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Everything posted by d0v3r

  1. It would be amazing to play around Atlanta... Just imagine you spawn in the hospital when rick wakes up... and you make your own story just to kill the time till the next season comes out
  2. Love the idea of paranoia and hallucinations, maybe it would be a p@in in the as$ while playing, but sounds fun.
  3. I would like to see that "online scoreboard" we could make a really fun competition around here @zombies killed it depends about your play style but more info means more competition so it would be ok. And yes i like that point of mention if the player was using mods etc.
  4. totally unexpected, but i dont think it would fit at all... (maybe as an admin tool or something for admins in multi. such as a teleport to players to make it funny nd visual, but dont know xD)
  5. sounds fun and risky :$ i like it if not probably someone from the modding place could make it happen which is cool anyway !! great and diferent idea!
  6. I crushed a zombie into the floor with my baseball bat, then another zombie came from my back so i start pushing it away. Once i was ready to hit him in the face, the 1st fucking zombie start crawling around biting my heel when i turn around to finish him just to die by the other fucker that was behind me... the damn crawler surprised me so bad . xD "10/10 would die again"
  7. It should work with the current build 27 (without breaking anything). Pravus updated it recently: http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/35-sleeping-overhaul-does-not-work-with-steam-ffs/?p=121015 Thanks!!!
  8. \/ to every one complaining about respawning zombies.... \/ Project zomboid its a zombie game, not a "temporal zombie game" i mean that if u enter in a clean rampage, and clean ur city of zombies, what will you do? play sims till u die? or what.... can't wait to see how they will make it work! \/ ONLY FOR KIDS \/ Have in mind that the devs are the last persons who want to "destroy/ruin" the game... so stop with it. And if you are going to complain, wich is something comprensible , do it in a constructive way, say how you would like to see it done, otherwise your comment will be useless and depressive.
  9. Great ideas, would like to see the zombie traps and the capability of collect rain with any bowl, pot or jar! Opening cans with knives should be easy to do and the idea of getting cut sounds nice,but like in dayz if you open the can with a knife you shouldn't be able to get 100% of its content (as penalty for not using the correct tool) The only point that i dont like at all, is the fire places or camp fires inside the house which i find a terrible thing to do in a zombie apoc i mean, there is enough danger outside home, why would someone do something that could destroy the only little things he have ? Great post!
  10. d ... doooo.. downloading the fuck out of that winrar. -Thanks for that dude. u know how to touch on the feelings :$
  11. Please someone, somewhere make this happen, not only with npcs, think about the online potential it could have on pvp servers! -great idea OP
  12. RoboMat, i didnt downloaded ur mod cuz i got the game via steam, my question is if you could solve that when u plan to update your mod when build 28 comes out. I rlly want to try it >.<" thanks @kinda unnecessary guy, every mod is unnecessary, but it's all about adding a bit more depth into the game to get a better inmersion feeling.
  13. Las líneas marcadas en negrita, son dudas que tengo ya sean bien gramaticales o bien por elegir la que suena/queda mejor en el contexto. Cualquier tipo de ayuda o crítica es de agradecer.
