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Everything posted by Teldae

  1. I've been playing elsewhere for a while, so just checking in. Is this fixed now?
  2. What you're talking about makes sense, but from a cone/field of view perspective. I'm talking about distance, which is exactly what a shortsighted person needs glasses for.
  3. supported. the skill requirement should be pretty low, maybe just needing a wrench and screwdriver
  4. supported. i'm currently enjoying playing with higher population of Z's but with respawn off. a 'rebuild society' mindset. definitely would want to ensure that what i've killed stays dead
  5. reanimation protection too. this gets my vote!
  6. Using a character with no occupation and no traits except for Short Sighted, the search radius penalty is -2.00 from 'Trait and Profession Bonuses'. Equipping Glasses or Reading Glasses removes the penalty from 'Trait and Profession Bonuses' but instead adds a penalty for Clothing Effect at -2.50. Surely the 'prescription' glasses interaction should remove the trait penalty without adding a clothing penalty?
  7. I went into debug mode and gave myself level 10 trapping. I then placed 10 stick traps and baited them with caterpillars, millipedes and slugs over a course of several days. I teleported far away and then back and forth once per day to refresh bait. Each bait type was placed in all 10 traps, and another 4 traps were always baited with cereal as a control. The insect bait was consumed but never caught a bird. 1 trap broke. Each test, the cereal traps were successful. Termites and pillbugs are not valid options for baiting stick or cage traps. Not sure if intended. After testing the 'new' insects, I repeated the trapping tests with crickets, cockroaches and grasshoppers. Those baits were very successful.
  8. I've noticed that many carpentry recipes can be crafted when the materials (mainly, planks) are lying on the floor in the spot you want to craft. However, when crafting a Trap Box, the character has to have all the ingredients in inventory. Please can the game allow ingredients from containers, ground and in-hand in all instances?
  9. 41.71 Single player No mods New save Coordinates 11027x9422x1 Climbing through either the bedroom or bathroom window drops the character into the house instead of ending up on the slanted roof outside as expected.
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