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Posts posted by lorneagle

  1. On 3/1/2016 at 1:09 PM, ganya said:


    Some Feedback:

    The new noise making is great! It can get you quickly into trouble with grown vegetation (as it did with me). I would even increase it by 50% for even more fun. Particularly the repeating xbow... its still very powerfull, maybe decreasing accuracy on Quickfire (if possible) would nerf it.
    I´m on Carpentry level 7 now and read the expert skillbook. Crafting a repeater xbow gives me 3000XP, what is as much as killing 3000 zombies...
    Crossbows have a muzzleflash (only visible at night).
    Maybe making Laserpointers, Scopes, Ammostraps and so on attachable to crossbows would be another way of specialising crossbows. And you can´t craft them in your Safehouse.

    Some minor things:
    -maybe adding a pistol to crossbow recipes (because of the metal parts) would make sense
    -plucking a dead bird, might result in feathers and a "plucked bird", that can be butchered for meat

    Things I change before playing:
    -reducing boltweight to 0.05, because the quiver dont give a weight bonus
    -reducing xp gain for making crossbows to +5/+10/+15, for bolts to +0.25 Carpentry and no electricity xp´s
    -raising required Carpentry skill to make crossbows to 3/5/7 ... should be even higher


    That's great feedback, thank you so much

    - I totally forgot about that crazy XP boost, I will fix that

    - I will play with the crossbow properties more, sound included....I don't want them to be too loud though, just wanted to add a bit of an edge

    - Adding a pistol to the recipe is a great idea!!!

    - Yeah, the whole quiver thing is bugging me, unfortunately at the time tI did not figure out how the weight reduction is done ( the item property didn't do anything :( )

    - XP gain will be significantly reduced

    - I wanted to add attachable addons but I currently don't have the time

    - Muzzleflash is because the base class of crossbows is 'Firearm'. Maybe I can still deactivate it somewhere but so far I couldn't figfure out a way 

    - Repeater: I wanted the repeater to be strong, but limit its usability by making ammo less available. I reduced the amount of feathers that you get our of birds and pillows but I need to do more on that front

  2. I pushed a small update to resolve the container issue and nerf the crossbows a bit

    • Aiming Perk OnHit modifier reduced - So the per level improvement on your hit chance is less than before
    • Make crossbows more unique, giving each crossbow a specific use case rather than simply Repeater > Heavy > Wooden crossbow

     Wooden Crossbow

       General usage crossbow for stealth operations, medium range

    • Damage slightly reduced
    • Makes a bit of noise (will attract zombies in short range 10m)

    Heavy Crossbow

       Long range snipe crossbow, long range

    • Makes noise and attracts zombies within 25m (It has more range than that, so you can snipe zombies from a distance but you need to make sure the immediate area is clear)

    Repeater Crossbow

       To quickly dispose of small zombie groups at close/medium range

    • Makes noise and attracts zombies in 15m range
    • Removed piercing (only hits one target)


    Note: That I just started experimenting with the weapon settings and I am planning to further refine the settings to give each crossbow a unique role

    Feedback is extremely appreciated ;)


  3. Is it possible to use this mod with hardcore reloading enabled?


    I'll look into it.


    I fixed the container bug and I'm currently testing some chances to the crossbows to balance them a bit and make the three crossbows a bit more unique so that you don't just go to the next 'better' crossbow but decide which crossbow to use based on the situation and your game style.



    , I can see boxes/containers on the floor, but can't interact with them (only picking them up, enable me to dig inside)


    ... same Problem here, I need to put Containers in hand or on back to get the stuff inside. Playing GOG Version 33.20


    @Iorneagle: Are you still uploading updates to bitbucket.org?


    not sure if it is related (from Zomboid Console):


    Loading: C:/Users/ganya/Zomboid/mods/ZomboidXBow/media/lua/client/ZXBFixAction.lua

    require("ISFixAction") failed

    Loading: C:/Users/ganya/Zomboid/mods/ZomboidXBow/media/lua/client/ZXBISInventory


    Loading: C:/Users/ganya/Zomboid/mods/ZomboidXBow/media/lua/client/ZXBInventoryPage.lua

    Loading: C:/Users/ganya/Zomboid/mods/ZomboidXBow/media/lua/client/ZXBServerCommand.lua

    Loading: C:/Users/ganya/Zomboid/mods/ZomboidXBow/media/lua/client/ZXBUI.lua

    Loading: C:/Users/ganya/Zomboid/mods/ZomboidXBow/media/lua/client/ZXBinit.lua

    Loading model: File: C:\Users\ganya\Zomboid\mods\ZomboidXBow/media/models/weapons_crossbow.txt Texture: C:\Users\ganya\Zomboid\mods\ZomboidXBow/media/textures/Objects_Crossbow.png Static: true

    STATE: enter zombie.gameStates.MainScreenState



    Hey guys,

    I will push an update with fixes this weekend. I am very sorry about the lack of updates but two little girls killed my time budget for Zomboid last year ;)


    I also want to do some balancing as a lot of you complained how 'IMBA' crossbows get at higher Aim-levels

  5. I will move it to the steam workshop in the future. I will also consider the recipe. However I am currently very busy with two kids under two so I won't make any significant changes to the mod (except when it gets broken due to game updates) in the next 2-3 months.