  14. UNDER CONSTRUCTION! Last Activity Date 19/07/14 (Build27) First steps to the catalan translation. Changelog & Work Left List Contributors Context Menu Source : ContextMenu_CAT = { ContextMenu_Destroy = "Destroçar ", ContextMenu_Grab = "Agafar", ContextMenu_Sleep = "Dormir", ContextMenu_Fill = "Omplir ", ContextMenu_Drink = "Beure", ContextMenu_Turn_Off = "Apagar", ContextMenu_Turn_On = "Encendre", ContextMenu_Climb_through = "Passar a través", ContextMenu_Add_sheet_rope = "Col·locar soga de tela", ContextMenu_Remove_sheet_rope = "Treure la soga de tela", ContextMenu_Barricade = "Construir barricada", ContextMenu_Unbarricade = "Treure la barricada", ContextMenu_Add_sheet = "Col·locar sábana", ContextMenu_Open_window = "Obrir finestra", ContextMenu_Close_window = "Tancar finestra", ContextMenu_Smash_window = "Trencar finestra", ContextMenu_Open_curtains = "Obrir cortines", ContextMenu_Close_curtains = "Tancar cortines", ContextMenu_Remove_curtains = "Treure cortines", ContextMenu_Open_door = "Obrir porta", ContextMenu_Close_door = "Tancar porta", ContextMenu_Orders = "Ordres", ContextMenu_Follow_me = "Segueix-me!", ContextMenu_Team_up = "Vigila!", ContextMenu_Team_up = "Quiet!", ContextMenu_Team_up = "Tots junts.", ContextMenu_Walk_to = "Anar a...", ContextMenu_Grab_one = "Agafar-ne uno.", ContextMenu_Grab_half = "Agafar-ne la meitat.", ContextMenu_Grab_all = "Agafar-ho tot.", ContextMenu_Grab = "Agafar",//AGAFAR... ContextMenu_Put_in_Container = "Posar-ho al contenidor", ContextMenu_Equip_on_your_Back = "Posar a l'esquena", // ¿PENJAR DE L'ESQUENA? ContextMenu_Eat = "Menjar", ContextMenu_Equip_Primary = "Equipar primaria", ContextMenu_Equip_Secondary = "Equipar secundaria", ContextMenu_Reload = "Recarregar", ContextMenu_Pour_into = "Buidar al ", ContextMenu_Pour_on_Ground = "Buidar al terra", ContextMenu_Take_pills = "Prendre pastilles", ContextMenu_Read = "Llegir", ContextMenu_Wear = "Vestir", ContextMenu_Unequip = "Deixar de fer servir", ContextMenu_Apply_Bandage = "Embenar-se", ContextMenu_Dry_myself = "Assecar-se", ContextMenu_Drop = "Deixar anar", ContextMenu_Full = "Ple", ContextMenu_Dig = "Cavar", ContextMenu_Fertilize = "Fertilizar", ContextMenu_Sow_Seed = "Sembrar llavor", // PLANTAR LLAVOR? ContextMenu_Info = "Info", ContextMenu_Remove = "Eliminar", ContextMenu_Water = "Aigua", ContextMenu_Treat_Problem = "Tractar problema", ContextMenu_Seeds = "Llavors", ContextMenu_Harvest = "Collir", ContextMenu_Keep = "Mantenir ", ContextMenu_Smoke = "Fumar", -- Crafting menu ContextMenu_Door = "Porta", ContextMenu_Stairs = "Escales", ContextMenu_Floor = "Terra", ContextMenu_Bar = "Bar", ContextMenu_Furniture = "Mobles", ContextMenu_Fence = "Tanca", // VALLA ? ContextMenu_Wooden_Stake = "Estaca de fusta", ContextMenu_Barbed_Fence = "Tanca de pues ", ContextMenu_Wooden_Fence = "Tanca de fusta", ContextMenu_Sang_Bag_Wall = "Mur de sacs de sorra", //MUR DE SACS DE TERRA? ContextMenu_Gravel_Bag_Wall = "Mur de sacs de grava", ContextMenu_Wooden_Wall = "Paret de fusta", ContextMenu_Wooden_Pillar = "Pilar de fusta", ContextMenu_Windows_Frame = "Marc de finestra", ContextMenu_Wooden_Floor = "Terra de fusta", ContextMenu_Wooden_Crate = "Caixa de fusta", ContextMenu_Table = "Taula", ContextMenu_Small_Table = "Taula petita", ContextMenu_Large_Table = “Taula