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Everything posted by SurvivingTestSubject

  1. No... the difference is in claim. I am claiming by experience/observation which makes it subjective. Whelp, I guess this sums it up. Yours is a baseless opinion, which means it's unassailable. Wait, that's just not the case either, is it? Sometimes opinions are wrong. I'm sorry you seem to believe just because something is subjective that means it can't be argued against, but that's not the way it works in reality. But this sums up this conversation nicely- you believe that because yours is an "opinion" no one should be allowed to argue with you, and you don't have to provide any proof. Because it's an opinion. The fact remains that despite your sources, you are still unqualified to make any claims regarding what percent of PZ is mentally ill. Sure, you can have that opinion, but that still makes you wrong. Still unqualified, still impossible to judge. But hey... why argue or discuss what I am actually saying... why not strawman this as I am saying every member of the pz community or the pz pvp community, despite that I obviously play pvp, is actually antisocial. Its so much easier to fight strawmen than to engage in an intellectually honest conversation. Well hot damn, you defined irony for us. Typical internet logic- uses the word "strawman" in the same sentence as using a red herring to distract from the truth, and making it seem like I'm accusing you of something I'm not. If you want I can send you a link to a nice imgur post with all of the logical fallacies listed, it might be easier than alt-tabbing to Wikipedia between every post to search for them. As in if superior evidence, reason, or expertise that is more objective than I was to appear I would yield to it. Its the mark of maturity that my opinions are not apart of me and are changeable upon proper warrant. Search hierarchy of debate. Also its just being intellectually honest. But your opinion is merely that, an opinion, that you haven't provided any relevant sourcing for what so ever... and have made inform logic fallacies as well as discredited claims.Which the whole of your argument seems to be based on a misrepresentation of what I wrote... which I would say is a strawman. I guess you wouldn't. But since you cannot prove I am wrong... or even that my claim is wrong or somehow faulty... being subjective is not wrong or faulty... that means by the typical expectations of a real-world debate you have forfeited. I am glad you have seen the light that we just have different opinions. Its almost like I have seen you grow emotionally just a little bit to see that its okay when people don't agree...
  2. I quoted psychologytoday and time magazine who specifically discuss the malbehavior in question and points out this is antisocial. But no... as pointed out repeatedly... just liking the game... or doing pvp... or doing bandit activity does not in of itself make you antisocial... I am guessing you didn't read anything I wrote... Because likewise... diagnosing means something very specific to me... I am a former nursing student with a focus in psychiatry actually, with the intention of becoming a nurse practitioner who would be working in the field of mental health... To me when you say diagnose is nearer to the end of a process which gives the best explanation based on objective (observable and testable) and subjective (witnessed by the patient and informants). And when it comes to mental health its not exactly easy to do this and apart of why many people with mental illness can receive a lot of various diagnoses and also because the definitions of mental illness in of themselves overlap a lot. Also adverse symptoms that may be unknown due to various reasons, to the patient because of lack of insight, and to those around them because it is not pronounced enough... may mean that someone is for example diagnosed with major depressive disorder but not bipolar disorder because manic episodes are not yet known and the person when experiencing them is not so aware of a change in their behavior. So... What I did would be in the terming of the craft is somewhere between a hunch and preliminary differential diagnosis, that is looking at a group of behaviors that is being complained about and aligning them with context under something to look into... if you don't do this you would never have any idea where to go with any case what so ever. At the very start of any case though is a preliminary differential diagnosis... which is just that... its like someone comes into an ER with obvious signs of a heart attack so the preliminary differential diagnosis is heart attack, to use lay terms, but that may not be correct or it may be correct