    I will however come back and add more features as well as add it to the steam workshop and make balancing changes in the future.


    Also: I check in on this thread once or twice a week and answer PMs immediately.

  6. Not sure if the guy is still updating this mod. If his code for other portions of his mod besides ModelLoader works fine, then I may submit a patch here until he pushes one himself. 


    I will update it this weekend. Had a lot of stuff going on in the past couple weeks (including a newborn :) ) so I only occasionally looked in here. 


    Should have a working version by Monday

  7. I really liked this mod at first but once you get to around aiming level 5 they just become too OP. I started with the Veteran trait desensitized which I'm sure has an effect, but I can now pretty much just walk up to groups of 15-20 zombies and just destroy them in under 30sec without attracting any attention. It effectively removes any use of firearms. I don't suppose there's any way to get a version where the crossbows only hit 1 target per shot? Or could you help explain how I could edit it myself in the files?


    I agree. Especially the Repeating Crossbow is very strong once you have a certain level of Aim.

    Maybe I'll look into the Aim modifier and make it so you hit a bit better early on but the improvement curve is less steap...meaning you won't destroy everything at level 5


    The other thing that is supposed to balance crossbows is resources. Unfortunately, I was too generous when I introduced feathers, so I will probably balance this. You are supposed to destroy a group of 20 Zombies once you have high level Aim but you should be limited by resources so you can't just Rambo through the world


    To edit this yourself you can go to media/scripts/ZXBitems.txt and edit the Crossbows:

    MaxHitCount=2, //Modify this to determine how many zombies are hit//Play with these values to change how much influence Aim skill hasHitChance = 50, //Maybe increase this a bit to make lvl 0-1 less horribleAimingPerkHitChanceModifier = 15, //Lower this so that your character will improve less per lvl

    If you could play with these values and give me some feedback I'd be super happy. I currently have little time to play myself so I'd be very greatful about balancing feedback

  8. Was wondering if it would be possible to stitch in the use of Hydrocraft feathers for you bolts. Dug around and found all the feather items in Hydro (HCWhitefeathers and what not), I know it's not as easy as adding it to the recipe in your mod, is it?


    That's pretty easy. I was using Hydrocraft recently and thought about an integration but I'm pretty busy at work and currently don't feel like coding once I'm home


    To support Hydrocraft feathers just modify the existing recipe

    recipe Make Wooden Bolt{        WoodenStick/TreeBranch,	Feather = 1,	keep KitchenKnife,	Result: WoodenBolt, 	OnGiveXP: Bolts_OnGiveXP,	Time: 10.0,} 


    To something like this:


    recipe Make Wooden Bolt{    WoodenStick/TreeBranch,    Feather/HCWhitefeathers/SomeOtherHydroCraftFeather/YetAnotherHydrocraftFeather,    keep KitchenKnife,    Result: WoodenBolt,    OnGiveXP: Bolts_OnGiveXP,    Time: 10.0,}  
  9. Well you didn't post it under help :)


    For weaker zombies you could do this:

    ArcadeZeds = {}ArcadeZeds.onUpdate = function(zombie) --No idea what values go here zombie:setHealth(1);endEvents.OnZombieUpdate.Add(ArcadeZeds.onUpdate);

    However I'm not sure when OnZombieUpdate is called, you'd have to experiment with this.


    The alternative would be to increase the damage that weapons do. 

    ArcadeZeds = {}ArcadeZeds.increaseDmg = function(self, leftHandItem)   --Check if Weapon   if not instanceof(leftHandItem, "HandWeapon") then return end   leftHandItem:setMinDamage(20000);   leftHandItem:setMaxDamage(20000);endEvents.OnEquipPrimary.Add(ArcadeZeds.increaseDmg); 


    For the highly resistant weapons you could just reset their durability on each weapon swing

    ArcadeZeds = {}ArcadeZeds.unbreakable = function(owner, weapon)   --Check if Weapon   if not instanceof(weapon, "HandWeapon") then return end   weapon:setCondition(weapon:getConditionMax());endEvents.OnWeaponSwing.Add(ArcadeZeds.unbreakable);  


    For XP multiplier just set the one in servertest.ini (or whateveryouserveriscalled.ini). 10 would definitely give you arcade mode.

    For insane zombies modify the zombie config file whose name I just forgot but it is in the same folder as you servertest.ini

  10. Thanks. :)


    The recipe needs to define the amount that is drained I guess.