gran", ContextMenu_Table_with_Drawer = "Taula amb calaixos", ContextMenu_Wooden_Chair = "Cadira de fusta", ContextMenu_Rain_Collector_Barrel = "Barril recolector de pluja", ContextMenu_Dark_Wooden_Stairs = "Escales de fusta fosca ", ContextMenu_Brown_Wooden_Stairs = "Escales de fusta marró clar", ContextMenu_Light_Brown_Wooden_Stairs = "Escales de fusta marró", ContextMenu_Wooden_Door = "Porta de fusta", ContextMenu_Door_Frame = "Marc de la porta", // MARC PORTA? ContextMenu_Dismantle = "DesmanteLlar", ContextMenu_Build = "Construir", ContextMenu_Bar_Element = "Barra", ContextMenu_Bar_Corner = "Cantonada de barra", // CANTONADA BARRA // CANTONADA DE LA BARRA?? ContextMenu_Plaster = "GUIX", ContextMenu_Paint = "Pintura", ContextMenu_Blue = "Blava", ContextMenu_Brown = "Marró", ContextMenu_Cyan = "Blau Fosc", ContextMenu_Green = "Verd", ContextMenu_Grey = "Gris", ContextMenu_Light_Blue = "Blau Clar", ContextMenu_Light_Brown = "Marró clar", ContextMenu_Orange = "Taronja", ContextMenu_Pink = "Rosa", ContextMenu_Purple = "Lila", //PORPRA? ContextMenu_Turquoise = "Turquesa", ContextMenu_White = "Blanc", ContextMenu_Yellow = "Groc", ContextMenu_Equip_Two_Hands = "Equipar amb ambdues mans", // EQUIPAR AMB TOTES DUES MANS.// EQUIPAR AMB LES DUES MANS -- Camping menu ContextMenu_Build_a_fire = "Construir foguera", //FER FOGUERA? ContextMenu_Add_petrol = "Afegir gasolina", ContextMenu_Light_fire = "Encendre foguera”, ContextMenu_Put_up_tent = "Muntar tenda de campanya", ContextMenu_Take_down_tent = "Desmuntar tenda de campanya", ContextMenu_Put_out_fire = "Recollir foguera", ContextMenu_Add_fuel_to_fire = "Afegir mes llenya”,, ContextMenu_Sleep_in_tent = "Dormir en tenda de campanya", ContextMenu_Light_fire_with_kindling = "Encendre foc amb llenya", ContextMenu_Light = "Encendre", ContextMenu_Spill_Gravel = "Abocar grava", //ABOCAR-HI? ContextMenu_Spill_Sand = "Abocar sorra",////ABOCAR-HI? ContextMenu_Spill_Dirt = "Abocar terra",////ABOCAR-HI? ContextMenu_Take_some_sands = Agafar una mica de sorra", ContextMenu_Take_some_gravel = "Agafar una mica de grava", ContextMenu_Take_some_dirt = "Agafar una mica de terra", ContextMenu_Repair = "Reparar ",//ARREGLAR? ContextMenu_NameThisBag = "Nom" ContextMenu_RenameBag = "Cambiar nom", // CAMBIAR NOM DEL CONTENIDOR ContextMenu_Lamp_on_Pillar = "Farola",//FANAL //LLANTERNA SOBRE D’UN PILAR? } Farming Items_CAT = { DisplayNameCampfire_materials = "Materials per a la foguera", DisplayNameStone = "Pedra", DisplayNameKindling = "Llenya", DisplayNameKnotted_Wooden_Plank = “Planxes de fusta foradades",//LLISTONS DE FUSTA FORADATS? DisplayNameSturdy_Stick = "Pal robust", DisplayNameFlint = "Pedernal", DisplayNameSteel_Knuckle = "Puny americà", DisplayNameFlint_and_Steel = "Encenedor", DisplayNameTent = "Tenda de campanya", DisplayNameTent_kit = "Kit tenda de campanya", DisplayNameTent_Peg = "Varilles tenda de campanya", DisplayNameSeeding_Broccoli = "Llavors bròquil", DisplayNameRadish = "Rave", DisplayNameStrawberries = "Maduixa", DisplayNameTomato = "Tomàquet", DisplayNamePotato = "Patata", DisplayNameCabbage = "Col", DisplayNameMilk_Package = "Paquet de llet", DisplayNameBacon = "Beicon",// BUFF.. BACÓ NO M’AGRADA MASSA //CANSALADA FUMADA?? wtf… DisplayNameBacon_Rashers = Filet de beicon", DisplayNameBacon_Bits = "Trossos de