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Everything posted by Spazmatic

  1. Average Joe cant just put log wall into ground like superman! You need rope!
  2. Anybody can coat door with metal sheet or use book to learn how to made knife from pipe.
  3. If I may be so bold, how do you know it was the scratch that caused the infection? I'm guessing you saw the "infected" tag on the scratch in the first aid window? If that's the case, I can tell you that the "infected" tag is not indicative of the zombie virus. As far as I know, there is no way to tell if you have the zombie virus other than looking out for the symptoms. It won't show up in your first aid window.Solanum infection appears on bite/scratch quickly after zed attack. Also your hp is decreasing.
  4. My friend get bitten and scratched, he get infected from scratch..
  5. Well, use screws (and someone can uscrew your metal) or weld it and have good protection from raiders.
  6. We have barrels and trash cans, we should be able to destroy it with hammer/axe/Sledge and get scrap, which we can use to coat door. Today, the doors are extremely useless in mp. Every stupid with axe can destroy it with few swings. Also, scrap metal can be used to make metal tools, window bars or picklocks.
  7. Generators! Sneaking and all PvP and PvE stuff.
  8. Well, just add mosquitos groups presented as a bunch of dots. When player walk through that bunch of dots can get bites from them.
  9. In real-life you probably try to keep bandage clean, and its really hard to get infection when bandage is properly wrapped
  10. Nice to know, its adding a lot of immersion!
  11. When bandage absorbed too much blood add another layer. Never remove it !!!( life protip)
  12. Actually if you playing hardcore server you cant use global chat. Solution to this problem? Stationary radio. If you standing nearby you can talk to other users of the radio.
  13. Conclusion: We should be able to learn skills from television. Just put CD in your dvd player and watch "Tribesman Show".
  14. Tu pojawia się problem. Farmer jest bezpośrednio tłumaczone na rolnik, zaś "all thumbs" to mowa potoczna. Scaut to skaut i wydaje mi się bardziej odpowiednie dać bezpośrednio przetłumaczone słowo.
  15. I support this idea. @bleachstorm There is already "Pacifist" trait...
  16. UI_trait_Scout = "Były skaut", DisplayNameFrog_Meat = "Mięso z żaby" DisplayNameCherry = "Wiśnie" Kilka poprawek. Czeresnia to nie to samo co wisnia. W USA są skauci. Nie możemy dać "Mięso żaby" kiedy wczesniej jest napisane Recipe_Cut_Frog = "Wykrój mięso z żaby" Calosc: UI_trait_WeakStomach = "Słaby żołądek", UI_trait_WeakStomachDesc = "Większe prawdopodobieństwo zatrucia pokarmowego", UI_trait_IronGut = "Silny żołądek", UI_trait_IronGutDesc = "Mniejsze prawdopodobieństwo zatrucia pokarmowego", UI_trait_Hemophobic = "Hemofobia", UI_trait_HemophobicDesc = "Panikuje podczas opatrywania ran; nie może udzielać pierwszej pomocy innym", UI_trait_Asthmatic = "Astma", UI_trait_AsthmaticDesc = "Szybciej się męczy", UI_trait_Scout = "Były skaut", UI_trait_ScoutDesc = "+1 do pierwszej pomocy, +1 do zbieractwa", Recipe_Cut_Frog = "Wykrój mięso z żaby", Recipe_Open_Canned_Corned_Beef = "Otwórz puszkę solonej wołowiny", Recipe_Open_Canned_Corn = "Otwórz puszkę kukurydzy", Recipe_Open_Canned_Mushroom_Soup = "Otwórz puszkę zupy grzybowej", Recipe_Open_Canned_Peas = "Otwórz puszkę groszku", Recipe_Open_Canned_Potato = "Otwórz puszkę ziemniaków", Recipe_Open_Canned_Sardines = "Otwórz puszkę sardynek", Recipe_Open_Canned_Tomato = "Otwórz puszkę pomidorów", Recipe_Open_Canned_Carrots = "Otwórz puszkę marchewek", DisplayNamePot_of_Water = "Garnek z wodą", DisplayNameFrog = "Żaba", DisplayNameCanned_Corned_Beef = "Puszka solonej wołowiny", DisplayNameOpen_Canned_Corned_Beef = "Puszka solonej wołowiny - otwarta", DisplayNameCanned_Corn = "Puszka kukurydzy", DisplayNameOpen_Canned_Corn = "Puszka kukurydzy - otwarta", DisplayNameCanned_Mushroom_Soup = "Puszka zupy grzybowej", DisplayNameOpen_Canned_Mushroom_Soup = "Puszka zupy grzybowej - otwarta", DisplayNameCanned_Peas = "Puszka groszku", DisplayNameOpen_Canned_Peas = "Puszka groszku - otwarta", DisplayNameCanned_Potato = "Puszka ziemniaków", DisplayNameOpen_Canned_Potato = "Puszka ziemniaków - otwarta", DisplayNameCanned_Sardines = "Puszka sardynek", DisplayNameOpen_Canned_Sardines = "Puszka sardynek - otwarta", DisplayNameCanned_Tomato = "Puszka pomidorów", DisplayNameOpen_Canned_Tomato = "Puszka pomidorów - otwarta", DisplayNameCanned_Carrots = "Puszka marchewek", DisplayNameOpen_Canned_Carrots = "Puszka marchewek - otwarta", DisplayNameCherry = "Wiśnie", DisplayNameMint_Candy = "Miętówka", DisplayNameFrog_Meat = "Mięso z żaby", DisplayNameCookie_Jelly = "Ciastko z galaretką", DisplayNamePineapple = "Ananas", DisplayNameAvocado = "Awokado", DisplayNameZucchini = "Cukinia", DisplayNameTofu = "Tofu", DisplayNameYoghurt = "Jogurt", (sorry za polskie znaki, nie mogę kilku wpisac)
  17. Great fossoil building! Devs, please add something like that in actual map
  18. Hey guys, i can still hear panic sound when zombified.
  19. I suppor this suggestion. But frozen means harder to kill, because frozen skin is harder to scratch.
  20. Hmm, on lvl 1-5 first aid all tablets should be beta-blockers. From lvl 5 names should be visible, like propanolol.
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