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King Kitteh

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Everything posted by King Kitteh

  1. AFAIK this was specifically for pretending to be a zombie and/or wearing zombie guts to disguise yourself from zombies. Wearing perfume wouldn't really fall under this, it's just masking your scent a little.
  2. Ha! I've found it! There's no zombie apocalypse! Lemmy, you genius! We're just on a giant set for "Thank God you're here!". Guess I should invest more points in the 'comedic improv' trait.
  3. They may help you indirectly some day. By killing zombies and clearing hordes of infected. But they'll never give you a crate of supplies.
  4. Military be like, dayum that's one fine lookin' survivor. Let's get a closer look, ey? Or at least, that's what they do to me. Not bragging or anything... But yes, Helicopters have been berated for not doing anything other than attracting zombies. The devs have said there will be no military help, so it won't ever drop you supplies, at least not intentionally. "Ooh crap, *hic* I dropped me whiskey!" "Shutup Wilson, wait. Who's flying?" "*hic* Wha?"
  5. Perhaps through schooling? I learnt about it in primary school when we had an excursion to a sewage treatment plant. That excursion wasn't the greatest... As for the idea itself. Eh, not really interested. To get that sort of thing to work well it'd take a lot of effort and probably still be unrealistic in many aspects. It's the sort of thing that someone should make as a mod.
  6. That's sounds pretty good for RP. Although, you can already poison people by making food with poison berries or mushrooms in them. Although I've heard some people say it shows the poison symbol.
  7. What can I say? I'm a lickable likeable guy. The joke was that I was being extremely ruthless and intolerant to the issue. What you said wasn't badly worded. That said, you're above regulation brain activity for a slav- happy camper! Yes camper. Please take this inject of liquid loveliness. Edit: Also you didn't seem to bother reading Lemmy's wall of text which explained the issue. (Although I admit to giving up after the first few)
  8. You meant to use "queasy" but I think you misspelled it as "squeasy", which isn't really a word but makes you think of something that you can squeeze. So it was the idea that when infected the player would become mushy and easy to squish that I found funny. Anyway I agree with your core idea, it would be neat I guess. Only real issue is that it might be confusing to new players. "Why did I feel so sick and then nothing happened?" Edit: Turns out this is a Squeasy
  9. I approve. In all seriousness though, I'm not sure how you're going to get people to feel more emotional with their character, and forcing them to won't work. There will always be the person who picks the traits that are the most beneficial, the person who dies 10 times trying to build a giant castle. I think people who truly value their character still get the sense of hope as they wait tensely hoping the queasy moodle won't appear. The suspense until it does is enough in my opinion.
  10. I don't really think this is a great idea if everyone is a hypochondriac. I mean, there are people who would be in denial of getting infected. Saying to themselves "it'll all be okay". And if they truly aren't infected they wouldn't experience bad symptoms. Of course that's pretty much the default for all characters currently. I guess you could change it so all characters are hypochondriacs by default and have optimistic be a positive trait or something that means you only feel sick when you really are. Doctors reassuring sounds neat though.
  11. PZ! Now with 1000% more Wall o' Text! Lemmy, my dear lemmy. Please do not pander so eagerly to us mere mortals, or we may begin to take you for granted. You need a day off. Infact, you need all the days off. Don't worry, I've called the Contractor, the Forced Labor camp should be done by next week. He assured me that forum goers indeed have no rights and we can classify the prison as a mandatory Summer Camp.
  12. If you would sir. Please step into this small room containing a computer and bucket. Pay no attention to me locking the door behind you, all is well. On topic, I must admit that I am somewhat melancholic about this game's choice to further distance itself from i's original inspiration. Typing of the Dead. A true masterpiece.
  13. Also if you wanted to make the medicines more brutal (but still accessible by non-doctors) you could place the pills in two varieties, prescription and over the counter. Prescription medicine could have potentially dangerous side effects from overdose or even if used before a meal or with alcohol. Potential death from overdose or mixing. Over the Counter medicine would have minimal side effects or chance of overdose, and so a relatively safe bet for non-doctors. Chance of sickness if mixed or overdosed on, not death. Edit: Prescription medicine should also be more effective when used correctly.
