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Konrad Knox

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Everything posted by Konrad Knox

  1. I do, because evenings make me feel carefree, which adds to the visual romanticism. What would you say is worse: not being satisfied in bed, or knowing you are not satisfying your lover?
  2. The rules are simple. User 1 posts a picture. User 2 posts a picture of something that beats it. Example: A tree. Is beaten by: Termites! Let The Picture Battle Royale begin! Termites are beaten by....?
  3. ^ I am allergic to dogs, and I can't grow a proper majestic beard to be a viking, although the rest of it fits, I'm a northern warrior < Love macaroni and cheese, home made with real ground cheese, not that crap powder out of a box. v Is a virgin.
  4. Italians. Because Linguini is delicious. Have you ever been in a threesome with someone you love and someone you hate?
  5. T'was a murky morning in the land of Dildondus, and everyone was Eating pancakes With forks. Suddenly a herald from the opposing kingdom of Supercalafradgelisticexpealadociousantidisestablishmentarianismfloccinaucinihilipilification, as their inferior waffles had been abducted by the mole-people. and the moles said the Supercalafradgelisticexpealadociousantidisestablishmentarianismfloccinaucinihilipilifications were next due to them not being hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia friendly. Luckily the Kingdom of Dildondus didn't give a fuck since they opposed the kingdom of Supercalafradgelisticexpealadociousantidisestablishmentarianismfloccinaucinihilipilification, nailing the herald's hat to his head and going to the pub for a quick Sex On The Beach, but it turned out the pub was a literal drinks pub, and he ended up having sex with myself, at which point I wondered, how much meth DID I smoke today?
  6. The mechanic seems legit to me. An animal will paw at the glass if it sees food behind it and it's hungry. They're just pressing on forward in pursuit of food, not really anything advanced. That being said, I like my zombies a little bit intelligent.
  7. Taking someone hostage is already possible in Multiplayer. Point a gun at them and tell them to follow. The other stuff - I leave it to my imagination. People can play the game on whatever horror level their mind conjures up, and I think it's okay. Lovers of gruesome scenes can interpret the current graphics as sadistic views and just complete them in their heads, where as little girls who come over from plantz vs. zombies and think of Z-Apoc as a funny zombie thingy, could skip all the blood and gore. By forcing graphic imagery we would be alienating the latter players who don't want to see that stuff, and thus potentially reducing the appeal of the game to a smaller audience. And we do like to have more players!
  8. I like the rolling pin, because it gives you more blunt exp, since it takes a longer time to kill a zed with it and you gain exp per strike, not per kill.
  9. +1 i like it. more building is good.
  10. Sorry, but an average joe would not know how to single handedly build a house.
  11. I don't mean instead of looting ammo, but in addition, once looted ammo runs out. And to make useful the numerous useless jewelry you can't even wear.
  12. So, powering up buildings with generators was being discussed, and looks like approved. This suggestion comes after generators are implemented. Once you have one going, it would be cool to make a workshop and cast bullets from all the rings, necklaces, and lockets the zombies drop. Add gunpowder as an item and let the folks load their own bullets.
  13. http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/8876-clearing-the-mall/?p=128727 Progress so far.
  14. Okay, the first hour of battle. The initial invasion and clearing of the cafeteria. One axe. One bat. No firearms or ammo taken from the safehouse for the mission. Using only what I find. Which happened to be a pistol and about 50 rounds throughout the events so far. Part 1x8 demonstrates the importance of the Lucky trait, at 55:45 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnX1mLxpISGEMihLuW3P4RayOLOAQD_tv Some comments provided in captions. Otherwise it's self explanatory. Ultimate Ranger lives on.
  15. Biggest problem with overweight is that it prevents taking athletic. And athletic is amazing.
  16. I would put Lucky on the list of most popular traits, Tyken. It seems like everyone likes it, and it provides a lot of benefits for only 4 points. Infection protection. Loot enrichment. Fishing success. Random gunshots driving zombies away from you, not towards you. Probably other things.
  17. Climbing. Climbing on walls and roofs. Climbing down into your windows. That's what is needed.
  18. Melee combat should have a random chance to knock the opponent down like it does a zombie, and then the downed person should be lootable until they get back up.
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