but there may be a lot more going on. The same thing happens in mental health, almost at a glance of a patient within a few minutes a preliminary differential diagnosis is formed. Have I been in a care setting helping in the treatment of the mentally ill and also other areas of a hospital, yes... actually. Though I am a little hesitant to say I was caring for them because they were less my patients and more an extension of my educational experience while I was still on that route. If you want to pretend that I am saying that everyone who plays project zomboid or plays pvp is antisocial, which I haven't and have repeatedly now said I haven't, then go ahead and pretend. Its more a reminder that the general population is very ignorant of the workings of mental health or how debate should proceed rather break down into strawmen. Well shit, you used logic words on the internet. My argument is doomed for failure now. ...wait a minute. Isn't it just as illogical to assume that you can magically know the portion of a subpopulation that suffers from mental illness just as much as it is to assume that it's roughly similar? Furthermore, my "hasty" generalization is still a better point than yours, because statistically speaking a subpopulation is much more likely to be close to the same breakdown as a full population, due to said subpopulation contributing to the overall average. And if you're not claiming* that you know what percentage of our population is mentally ill, then I'm back to the first thing I said- you just brought it up as hyperbole to drive home the point that you don't like these people. In other words, you're using supposed mental illness that you have no evidence to back up (isn't it ironic that you keep accusing me over and over of being illogical and providing no proof, but you yourself have a point based on nothing but speculation and bias?) to further your dislike of a certain group of people. And you clearly are making light of the situation, or you wouldn't be so whimsically accusing people of being mentally ill when that's a very serious and uncalled for accusation. And 'in before' you say you're not accusing people- again, if you're not, you shouldn't have brought it up. *even though in fact you did. You claim a majority, which means you're making the baseless assumption that over 50% of the population is indeed mentally ill. No... the difference is in claim. I am claiming by experience/observation which makes it subjective. You are claiming it to be factual and objective, which it clearly is not... And I said supermajority of those people who engage in this malbehavior which I exampled as 'verbal harassment, bullying, hate speech, or belittlement' along with 'torrents and torrents and torrents of homophobic and possibly repressed homosexual desires I have see in the prepubescent kind of clatter that happens on these servers'. Supermajority is more than say 50-51%, I would say that definition-wise it would be at least above 60%. And I did provide proof, this kind of malbehavior is easily classed as troll-ish, which I cited a time article and psychologytoday discussing at least a study into it that identifies this behavior as antisocial. Also on the issue of proof, I have not said you are wrong in your opinion that it is not antisocial disorder or that it is not a significant population... that is a claim and one I could not clearly demonstrate without some very specific study into the pz community that does pvp-play... that proof is non-existent far as I know. But you opted to say I a was wrong, 'objectively and statistically', which is completely unwarranted... and I know it cannot be warranted or sources provided as a result. Which is my point. You dislike and disagree with what I wrote so you are going to use bombastic like speech to make it sound more compelling. Psychologytoday was from a doctor who specializes in this field and was referencing this study http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0191886914000324. This is far beyond wikipedia or a fourm... and is completely on-subject and relevant because I think its fair to say that this malbehavior is really just trolling/griefing of another colour. Saying they will hunt someone down, jizz down their throat, put them in a dress, because in reality they are a faggot... That seems pretty trollish and antisocial to me... or at least homophobic and possibly repressed homosexual desires... But hey... why argue or discuss what I am actually saying... why not strawman this as I am saying every member of the pz community or the pz pvp community, despite that I obviously play pvp, is actually antisocial. Its so much easier to fight strawmen than to engage in an intellectually honest conversation.
