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About Maxso

  • Birthday 05/27/1999

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  1. The game already got some "sprinter" zombies and other tougher to kill, some are more resistant to knockback Even it the zombie were a athlete, the decomposition would take its physical abilities, making it slow and weak Remember, it's still a zombie About the fat and skinny zombies, It's really a good idea, but if zombies find a fat guy, they probably will eat the guy 'till the bone
  2. I really don't know... How many heads do you think i have?
  3. It's annoying to see my character always wearing the same clothes, i would like to see new clothes until the Vehicles/NPC being added
  4. I was just searching for a sandbox/survival game like Terraria or Starbound, and i've find out PZ, my first reaction "whoa... what a ridiculous name..." but... now it's my favorite game
  5. I usually feel sad, and it make me feel weak, so i thought it could be nice just to keep your character alive and happy edit: being unhappy may make your character weak
  6. The title says, it could also give a small boost on strength
  7. Did you take all the files in the "Main Folder Drop" folder and put them in your main project zomboid folder/media? Yes i did. My hardware don't support 3D models, if this can be of help
  8. Almost every weapon i have is missing the texture, shows the character wielding the wind
  9. You're right, find a baseball bat+hammer+nail and you can kill a horde (if you're good enough) It's really perfect and common, ultil future changes on it's spawn try to reduce the spawn rate of weapons if playing in sandbox
  10. they could also do it with nails an planks on barricades
  11. Probably, 'cause there is no point in cutting off your arm unless to prevent the virus from spreading
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