beicon", DisplayNameBottle_with_Mayonnaise = "Pot de maionesa", DisplayNameWater_bottle = "Ampolla amb aigua", DisplayNameBottle_with_Remoulade = "Pot de salsa", DisplayNameBottle_with_Remoulade_(Half) = "Pot de salsa", DisplayNameBottle_with_Remoulade_(Empty) = "Ampolla buida", DisplayNamePotato_Salad = "Amanida de patata", DisplayNamePreparation_for_Potato_Salad = "", DisplayNameVegetarian_Potato_Salad = "Amanida de patata i verdures", //AMANIDA DE PATATA VEGETARIANA.. DisplayNamePreparation_for_Potato_Salad_Vegetarian = "", DisplayNameBoring_Salad = "Amanida insípida", DisplayNameSimple_Salad = "Amanida simple", DisplayNameTasty_Salad = "Amanida suculenta", DisplayNamePreparation_for_Boring_Mixed_Salad = "", DisplayNameCarrot_Seeds = "Llavors de pastanaga", DisplayNameBroccoli_Seeds = “Llavors de bróquil", DisplayNameRadish_Seeds = "Llavors de rave", DisplayNameStrawberries_Seeds = " Llavors de maduixa", DisplayNameTomato_Seeds = "Llavors de tomàquet", DisplayNamePotato_Seeds = "Llavors de patata", DisplayNameCabbage_Seeds = "Llavors de col", DisplayNameCarrot_Seeds_Packet = "Bossa de llavors de pastanaga", DisplayNameBroccoli_Seeds_Packet = "Bossa de llavors de bròquil", DisplayNameRadish_Seeds_Packet = "Bossa de llavors de rave", DisplayNameStrawberries_Seeds_Packet = "Bossa de llavors de maduixes", DisplayNameTomato_Seeds_Packet = "Bossa de llavors de tomàquet", DisplayNamePotato_Seeds_Packet = "Bossa de llavors de patata", DisplayNameCabbage_Seeds_Packet = "Bossa de llavors de col", DisplayNameTrowel = "Pala de jardineria", DisplayNameSpade = "Pala", DisplayNameWatering_Can_(Full) = "Regadora amb aigua", DisplayNameWatering_Can = "Regadora buida", DisplayNameNPK_Fertilizer = "Abono ecològic", DisplayNameEmpty_Fertilizer = "Abono buit", DisplayNameMildew_Spray = "Aerosol antifúngic", DisplayNameGardening_Spray_Can_(Empty) = "Aerosol buit", DisplayNameGardening_Spray_Can_(Full) = "Aerosol amb aigua", DisplayNameInsecticide_Spray = "Aerosol insecticida", DisplayNameAxe = "Destral", DisplayNameBaseball_Bat = "Bat de beisbol", DisplayNameNailed_Baseball_Bat = "Bat de beisbol con claus", DisplayNameButter_Knife = "Ganivet de mantega", DisplayNameHammer = "Martell", DisplayNameKitchen_Knife = "Ganivet de cuina", DisplayNameMolotov_Cocktail = "Còctel molotov", DisplayNameFrying_Pan = "Paella", DisplayNamePen = "Bolígraf", DisplayNamePencil = "Llapis", DisplayNamePistol = "Pistola", DisplayNamePlank = "Tauló",//PLANXA DE FUSTA, DisplayNameNailed_Plank = "Tauló con claus", DisplayNamePoolcue = "Tac de billar", DisplayNameScrewdriver = "Tornavis", DisplayNameShotgun = "Escopeta", DisplayNameSawn_Off_Shotgun = "Escopeta retallada", DisplayNameSledgehammer = "Massa d’obra", DisplayNameBarbed_wire = "Malla de pues",//CABLEJAT DE PÚES? DisplayNameBarricade = "Barricada", DisplayNameBelt = "Cinturó", DisplayName9mm_Magazine = "Carregador de 9mm", DisplayNameBowl = "Bol", DisplayNameBucket = "Galleda", DisplayName9mm_Rounds = "Bala de 9mm", DisplayNameCandle = "Espelma", DisplayNameCoffee = "Cafè", DisplayNameBag_of_Concrete_Powder = "Sac de formigó", DisplayNameCrate = "Caixa", DisplayNameDoor = "Porta", DisplayNameWooden_Door_Frame = "Porta de fusta", DisplayNameDoorknob = "Pom per a portes", //POM PORTA//POM DE LA PORTA DisplayNameDrawer = "Calaix", DisplayNameDoor_Hinge = "Frontissa per a portes", // FRONTISSA // FRONTISSA DE LA PORTA DisplayNamePicture_of_Kate = "Fotografia de Kate", DisplayNameKettle = "Tetera", DisplayNameLog = "tronco", DisplayNameEmpty_Mug = "Tassa buida DisplayNameNails = "Claus", DisplayNameEmpty_Notebook = "Cuadern buit DisplayNamePaint_brush = brotxa de pintura", DisplayNamePillow = "Coixí", DisplayNamePistol_Magazine = "Carregador de pistola", //CARREGADOR PER A PISTOLA? DisplayNameBag_of_Plaster_Powder = "Sac de guix", DisplayNamePool_Ball = "Bola de billar", DisplayNameEmpty_Pop_Bottle = "Botella de refresc buida", DisplayNameCooking_Pot = "Olla", DisplayNameBandages = "Bendatges", DisplayNameRoasting_Pan = "Safata de forn", DisplayNameSaw = "Serra", DisplayNameSheet = "Llençol", DisplayNameSheet_of_Paper = "Fulla de paper", DisplayNameSheet_Rope = "Soga de tela", DisplayNameShotgun_Shells = "Cartutx d'escopeta", DisplayNameSock = "Mitjó", DisplayNameStairs_Piece = "Part de l'escala", //PEÇA DE L'ESCALA DisplayNameTea_Bag = "Bosseta de te", DisplayNameCan_Opener = "Obrellaunes",//OBRIDOR DisplayNameCanned_Beans = "Llauna de mongetes", DisplayNameTuna = "Llauna de tonyina", DisplayNameWall_Piece = "Part de la paret", //TROS DE LA PARET DisplayNameEmpty_Bottle = "Ampolla buida", DisplayNameWooden_Window_Frame = "Marc de finestra de fusta", //MARC FINESTRA FUSTA // MARC DE FUSTA PER LA FINESTRA DisplayNameBook = "Llibre", DisplayNameCarpentry_for_Beginners = "Fusteria per a novells", DisplayNameCarpentry_for_Intermediates = "Fusteria intermitja", DisplayNameAdvanced_Carpentry = "Fusteria avançada", DisplayNameExpert_Carpentry = "Fusteria per a experts", DisplayNameMaster_Carpentry = "Fusteria per a mestres", DisplayNameCooking_for_Beginners = "Cuina per a novells", DisplayNameCooking_for_Intermediates = "Cuina intermitja", DisplayNameAdvanced_Cooking = "Cuina avançada", DisplayNameExpert_Cooking = "Cuina per a experts", DisplayNameMaster_Cooking = "Cuina per a mestres", DisplayNameFarming_for_Beginners = "Agricultura per a novells", DisplayNameFarming_for_Intermediates = "Agricultura intermitja", DisplayNameAdvanced_Farming = "Agricultura avançada", DisplayNameExpert_Farming = "Agricultura per a experts", DisplayNameMaster_Farming = "Agricultura per a mestros", DisplayNameDoodle = "Diari personal", DisplayNameJournal = "Diari", DisplayNameMagazine = "Revista", DisplayNamespaper = "Paper", DisplayNameApple = "Poma", DisplayNameBroccoli_Chicken_Casserole = " Cassola de pollastre amb bròquil", DisplayNameBanana = "Plàtan", DisplayNameBowl_of_Beans = "Bol de mongetes", DisplayNameBoring_Bowl_of_Soup = "Bol de sopa insípida", DisplayNameBoring_Soup = "Sopa insípida", DisplayNameBread = "Pa", DisplayNameBroccoli = "Bróquil", DisplayNameButter = "Mantega", DisplayNameCarrots = "Pastanaga", DisplayNameCheese = "Formatge", DisplayNameCheese_Sandwich = "Entrepà de formatge", DisplayNameChicken = "Pollastre", DisplayNameChocolate = "Xocolata", DisplayNameCigarettes = "Cigarrets", DisplayNameComplex_Bowl_of_Soup = "Bol de sopa elaborada", DisplayNameComplicated_Soup = "Sopa elaborada", DisplayNameChips = "Patates fregides de bossa", DisplayNameCupcake = "Magdalena", DisplayNameEgg = "Ou", DisplayNameGrilled_Cheese_Sandwich = "Entrepà de formatge fos", DisplayNameHearty_Bowl_of_Soup = "Bol