  3. If you're not diagnosing anyone, then you have no right in any fashion to claim or accuse them of being mentally ill. And if you're not doing that... then why exactly did you bring it up? It's just a baseless assumption, which is ironic considering your constant clamoring for a source. But since you ask, here's one- first one I found on Google since you can't be arsed to do a basic search for common, publicly available information: http://www.nih.gov/news/pr/aug2004/niaaa-02.htm It's about half a percent off from what I said- I don't think that's too bad of a margin of error. There's no personal attacks going on here. Watch your tone. I don't think you are reading your posts or my posts at this point then based on what you just wrote... but to give some benefit of doubt I will try to elaborate before I drop the matter as a nondiscussion... Because as stated in my previous post 'general population' means 'general'. Not 'project zomboid gaming community' and not 'project zomboid pvp/bandit players'. What you are employing is an informal fallacy known as 'hasty generalization'. What you are saying is Population A has X% of Z. Thus Sub-population B has X% of Z. That does not logically follow. An example. Population A (America) has X% (12%) of Z (Non-Hispanic African Americans). Thus Sub-population B (Mississippi) has X% of Z. But that isn't so. Mississippi has a 37% African American population and the highest in the nation, surprising (and offending) that it has the confederate battle flag on their state flag as a result. But I diverge from the topic just slightly. Needless to say no... that doesn't prove what you are trying to make it prove. If you are trying to say it wasn't a personal attack to accuse me of treating the subject with levity when it should be treated seriously I am not so sure what you meant by it then. It contributed nothing to the discussion, it addressed nothing of which I wrote, and it entirely is addressed at me as a person... and it seems to be an attempt to discredit my contributed not based on the substance of what I am proposing but rather the alleged spirit that I make it in... which apparently you are all too able to gauge.
  4. Sources... sources... sources... please. I more than welcome and urge it. Meaning I insist. If you are going to blatantly call me wrong I expect more than just more words. But by saying 'general population'... you are already hinting that doesn't mean project zomboid bandits... Apples to oranges. I am not claiming to diagnose anyone. I am just speaking as by definition of the kind of behavior that is being permitted would [seemingly] attract a certain kind of person and the kind of malbehavior (which no one seems to disagree is malbehavior) does seem to fit by definition antisocial dysfunction. And no... I am sure there are people who really do have antisocial disorder and they have learned to play just fine... Antisocial disorder does not mean they are twats. I've stated this before. So there are no facts here... at least not from what you are saying. I don't think its levity or careless... I think its just an admission that these people will come and certain precautions are advisable and understanding for other users that when they encounter this that its not something that is so controllable for these people. But personal attacks aside. I take that as you don't have any sources... just more claims and counter-claims. Thank you. As I said before you are welcome to your opinion.
  5. I very rarely see it. But since you are an admin I am sure you see the banning/administering aspect of it more often than I. But do you think that they aren't there or at no different frequency? Because my experience has been radically different. Statical and objective... meaning your opinion? Sources??? At least I took the time to clearly define my claim and provide some sourcing. Just by the burden of evidence I seem to be the only one that has furnished any at all regarding the psychology involved. So basically you disagree... and you are welcome to your opinion... but its merely that. Your opinion. But if you are going to pretend that there is some sort of evidence or reasoning behind your claim other than that you disagree at this point... I don't see it... because its not there. If you have some I more than welcome and urge you to share.
  6. My point is that playing a game that revolves around this kind of gameplay and that this gameplay is not only permissible but on some level advantageous there is nothing wrong or disordered in of itself. However it is understandable I think that it would attract a certain kind of player. That is the personality type part of this. This aspect of it I think can be charming and just apart of game play. I think it is possible too that even someone with antisocial tendencies or disorder could easily play well... Despite how the general population speaks of mental unhealth I am not one to use it as a personal insult or a judgment on a person's character in of itself. But the kind of bandit/pvp that I see here is with a lot of antisocial malbehaviors such as 'verbal harassment, bullying, hate speech, or belittlement'... which I have mentioned over and over and over again... Which seems to be the reoccurring complaint that some people seem to be coming to deliberately make other peoples gameplay unenjoyable and that is the game for them... that is how they get their fun. Making other people not have fun and on some level suffer. That is by definition antisocial. And from my casual observation theres a lot of it here... and it sort of makes sense considering what kind of game this is. And it wouldn't surprise me if its a supermajority who fall into this category of tendency or disorder when it comes to who engage in this sort of malbehavior. So do you see the spectrum there? This isnt 'bandit bad, 'pvp bad', 'I angry and sad, listen to me'. This is a pretty nuanced and fair opinion I would think. I am really just repeating myself here from past posts here... but perhaps condensing it out will help in understanding. The counter-argument seems to be is that this antisocial/malbehavior is unrelated to pvp/bandit playing... and I think that is specious at best. I think a way of articulating it in a way that I would agree with is that its not all... and I agree its not all. However as you have noted I would be surprised if it wasn't most. If you don't notice it... I'm a little curious to what game you are playing because it certainly isn't Project Zomboid. Personally I would like the ability to mute the chat/certain users... or at least to have a word filter... just to stop the torrents and torrents and torrents of homophobic and possibly repressed homosexual desires I have see in the prepubescent kind of clatter that happens on these servers... And the thing that really surprises me is that all of this is clearly bullying, clearly hate speech, and clearly out of place... NONE of it is needed to pvp/bandit in the game. But it appears to be more than amply tolerated and even encouraged.
