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Yana M.D.

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  1. Thank you! Fixed on our side already !
  2. This is a known issue. Will be fixed in the patch.
  3. Could you record a video with the repro steps?
  4. You can level up Metal Working by forging stuff that doesn't have level requirements (spoons for example). You won't get MW XP from disassembling toilets and cars, you will earn Welding XP instead.
  5. It needs X amount of the same items. You need x10 Charcoal (not a mix of different charcoal types) and 16 iron bar halves (Steel craft is unfinished)
  6. Does it happen when you forge any item? Not all recipes are meant to grant XP (ex: cutting bars), it's not a bug.
  7. Could you post coordinates?
  8. Do you have any mods enabled?
  9. This is a known issue, will be fixed in the patch.
  10. Do you get the same error when you unsub from all mods and check traps in a new modless save?
  11. This is a known bug. Will be fixed, thank you.
  12. Generators are automatically dropped before entering a vehicle. They can be stored in the trunk or on any seat through the open window.
  13. As of now, you cannot use mixed and Seltzer water to wash rags.
  14. To help us debug this, we need a video showing how to reproduce the bug.
  15. This is a known exploit. Thank you
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