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Lexx's Achievements

  1. I have gone for the last few years. Not this one as its near my birthday. Sad to see they moved the date so far for this years. If they stay at this I likely won't be going again.
  2. If people don't want to deal with being randomly mugged/killed in MP they'll just have to play on whitelisted / vetted servers. Otherwise you will just get randoms messing about with you.
  3. Ah my bad on the construction worker. Yeah i meant it lessens chance of them happening in first place. Oh well!.
  4. Yup it is doable. But only a tiny % chance. Slightly more with construction worker career.
  5. I only play survival myself. Never bothered with sandbox. But does it matter what others enjoy? Just play whatever way you want.
  6. It's cancelled?!? First I heard of it, but no real surprise there though. Yeah notch is no longer working on it.
  7. Can you imagine being able to eat empty cereal boxes and napkins and tissues? Stuff like paper and cardboard fill your stomach and get rid of hunger pains for a bit but don't give you nutrients obviously. lol Lol? It is pretty realistic for stuff like this to happen in severe famine struck countries.
  8. I won't be bothering with multiplay as I have no interest in it. If the mechanics are revised to work in a decent way for multiplayer I might play some co-op with a friend or two on a private server. But that's about it. Much more interested in the single player aspect.
  9. Similar in the way they are both zombie apocalypses. The game has been in existence long before TWD came to tv though.
  10. Drink some orange soda! Don't eat rotten/burnt food.
  11. Nice to see. It seems to have come a long way in recent years. Really fun.
  12. i got the 20$ backing myself. Wanted to wait till the alpha proper is out. Does look great so far though.
  13. Yes you do. You get a bowl back after eating it. There are different types of salad to. Doh. That's why fricken bowls keep appearing in my inventory. I reported it as a bug the other night. I assume you just thought you ate the bowl with the salad? MMMM ROUGHAGE.
  14. Definitely make it an estimate based on what your character has seen. With plenty of room for error and shady secret deals between party members who might be plotting behind your back.
  15. Yes you do. You get a bowl back after eating it. There are different types of salad to.
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