  7. If you read carefully its not the pvp gameplay or bandit aspect in of itself that is the issue... If you don't get that you are not even on the same battle field of thought... or the same conversation.
  8. There is nothing in the rules about the kind of verbal harassment, bullying, hate speech, or belittlement that I have seen to others... Candidly this is the only sort of behavior I have witnessed on these sorts of servers, I note that its only hand full of people giving running commentary to everyone else, as a sort of self-gratification and self-justification... But no... there is nothing non-evidence about it. [ first link ] I am not sure why but it desperately wanted to keep linking to the times article... [ http://time.com/8265/internet-trolls-are-actually-sadists-study-finds/ ] The whole concept of going online to harass, demean, gain attention, or be otherwise abusive is thoroughly antisocial... you would be very very very hard pressed to find any medical or scientific literature to disagree with this. And it doesn't have anything to do with like or disliking them... I admit its not all of them but as I said I would be very very surprised if its not a supermajority of them. It just has to do it takes a certain personality type and/or personality disorder. And while I also admit I am not particularly fond of them I don't think admitting facts or aligning malbehavior with DSM definitions is somehow 'wrong'.
  9. Well... actually it is sort of apart of it. It takes a certain personality type and by personality type I mean personality disorder type. Antisocial specifically. I am sure there are lots of people who like the pvp who aren't antisocial but I would be surprised if their numbers is anything but a small minority of players... So... I think we would all agree that crime is crime... and violent crime is likely to be considered wrong by most people... but then there are people who don't think it wrong and seem to have something about them that makes them twisted about it... and that makes it worse. There is a difference between someone who commits a crime because the good ole fashioned malicious and criminal intention BUT the person who commits crime because they are just doing what god ordained them to do against parasites who were mistakenly given rights is sort of a special tier that elicits a stronger reaction from those of us not so disordered and with conscience. Maybe you don't like that comparison... but its the group that I notice runs with the pvp group here and every other other game that I have ever encountered. People choose to play pvp, but they don't choose to subject themselves to bullies who are antisocial misfits who have found a little spot online. Which as my last post pointed out... you just got to sort of avoid them... because the internet hasn't gotten the laws yet to weed them out yet. But the laws are on the way...
  10. Hello. http://pzmap.crash-override.net/#0.37463274672373753,0.2362224389797895,703.0500495326527 I was here happily building scaffolding when I fell off behind the crates. Just seems odd that the char can't at least walk out from crates. In the past I asked for these sorts of things to be climbable or passable in some sense... so this might be a bit redundant. Just feels a little unhappy to watch my char slowly die...
  11. Viruses are not technically alive, they are inert. Also bleach doesn't kill everything, it doesn't do as well of a job disinfecting as say alcohol does. Bleach can cause irritation when applied as a fluid to the skin, mostly because it dehydrates, long-term exposure may cause complications... such as chemical burns. As a hiker I have used this and I can attest at least to personal experience it can and does work well enough... however keeping contact as minimal as possible with bleach is preferable as it does cause agitation and the smell is a bit disorienting. Though diluting it is perferable... There are products on the market now for wound care that does just this. Bleach if drank is very corrosive and will eventually lead to death, moreover if not treated, though the game's mechanic of causing death nearly instantly is a bit unrealistic. Though a person would feel more than profound affects of drinking bleach almost immediately... it might be the worst experience they could possibly go through in life... So why such a bad decision is in the game is a bit perplexing to me... but why you can't use it to treat wounds... Though lately I have noticed a superabundance of alcohol ingame so I suppose it isn't really all that relevant.
