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[41.77] New foraged insects never succeed in stick traps


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I went into debug mode and gave myself level 10 trapping. I then placed 10 stick traps and baited them with caterpillars, millipedes and slugs over a course of several days. I teleported far away and then back and forth once per day to refresh bait. Each bait type was placed in all 10 traps, and another 4 traps were always baited with cereal as a control. The insect bait was consumed but never caught a bird. 1 trap broke. Each test, the cereal traps were successful.


Termites and pillbugs are not valid options for baiting stick or cage traps. Not sure if intended.


After testing the 'new' insects, I repeated the trapping tests with crickets, cockroaches and grasshoppers. Those baits were very successful.

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The only baits that work for birds are:


bird.traps = {};
bird.traps["Base.TrapStick"] = 40;
bird.baits = {};
bird.baits["Base.Bread"] = 50;
bird.baits["Base.BreadSlices"] = 50;
bird.baits["Base.Worm"] = 50;
bird.baits["Base.Grasshopper"] = 50;
bird.baits["Base.Cockroach"] = 50;
bird.baits["Base.Cricket"] = 50;
bird.baits["Base.Corn"] = 45;
bird.baits["Base.Cereal"] = 45;

Copied from /media/lua/server/Traps/TrapDefinition.lua


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  • 2 months later...
  • 11 months later...

This still seems to be an issue, likewise for fishing they also don't seem to work. I checked the TrapDefinition.lua and it still shows the same as mentioned above. 


I don't know if it's intended, but none of the "new" insects seem to do anything with fishing or trapping.

Edited by troe2339
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