    Do you mean the recipe I posted above?

    If there is no number defined, the game considers that a "1". That means it uses 1 unit of the drainable object, or destroy the object if it's not drainable, or create 1 object as the result.


    Fixed it tonight :)



    Version 1.1.1


    • [MP] Zombie corpses will no longer get added one bolt per player carrying a crossbow on the server
    • Repair Kits are using up charges (5 charges per Repair Kit)
    • Fixed typo in bolt recipe so that TreeBranch is now a valid substitute for WoodenStick

    I've been enjoying the mod so much. Golf Clubs/Aluminum Rods doesn't seem to be either too easy, nor too hard to find. I guess I'm comfortable with the result.


    Now, I've noticed that the RepairKits aren't being consumed when repairing the broken crossbows (I've only tried the wooden one). Perhaps you'd have to change the repair code to an item recipe?


    Hey :)


    Very happy to hear that you like the mod. Also I am always happy to get balancing feedback.


    As for Repair Kits: They should be drainable, meaning they should have 5 uses. If you expand the item in your inventory you see a green 'fill bar' That should deplete with every use. If it is not you found a bug :)


    I'm still playing around with this feature. I use random break chance instead of the built in durability because

    a) I wanted skills like Woodworking to affect (lower) the chance

    b) A friend wanted this to be an 'Oh shit' moment instead of: 'A well I was expecting it to break within the next couple shots because I checked durability'


    It turned out that  this randomness would sometimes result in two breaks in quick succession, so instead of having players carry around 5 repair kits to compensate for bad luck (wait should i add the luck trait here...i should ;) ) I made it a Drainable with 5 uses

  12. Hey PizzaPepperoni,

    If you want to make your logic MP compatible (Add items when you kill zombie) you will have to do some additional work.


    In Multiplayer OnZombieDead is executed on the server while your characters inventory is maintained on the client.


    So you will have to write some client server logic. I recently worked on a similar issue for my mod and wrote up a little 'Lessons Learned' on multiplayer coding.


    The reason getSpecificPlayer(0) might not work for you, might be because I think this function is only working client side (for split screen). This is a theory.


    I used getPlayer() in my mod on server side and it worked: Example. This class handles commands that were sent from client to server. In my case it changes the moddata of the weapon to add the used ammotype (switchAmmo).


    In essence you will have to send a server command to the client when the zombie dies, and on the client side receive the server command and add the item to the players inventory.

  13. I have a question? can i spawn in this bow with NC when i am goofing around in SP?


    Hey Bozak,
    For goofing around go to the mod folder:
    In media/lua/shared/ZomboidXBow you will find: ZXBTest.lua 
    Change the last line
    Reload the mod or (re)start the game.
    Now ingame press 0 on Num Block (Num needs to be ON)
    You will see a menu of available options in the CLI window:
    Num 1: Gives you Wooden Crossbow
    Num 2: Heavy Crossbow
    Num 3: Repeating Crossbow
    Num 4: 10 bolts of each type 
    Num 5: Quiver
    Num 6: Materialsfor all recipes
    Num 7: XP for reloading and aiming (press 8 times or so to get enough XP for Lvl 10, you need to + manually in your skill menu)
    Num 8: XP for Woodworking
    Num 9: XP Foraging
    Start with a Wooden Crossbow and lvl 1 Aiming and then take a Repeating Crossbow with Aluminum Bolts and Aiming 10 :)
    There is a HUUGE difference :) Enjoy
  14. Hm, what do you guys think about an eclipse plugin with


    - Wizard for mod project creation (directory layout/ required files)

    - Auto completion and syntax parser for items/recipes

    - Lua support (LDT plugin)


    And you'd get git/mercurial support via other eclipse plugins.


    AND technically, one could start Zomboid from eclipse and maybe even debug the game from there. I mean nothing against the ingame debugger, its awesome and I couldn't live without it but if you'd launch zomboid from eclipse you'd probably get better variable inspection.


    Just not sure how many people here would use it


    Edit: Tried something based on eclipse, didn't like it, back to Sublime

  15. Hey Kowgan,


    1. The abundance of Aluminum Rods is based on your sandbox settings. They have the same spawn locations and spawn chance as 'Box of Nails'. I used those as reference because I had a pretty good idea how common they are in Survival and various Sandbox settings
    2. Adding a cutting item is a good idea. I will add a saw for the next build
    3. Thanks :) I will add it right away
    4. We have a server, however it is currently not public and only used for sessions with friends. I can make it public, with ZomboidXBow and maybe Hydrocraft and Gun Mod if desired, however I don't have time to hunt down hackers, cheaters and griefers. So I'll either need some admins or white listing to keep the bad apples out 
  16. So according to the event reference the only parameter for methods called by the OnZombieDead event is the zombie. I'm at work so I can't check it right now.