  12. Climbing Trees and Tree Houses Brainstorm. ... really... thats it.
  13. I sort of like the idea of a hearing loss moodle... maybe even a background ringing noise... for short-term hearing impairment. Lots of things can affect a person's hearing briefly to temporarily. However I was always taught with firearms, it seems more here have better experience than I, that hearing damage from firearm discharge takes a long while for it to accumulate. At all the shooting ranges I have been they explained their excessive concern about it as more a liability issue than an immediate danger. With that being said if this is going to be added into the game ear plugs please. Also the earplugs could have other applications... like with rest... or... ... ...
  14. Chlorine gas. No. If there is chlorine gas in the game... yes it is better to avoid it as it would be quite toxic and dangerous... even deadly if inhaled. I may well be. The Internet isn't exactly being exact about this. On one hand, the wikipedia article indicates it might actually cause chlorine bleach to break down into the same chemical it does to purify water, on the other hand many sites are claiming it still releases chlorine.Sigh. This is what I get for neglecting chemistry in college. Think that through. What encourages infection? Bleach irritates the skin (most people may experience a drying sensation from chlorine such as in pools or after using it to wash clothes) and in more intensive contact can damage the skin. Bleach is not recommendable for wound care as a result... if it is it should be rinsed out with clean water as to minimize contact. Accidental bleach contact from washing clothes through the smell and/or skin contact is one of the most common "Poison Control" question/concern... for most people rinsing thoroughly the affected area and moving to fresher air is more than enough with the advise avoid contact or keep from inhaling it as it might indicate a particular sensitivity... but likely they were not in too much danger anyways. Vinegar doesn't clean well enough but has been used for thousands of years, mostly ineffectually, to treat infections in and out of the body. Before the advent of antibiotics persons with infections shouldn't be too surprised to be treated with alcohol and vinegar. Though less likely alcohol as too much alcohol can be quite intoxicating and obviously dangerous. Vinegar compared to alcohol though... alcohol just works a lot better on killing more infections while not causing much irritation or damage to the skin. There really is not much difference between medical alcohol and alcohol for drinks except that one has been made quite nauseating and dangerous to drink (this is hypothetically to keep people from drinking what is supposed to be set aside for medical purposes)... but if the percentage is high enough a bottle of spirits could be just as effective. Regarding water purification, YES bleach can be used to purify water, however it doesn't clean it. http://water.epa.gov/drink/emerprep/emergencydisinfection.cfm http://www.doh.wa.gov/Emergencies/EmergencyPreparednessandResponse/Factsheets/WaterPurification Notice that for 2 liter it advises 2 drops... It is potent stuff. But bleach typically IS chlorine so yeah... releasing or IS... maybe there is a point of chemistry or grammar there that is flying over my head but I would accept either as true enough... chlorine is typically found in most tap water for the same reason. Chlorine (base) is also used in pools to purify the water there along with soda ash (acid). Vodka could be used to disinfect though some would say the vodka has a higher calling than disinfecting a wound... I don't want to steal the spotlight though.... I was hopeful that cologne was a product I was unfamiliar with or that I somehow missed in the game. http://pzwiki.net/wiki/Upcoming_Features/ja Apparently it is an upcoming feature from what I can read of the Japanese... actually no I just looked at the pictures... i am unfamiliar with the claim of cologne as a disinfectant or cleanser. Some colognes contain a varying amount of alcohol (this is so it will evaporate faster, thus for that cologne affect) but I doubt any of them are high enough to be useful for wound care.
  15. Vinegar and bleach should be made to be a disinfectant as well... because it can be. Vinegar and bleach may not be as effective as alcohol, also bleach (base) and vinegar (acid) can agitate the skin... but if you have nothing else it should be usable I say. If you don't have what is most ideal its better to use what is less than ideal than die of an infection?
