player built structures though. 


    When off, they tend to bash against anything they can.

  6. On 4/6/2022 at 4:32 AM, WhiskeyTangoFoxX said:


    • Player behaviour: Players are assholes. You have to always keep that in mind when designing games with multiplayer. Every feature you add needs to be thought out in particular regard to how easily it is exploited to ruin other player's fun. I don't think I need to elaborate too much on how a "reproduction" system can be used to abuse players.

    "Kurt Russel, what's going on in there?" *kshkt*


    "They're [abusing] us!"




    "They're [abusing] us and it hurts!!"

  7. I will admit, zeds bashing doors for no reason does break immersion to a degree, as does pathing around tall chain link fences. I'm guessing the devs'll probably make those fences thumpable at some point. 


    I don't know of they can be destroyed by zeds, but playing last night, I noticed I was able to deconstruct wooden shed walls. Maybe thumpable walls are coming? (Cannot disassemble other houses walls at the moment, and disassembling wooden walls could be from a mod, don't remember seeing anything on the dev blog)


    Windows are little more believable, or doors with windows. Glass reflects light, after all, and in my mind, it's just a knuckle brain trying to get at his reflection.


    Regardless, if they can't find ways to get to you, I imagine it would make for a bland playthrough.


    It does bother me that once a zed starts paying attention to a door or window, the only way to get their attention is to walk right up to them. Horns, gunshots and sirens - no. Invading your space though? Why not?


    Does '93 Kentucky have a stand your ground law or something?


    Invariably, I have faith and hope that someday, zombie pathing will get some TLC down the road.

  8. I've lit many a cigarette in a toaster myself over the years when I find myself fireless. Give a use for the toaster furniture piece that just serves as decoration at the moment.


    Now,  leaning over a  fireplace can be a little dicey when it comes to lighting a smoke... oddly enough, it gets a little too hot to lean into. But there are always embers than can be drug out or, or light a twig on fire, and problem solved.

  9. Has this always been a thing. I feel like I never noticed it until somewhat recently.


    I assume it is a mechanism to combat the tactic of just hiding inside, and slapping on max time lapse. I use a ui mod, and boredom starts accruing the second you walk indoors, or sit in a car, and falls once you head outside.


    I'm sure there is a better way to handle this. The rate ate which you wind up hitting max depression as a result of boredom seems a little high at times.


    Of course, it could be some infrainfrastructure for some, as of yet, unknown future feature.

  10. I would love to see varying depths of water. It would be cool to ford or wade through shallower streams and such. And maybe have shallow bits freeze and be walkable during winter, and maybe flood more in the spring, making it deeper, or add a current mechanic that can sweep a character off their feet, giving all gear carried maximum "wetness" value. Maybe cause stuff to weigh more when wet as well.


    Make moisture a threat.


    Speaking of which, anyone know the actual effects.of being wet in game, at the moment? I know it can cause you to get a cold, but I don't know if that is weather/temperature dependent or not.

  11. I like it. Any mechanic that allows certain routes to become impassable would add to the sense of immersion. Things don't always work out in real life, why not zomboid?


    There's a boat mod that exists which allows swimming in game at the moment. No idea if it is on the devs radar.

  12. Internal car temperature is a thing, and can be adjusted using the heater/ac or have opened windows. Cars are usually, with closed windows, warmer than whatever temperature it is outside of the car.


    I do not know off hand, however, if that includes vehicles parked in doors. And I'm not 100%, but I think the temperature in those cars is different depending on what seat you are relative to what windows are open.


    But I am with you on temperature indoors being efected by open or closed windows. 22 degrees Celsius in buildings with power regardless of the windows being open, or slightly warmer(or cooler, can't remember which way it swings)than the outdoor ambient temperature seems a little janky.


    I'm pretty sure this is something the developers mean to address in a future build. Looking at the details they are aiming for with regards to NPCs and animals, I gotta believe this is something they mean to tweak.

  13. A lot of the baricaded houses tend to have a handfull of zeds inside of them. Unless it's unintended, janky coding resulting in this, I have got to assume that someone barricaded them in as opposed to keep them out.


    Maybe someone holding out hope that they can find a cure their infected friends and family.


    Of course, the weapon stashes almost suggest that is less the case.


    I don't know the proper answer to this. Perhaps one of moderators can clarify this better.

  14. Sounds like a bunch of good ideas, but I have one gripe.


    Palisades. They were not meant to be spears pointing outward, but rather a wall. They should have pointed tops most of the time, I would assume.

  15. OK, let me get this straight. My character can't f-EXPLETIVE DELETED-k other characters, or have babies, but the cows and chickens can? Sheesh. ;p


    Can we at least make love to our sheep?


    All April foolery aside, I think I may have shit myself when y'all revealed that our food is able to be selectively bred.


    I'm blown away by the level of detail you guys are launching into the next build. Keep er up.




  16. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if there a lot of long term players that don't realise their in the game. Like I mentioned, I spent at least a 100 or so hours before I've set one alarm off.


    And at somewhere over 1000 hours, I'm sure I've only seen it half a dozen times 


    And more recently, I think I set a couple of them off, but didn't get any sound. The headlights were flashing though, and if I recall, it managed to draw in a crowd.

  17. They could also provide a hunting opportunity for players as we'll. And like in real life, they'll likely flee if attacked.


    In so far as wolves are concerned, I do like the idea that they'd eventually repopulate areas after some amount of time has passed. Don't know how long that time should ultimately be, as I don't know where wolf populations aren't presently,  or in 93 for that matter.


    They could also add an extra layer of immersion if they do show up by shadowing player groups, looking for food scraps and such, and perhaps attacking occasionally if starved enough. That's pretty much how dogs became a thing, so no reason not to emulate that to a degree.


    Maybe even lure zeds closer to player camps, or potentially alerting players to incoming hordes by howling a bunch, or just going totally quiet and fleeing the area(not sure how wolves would respond to the undead, treat them like any other player character, or attack and/or flee the zeds )

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