    But that would mean that your second and third parameter (result, player) are in fact nil.


    So you'd have to add back the line you removed:

    local function numberKills(zombie) --Change params here   local player = getPlayer(); -- This worked because if it didnt you would not see the prints   -- add stuff to inv  end 

    Another thing regarding OnZombieDead (in case you do this in order to add loot to the zed):


    You can add items to the zombies inventory but when you loot the corpse they won't be there. The reason is: When the zombie dies it is removed and an container is added to the grid square where the zombie died. When a player comes close to that grid square, the container is populated with loot. So if you want to add stuff to the corpse you'll have to use OnFillContainer

  17. So I recently had some time to test the mod in Sandbox and Multiplayer and the result is this patch.


    One of the main issues was the availability of bolts. Bolt manufacturing was very limited with just pillows, so I added some more options to get the resources needed for bolts. 




    Version 1.1.0


    Features and Balancing


    • Added new item: Feather nr60MJn.png
    • Added new item: Aluminum Rod QXzHZ2o.png
    • Added new recipe: Pluck Feathers (40) . Requires DeadBird (trapping) or BirdCadaver (foraging)
    • Added new recipe: Collect Feathers (30). Requires Pillow
    • Added new recipe: Cut Aluminum Rod. Requires Golfclub
    • Changed recipe: Create Wooden Bolt. 1 Bolt requires 1 Feather and 1 Wooden Stick or 1 Tree Branch
    • Added new recipe: Fix Broken Wooden Bolt. Requires 10 Broken Wooden Bolts + 1 Scotchtape or 1/5 Ducttape
    • Added item spawn: Aluminum Rod. Spawns in storage crates, metal shelves, tool store, garagestorage
    • Added BirdCadaver to foraging loot table. BirdCadaver cannot be slaughtered for meat but plucked for feathers
    • Removed all Electricity perk requirements from recipes
    • All recipes that required Aluminum now require Aluminum Rod (Aluminum Bolts/Heavy Crossbow, Repeating Crossbow)



    • [MP] Players should not be able to find bolts in zombies killed with an non-crossbow weapon
    • Broken Bolts can no longer be used as ammo
    • Fixed server exception when crossbow breaks
    • Fixed exception when player attacks without primary weapon
    • Repair Kits are now Drainable (5 uses)
    • Repeating Crossbow no longer loses all loaded ammo when it breaks
    • Crossbows can no longer be reloaded with bolts in zombie corpses
    • Repeating crossbow no longer adds two bolts to the weapon for the first bolt loaded
  18. Hey Jab

    Understood. I'll definitely make sure MoelLoader is supported and installation instructions will recommend it as the default way to run the mod. Just not sure if I will still bundle it. I did it for convenience but most people that use mods don't seem to mind installing ModelLoader from the original source.

  19. Hi Kowgan, I'm glad you are enjoying the mod.


    I did test the mod in a long session with friends last week and we found ~15 issues that I am currently fixing. Some of them are bugs and some are balancing issues.

    I reworked the recipe for bolts and I am also looking into the Aluminum (since the Aluminum is actually foil :) )


    Regarding the model issue: The ModelLoader bundled with the mod is too old. Future releases will not bundle the ModLoader because it curretly changes too frequently.


    If you are using the current version (1.0.2) along with the latest ModelLoader you will have to edit the file ZXBinit.lua

    located in C:\Users\yourUser\Zomboid\mods\ZomboidXBow\media\lua\client.



    --loadStaticZomboidModel( "weapons_crossbow" , ZXBinit.locationModel .. "weapons_crossbow.txt", ZXBinit.locationTexture .. "Objects_Crossbow.png" ) ;


    loadStaticZomboidModel( "weapons_crossbow" , ZXBinit.locationModel .. "weapons_crossbow.txt", ZXBinit.locationTexture .. "Objects_Crossbow.png" ) ;

    And it should work.

  20. Hm I am very confused. This post reads like it was created before build 32.


    I played the entire weekend with friends on build 32 and before that I played every night solo on build 32 for a week.


    First, while I totally agree with OP pre-32: I was able to survive for months and only die to my own stupidity.


    But now you have constantly migrating zombies. The meta events really screw you up because HUNDREDS of zombies will migrate to your current position...and if you are at your safe house then say goodbye to it. Because zombies will just attack any structure in their path (which I like).


    I don't feel safe in this game anymore....EVER!


    Pre build 32 I would clear an area around my safe house and be sure to never be bothered again.


    Now, I feel like there is a now horde on its way to my base just when I'm done clearing the last one.


    I barely get to build walls and farm. I actually lowered the default zombie settings because I have to admit: Normal is now to hard for me. I might have to start experimenting with noise devices to divert zombies from my safe house.

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