  16. Can tables be used to store items at this time? Seems like there should/could be some benefit there. Also what if you could hide (to varying effectiveness) items around the game in slots. Like say a couch has spots you could hypothetically hide something, so this hidden slot would store said items, known only to your char (since they hid it) or upon a successful 'search' of the couch. But say you hid something behind/around a television stand, well that is pretty easy to find, so lets say that this would somehow be easier to find and the slot smaller?
  17. I am a bit excited for this... finally my long runs between the two major cities won't take as long... So many bikes to choose from... large wheeled cycles, unicycles, recumbent cycles, children cycles... Roller skates? Skate boards? Candidly all this discrimination against our new zombie neighbors is undignified. Don't we welcome all here?
  18. There are map additions for the time being that can be modded in. Also there is a map editor which is user friendly in a trip to the DMV sort of friendly...
  19. What are the planned traits for the future? I was thinking in another topic that allergies might be a good trait. Prone to infections and such. But mental unhealth seems to be an area not too much explored. I seem to recall how in-game your guy could experience hallucinations and nightmares. Zombies all gathered around the bed. If you got drunk or tired enough zombies walking behind you. I haven't seen this in game yet since my year or so hiatus. Will negative traits like depression, psychosis, or others be in the future too?
  20. If immunodeficiency was meaning in game a profound loss of infection recovery and infections affected the player much more. I would be okay with that. Superior immunity sounds... er... not so realistic. Then again fast/slow healing doesn't sound so realistic to me either. So if it works it works for the in-game experience I suppose. The game designers seem to want as realistic gameplay as possible the reason I mention it.
  21. In the spirit of being excellent to others... I don't think a military quarantine would count as military aid assuming they shoot to kill on sight... I've mentioned/asked about this previously and... I didn't get a clear answer which the pinned 'commonly suggested suggestions' doesn't seem to clarify it. Also there doesn't seem to be any mention to edges of a map... I looked a few times but I could have missed it. You can't fucking even say that there won't be zombified soldiers. this zombie apocalypse game takes place by one of the most HEAVILY GUARDED MILITARY BASES ON EARTH. Like seriously dude "Knox" county :P Machine guns i assume will be added, however i assume you will get little accuracy for brainshots. Brookes even tackled this in the failure at the battle of yonkers. The weapons that worked so well on humans had little effect on most of them. Because people die of being shot in the torso, and at most a zombie is paralyzed from a spinal cord injury and becomes a crawler. I don't think Soldiers shooting at you and eventually being overwhelmed by the undead counts as "Aid". And what do they mean by definite map border? I already stated, and stand by that the united states is not an eternal forest outside of a specific part of kentucky, so unless they make a scaled down entire USA i see no other option than an eternal forest after a point or a wall or randomly generated shit after a while. I was just looking for the devs to stop reinforcing the one boring concept that every single player has to be boring civillian cindy or boring average andy. It would work- really work, if some emotion went into this apocalypse. It just seems too neutral, not much crying or despair around. Characters walk around without any thoughts on the fact that the world is ending. Now don't get me wrong- i like this concept. It just so far is not pushed to it's maximum degree- i love this war of mine simply because of all the terror and sadness that goes into it. god i can't wait til this game is done and has reached it's full potential. I just don't see why the devs don't wanna do anything fun or interesting with their game. They just want a story to be Zombies show up. You die. The end. isn't that much of a plot is it So i have no clue how kate and baldspot can have any sort of a story with that kinda narrative. right now they are just posterchilds for the game, nothing else THE BEST most interesting thing the devs could add in is a lack of genre blindness. Meaning that in their world before the fall they already knew zombies, just as fictional movie monsters. So those movie and video game monsters become real things and since people think it's impossible, react even less properly than in a genre blind world through sheer disbelief What i suggested was not an ending at all. It would seem like one, but you would just keep on Going as long as you don't rp your character commiting