  14. I was thinking, currently herbalists are the only ones that can see what berries and mushrooms are poisonous. But what about if bottles of pills were given random side effects only doctors understood. Effects could be sleepiness, alertness, anxiety etc. Also they could see if mixing some types of pills would have a negative effect (possibly even death from too many types?). Injury from mixed medicines would be avoidable to non-doctors as they would simply only take one type of pill.
  15. If it's not bad enough to be a problem, then I don't really mind. But it still isn't great when the reason for a certain choice is "I can't be bothered". I've stated my opinion. As long as there is a reason for for either choice I don't mind really (as long as the reason isn't "the other option is too inconvenient"). I'll be a bit more lenient on RNG though, I can understand it's importance in non-fatal situations. I wouldn't mind having higher risks of infections from amateur surgery work and such.
  16. RNG can be okay when it's balanced by repetition. You fight zombies so often that the RNG of a zombie taking 20 hits one time evens out with the ones that go down in one shot. Having to wear oven mitts would just be annoying IMO. It just adds another unnecessary step to game play, and there's no reason not to wear them so you end up lugging oven mitts everywhere.
  17. Also I believe the devs are considering amputations, perhaps as a one time cure for a bite or scratch. I assume high level doctor skill would be necessary for 'SAWING YOUR FREAKEN' ARM OFFâ„¢', also it provides a solution to the "doctor is useless for bite or scratch".
  18. This is true, but this is a game not real life, and when playing a game RNG can be really annoying. I do agree with doctors being somewhat useless though. Maybe you should look at more negative ramifications for amateur doctoring, or even self doctoring. Try not to make it down to RNG though.
  19. Still not great. If you want more chances of injury look to things where you have a choice to do something faster which a chance of injury. For example, breaking into a house through the window. Assuming the window is locked and you intend to smash the glass, you are now given two choices. Remove glass then climb through, takes longer but has no risks. Or, climb through window with shards still in it. Faster but more dangerous. Here the player has a choice with a risk involved, it is RNG yes, but it is preventable RNG. Also, something with risks involved should have an upside (or perceived upside).
  20. Things like hurting yourself from being clumsy/panicked/fat are already planned. If you watch the animation video you can see a player tripping over a fence. As for things like cutting yourself while cooking or hurting your hand. I really don't like this. It's just annoying to have RNG punish you randomly. If there's nothing the player could have done to prevent it, it's not a good idea. It'd be like if you had a chance of pricking your finger when suturing unless you wore a thimble, it's just inconvenient. Edit: My example was showing that even if you could prevent it, it'd be a hassel.
  21. We should take all the people who complain about NPCs and put them in a sweatshop. In the sweatshop they each have a small room, with a bucket and a computer. Installed on the computer is PZ (and ticktacktoe for some reason), they are then forced to act as NPCs on other PZ players Single Player worlds. This is the most obvious solution, two birds with one stone! Complainers disappear, and they also get a free bucket! Meanwhile everyone else gets to play with NPCs, albeit NPCs who complain about some evil Indie Stone conspiracy where they're trying to enslave people for cheap labor (wait, isn't that what game development is?).
  22. I think that the risk of falling is a bit bad. It basically throws your life into the roll of a dice. Maybe make it so instead there's a chance of it breaking when you're at the bottom (you grab it to climb up and it pulls the nail out). That way there is no injury. Also if someone could set sheet ropes to only allow climbing down, you could get zombie accessible houses on MP but still allow players to use sheet ropes as an escape.
  23. Bud, they made be undead, but zombies still have standards. I ain't eating no grubby 12 year old's brain, I think I might actually get a little dumber if I did, and I can't even find my hands!
  24. This has been suggested many times, and the general consensus is that this would be a welcomed addition.
  25. Necroing a thread doesn't apply to the suggestion forum (in most cases). As long as you have something new to add, you can revive a thread.
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