de sopa copiosa", DisplayNameHearty_Soup = "Sopa copiosa", DisplayNameLollipop = "Piruleta", DisplayNameHot_Cuppa = "Tassa de te calient", DisplayNameOpen_Can_of_Beans = "Llauna de mongetes (oberta)", DisplayNameOrange = "Taronja", DisplayNamePeanut_Butter = "Crema de cacahuet", DisplayNamePeanut_Butter_Sandwich = "Entrepà de crema de cacauet", DisplayNamePeas = "Pèsols", DisplayNamePie = "Pastís, DisplayNamePop = "Gasosa", DisplayNameOrange_Soda = "Refresc de taronja", DisplayNameInstant_Popcorn = "Crispetes de microones ", DisplayNamePot_of_Soup = "Olla de sopa", DisplayNameDry_Ramen_Noodles = "Fideus secs", DisplayNameBowl_of_Ramen_Noodles = "Bol de fideus", DisplayNameSalmon = "Salmó", DisplayNameSimple_Bowl_of_Soup = "Bol de sopa simple", DisplayNameSimple_Soup = "Sopa simple", DisplayNameBowl_of_Soup = "Bol de sopa", DisplayNameSteak = "Filet", DisplayNameTV_Dinner = "Menjar precuinat", DisplayNameTasty_Bowl_of_Soup = "Bol de sopa suculenta", DisplayNameTasty_Soup = "Sopa suculenta", DisplayNameCanned_Soup = "Sopa en llauna", DisplayNameOpen_Tin_of_Tuna = "Lata de atún abierta", DisplayNameWatermelon = "Síndria", DisplayNameWatermelon_Slice = "Rodanxes de síndria", DisplayNameWatermelon_Chunks = "Trossos de síndria", DisplayNameWhiskey_Bottle_(full) = "Ampolla de Whisky", DisplayNameWhiskey_Bottle_(half) = "Ampolla de Whisky", DisplayNameWet_Dish_Towel = "Drap de cuina humit", DisplayNameDish_Towel = "Drap de cuina", DisplayNameBattery = "Bateria", DisplayNameBucket_with_concrete = "Galleda amb formigó", DisplayNameBucket_with_plaster = "Galleda amb guix", DisplayNameBucket_with_water = "Galleda amb aigua", DisplayNameLit_Candle = "Espelma encesa", DisplayNameFlour = "Farina", DisplayNameA_Full_Kettle = "Tetera amb aigua", DisplayNameGravel_bag = "Sac de grava", DisplayNameLighter = "Encenedor", DisplayNameMatches = "Llumins", DisplayNameBlue_Paint = "Pintura blava", DisplayNameBrown_Paint = "Pintura marró", DisplayNameCyan_Paint = "Pintura blau fosc", DisplayNameGreen_Paint = "Pintura verda", DisplayNameGrey_Paint = "Pintura gris", DisplayNameLight_Blue_Paint = "Pintura blau clar", DisplayNameLight_Brown_Paint = "Pintura marró clar", DisplayNameOrange_Paint = "Pintura taronja", DisplayNamePink_Paint = "Pintura rosa", DisplayNamePurple_Paint = "Pintura lila",//PINTURA PORPRA? wtf. DisplayNameTurquoise_Paint = "Pintura turquesa", DisplayNameWhite_Paint = "Pintura blanca", DisplayNameYellow_Paint = "Pintura groga", DisplayNameGas_Can = "Bidó de gasolina", DisplayNamePainkillers = "Analgésics", DisplayNameAnti-depressants = "Antidepresius", DisplayNameBeta_Blockers = "Tranquilizants", DisplayNameSleeping_Tablets = "Somnífers", DisplayNameSand_bag = "Sac de sorra", DisplayNameSugar = "Sucre", DisplayNameTissue = "Mocador", DisplayNameFlashlight = "Llanterna", DisplayNameWater_bottle = "Ampolla amb aigua", DisplayNameWater_Bottle = "Ampolla amb aigua", DisplayNameBowl_of_Water = "Bol amb aigua", DisplayNameA_Mug_of_Water = "Tassa amb aigua", DisplayNameA_Pot_of_Water = "Olla amb aigua", DisplayNameVest = "Armilla", DisplayNameSweater = "Jersei", DisplayNameBlouse = "Blusa", DisplayNamePants = "Pantalones", DisplayNameSkirt = "Faldilla", DisplayNameShoes = "Sabates", DisplayNameCrowbar = "Palanca", DisplayNameFork = "Forquilla", DisplayNameGolfclub = "Pal de golf", DisplayNameRolling_Pin = "Corró", DisplayNameScissors = "Tisores", DisplayNameSpoon = "Cullera", DisplayNameWet_Bath_Towel = "Toaballola mullada", DisplayNameBath_Towel = "Toballola", DisplayNameBandaid = "Tireta", DisplayNameBandage = "Bendatge", DisplayNameBleach = "Leixiu", DisplayNamePlaying_Cards = "Baralla de cartes", DisplayNameComb = "Pinta", DisplayNameDice = "Dau", DisplayNameDogfood = "Menjar per a gossos", DisplayNameLipstick = "Pintallabis", DisplayNameLocket = "Penjoll", DisplayNameMirror = "Mirall", DisplayNameRadio = "Radio", DisplayNameRazor = "Maquinieta d'afaitar", DisplayNameString = "Cordill",//CORDÓ? DisplayNameToy_Bear = "Osset de peluix", DisplayNameVitamins = "Vitamines", DisplayNameWallet = "Cartera", DisplayNameWedding_Ring = "Anell de noces",// BODA?..//NÚPCIES DisplayNameWire = "Filferro", DisplayNameYoyo = "Yoyó", DisplayNameBeef_Jerky = "Cecina", DisplayNameBerry = "Baia", DisplayNameCandycane = "Bastó de caramel", DisplayNameCereal = "Cereal", DisplayNameDead_Rat = "Rata morta", DisplayNameOpen_Dogfood = "Llauna de menjar per gossos (oberta)", DisplayNameIcecream = "Gelat", DisplayNameLemon = "Llimona", DisplayNameMilk = "Llet", DisplayNameMushroom = "Bolet", DisplayNameOnion = "Ceba", DisplayNameStrawberry = "Maduixa", DisplayNameDuffelbag = "Bossa de lona", DisplayNamePlastic_Bag = "Bossa de plàstic", DisplayNameTote_Bag = "Bossa de asa", DisplayNameSchoolbag = "Mochila escolar", DisplayNameNormal_Hiking_Bag = "Motxilla de excursió normal", DisplayNameBig_Hiking_Bag = "Motxilla d'excursió gran", DisplayNameNewspaper = "Diari", DisplayNameBottle_with_Mayonnaise_(Full) = "Pot amb maionesa", DisplayNameRope = "Corda", DisplayNameGlue = "Cola", DisplayNameBox_of_Nails = "Caixa de claus", DisplayNameBox_of_Screws = "Caixa de visos",//CAIXA DE CARGOLS DisplayNameBox_of_9mm_Bullets = "Caixa de balas de 9mm", DisplayNameBox_of_Shotgun_Shells = "Caixa de cartutxs d'escopeta", DisplayNameScrews = "Visos", DisplayNameBurger = "Hamburguesa", DisplayNamePizza = "Pizza", DisplayNameFries = "Patates fregides", DisplayNamePancakes = "Crep",COCA//COQUETA? o.O" DisplayNameMeat_Patty = "Empanada", DisplayNameWaffles = "Gofres", DisplayNameGarbage_Bag = "Bossa d'escombreries", DisplayNameEmpty_Sand_bag = "Sac de sorra buit", DisplayNameDirt_bag = "Sac de terra", DisplayNameDuct_Tape = "Cinta aïllant", DisplayNameWood_glue = "Cola de fuster", DisplayNameTwine = "Fil", DisplayNameTooth_paste = "Pasta de dents", DisplayNameTooth_brush = "Respall de dents", DisplayNameScotch_tape = "Cinta adhesiva", DisplayNameDigital_Watch = "Rellotge digital", DisplayNameHam = "Pernil", DisplayNameCorn = "Blat de moro", DisplayNameEggplant = "Alberginia", DisplayNameLeek = "Porro", DisplayNameGrapes = "Raïm", DisplayNameThread = "Fil", DisplayNameNeedle = "Agulla", DisplayNameCube = "Cub de Rubick", DisplayNameDough= "Massa", DisplayNameBakingTray= "Safta per a fornejar", DisplayNameRolled_Dough= "Massa aplanada", DisplayNameBaking_Tray_With_Bread= "Safata per a fornejar amb pa", DisplayNamePeanuts = "Cacauets" DisplayNameOpen_Canned_Soup = "Llauna de sopa (oberta)"} IGUI IGUI_CAT = {-- All the UI text used in game-- InventoryPaneIGUI_invpanel_Type = "Tipus",IGUI_invpanel_Category = "Categoria",IGUI_invpanel_Pack = "Ficar",IGUI_invpanel_unpack = "Treure",IGUI_invpanel_drop_all = "Deixar-ho anar tot",IGUI_invpanel_drop_one = "Deixar-ne un",IGUI_invpanel_Nutrition = "Nutrició",IGUI_invpanel_Remaining = "Restant",IGUI_invpanel_Condition = "Condició",IGUI_invpanel_Cooking = "Cuinant-se"IGUI_invpanel_Burning = "Cremant-se"IGUI_invpanel_Burnt = "Cremat" -- InventoryPageIGUI_invpage_Loot_all = "Agafar-ho tot", -- Character ScreenIGUI_char_Age = "Edat",IGUI_char_Sex = "Gènere",IGUI_char_Traits = "Trets",IGUI_char_Favourite_Weapon = "Arma preferida",IGUI_char_Zombies_Killed = "Zombis eliminats",IGUI_char_Survivor_Killed = "NPC eliminats",IGUI_char_Survived_For = "Díes amb vida",IGUI_char_Male = "Home",IGUI_char_Female = "Dona", -- Health panelIGUI_health_Scratched = "Rascada",IGUI_health_Wounded = "Ferida",IGUI_health_Bitten = "Mosegada",IGUI_health_Bleeding = "Sagnant",IGUI_health_Bandaged = "Embenat",IGUI_health_Overall_Body_Status = "Estat general",IGUI_health_zombified = "¡ZOMBIFICAT!",IGUI_health_ok = "Sa",IGUI_health_Slight_damage = "Danys mínims",IGUI_health_Very_Minor_damage = "Danys lleus",IGUI_health_Minor_damage = "Danys superficials",IGUI_health_Moderate_damage = "Danys moderats",IGUI_health_Severe_damage = "Danys considerables",IGUI_health_Very_Severe_damage = "Danys molt considerables",IGUI_health_Crital_damage = "Danys crítics",IGUI_health_Highly_Crital_damage = "Danys molt crítics",IGUI_health_Terminal_damage = "Estat terminal",IGUI_health_Deceased = "Muert",IGUI_health_Left_Hand = "Mà esquerra",IGUI_health_Right_Hand = "Mà dreta",IGUI_health_Left_Forearm = "Avantbraç esquerre",IGUI_health_Right_Forearm = "Avantbraç dret",IGUI_health_Left_Upper_Arm = "Braç esquerre",IGUI_health_Right_Upper_Arm = "Braç dret",IGUI_health_Upper_Torso = "Tors superior",IGUI_health_Lower_Torso = "Tors inferior",IGUI_health_Head = "Cap",IGUI_health_Neck = "Coll",IGUI_health_Groin = "Engonal",IGUI_health_Left_Thigh = "Cuixa esquerra",IGUI_health_Right_Thigh = "Cuixa dreta",IGUI_health_Left_Shin = "Espinilla esquerre",IGUI_health_Right_Shin = "Espinilla dreta",IGUI_health_Left_Foot = "Peu esquerra",IGUI_health_Right_Foot = "Peu dret",IGUI_health_Unknown_Body_Part = "Part desconeguda", -- SkillsIGUI_skills_Multiplier = "Multiplicador",IGUI_XP_Next_skill_point = "Seguent punt d'experiència",IGUI_XP_xp = " exp",IGUI_XP_Skill_point_available = "Punts d'experiencia disponibles",IGUI_XP_Locked = "Bloquejat",IGUI_XP_UnLocked = "Desbloquejat",IGUI_XP_level = " Nivell",IGUI_XP_Skills = "Habilitats",IGUI_XP_Health = "Salut",IGUI_XP_Info = "Info", -- PerksIGUI_perks_Combat = "Combat",IGUI_perks_Blunt = "Armes contundents",IGUI_perks_Blade = "Armes blanques",IGUI_perks_Aiming = "Punteria",IGUI_perks_Reloading = "Recarrega",IGUI_perks_Crafting = "Construcció",IGUI_perks_Carpentry = "Fusteria",IGUI_perks_Cooking = "Cuina",IGUI_perks_Farming = "Agricultura",IGUI_perks_Agility = "Agilitat",IGUI_perks_Sprinting = "Sprint",IGUI_perks_Lightfooted = "Pas lleuger",IGUI_perks_Nimble = "Destresa",IGUI_perks_Sneaking = "Sigil", -- Item categoryIGUI_ItemCat_Item = "Ítem",IGUI_ItemCat_Food = "Menjar",IGUI_ItemCat_Drainable = "Escorredor",IGUI_ItemCat_Weapon = "Arma",IGUI_ItemCat_Clothing = "Roba",IGUI_ItemCat_Container = "Motxilla/Bossa",IGUI_ItemCat_Literature = "Lectura",}
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