suicide because they learn the whole world has fallen as well. Zombies don't seem to have an interest or ability in using weapons... So zombie troopers would be about the same as the rest. Troop skins for zombies may be nice. Or fix it so the clothes and hair before zombfication is what will be there after... Before cleanly shaven, white shirt, and white pants. After nearly full head of hair... I suppose the zombie disease is the cure to balding. Is that what causes the outbreak? A failed cure for balding? The game has limited programmers, designers, and time. Or at least so I am told. If I found out that is just an excuse that really doesn't matter much because projectzomboid is meant to be moddable. Like minecraft. In minecraft I really want a portal gun, theres a mod for that, and now I can portal cows to their doom. Projectzomboid just doesn't have that vibrant modding community yet and candidly it may never have it... so your dreams for the game will have to wait for your programming skills or the game's creators to get through their list of dreams first. Its their **** game after all. An unlimited world would just take a lot of processing power I imagine... which not as a complaint but as an observation the game seems to be very taxing on processing power as it is. Overpowered weapons would break the whole gameplay I think. I think there is already a mod for that. Presumably there will be more mods for the game that will expand upon this idea... and for a lark it may be nice... but with most games once the challenge is removed the fun is quickly cheapened and minimized for me. Whats the fun of lurking about if you have a platoon of troops and attack helicopters at your command? [Okay maybe I exaggerate, I have a blast cheating and editing games for fun, I may enjoy it in some games more than the actual game itself. But games that are just semantics and too easy just don't appeal to me... or games that require very little intellectual input or output.] As for a game narrative... I think that is a work in process and will eventually/is already a moddable topic.
  22. I like the idea. Using books as a reference guide of sorts. Though perhaps it should have to be in hand or minimally not in a bag for it to have benefit. Maybe it should be even needed, I know I keep a book open while I do things from cooking to otherwise. Brainstorming a little bit over here... Spoiler Though this whole beginner, intermediate, advanced, expert, and mastery skill book leveling is not as imaginative as it could be. Sure it suits its basic purpose but perhaps someone could think of some creative titles for these books. Currently the skills that exist are Agility (sprinting, light-footed, nimble, sneaking), blade (accuracy, guard, maintenance), blunt (accuracy, guard, maintenance), crafting (carpentry, cooking, farming, first aid), firearm (aiming and reloading), and survivalist (fishing, trapping, foraging). Of these cooking, carpentry, fishing, farming, and trapping have skill books. Just a few more thoughts outside of the strictly speaking skills there could be books on strength conditioning, item use, trait managment, moodle management (stress/fear reaction for example)... Perhaps its an excellent place to inject unique content into literature from newspapers and magazines that can have smaller temporary bonuses... since unless the newspaper and magazine delivery is so committed they deliver by helicopter during the apocalypse all of these will be outdated for any sort of in-game narrative. For entertainment and positive moodle purposes it could also have quasi-easter egg story headlines as a hovertext over the item or as apart of the item's name... sort of a random variable number that is added onto the items in game. Cook books would also be nice... a way for the player to learn new recipes which presumably will be added into the game eventually... unless we are all doomed to eat healthy snacks for the remainders of the apocalypse. An apple, an orange, some water, and some yogurt! Though... I sort of like the healthyish food placement... Which makes me wonder if the actual player's weight will ever change due to eating through the game... is that too much?
  23. Are there thunder storms in the game? I haven't noticed them yet. I honestly don't even notice it is snowing. I just see the ground is all white around me. Thunder snow storms? But I like the idea. Seems like a great idea. More weather. Thunderstorms. Ice storms. Freezing rain. Variations of rain, sprinkling to torrential down pours. Flooding. Sleet, hail, and hail so large it injurs you and zombies outside. Snowstorms? Heatwaves. Allergies? Could that be a negative trait?
  24. I agree. But I also miss when individual items weight/carrying notation/unit was listed.
  25. Chilling certain foods and drinks may be nice... As long as there was power seems like it would be possible.
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