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High Skill Players Teaching Low Skill Players


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Seems characters ought to be able to teach each other skills, as an alternative (or supplement) to skill books.  


Might look something like this:  A player who is substantially better at a skill (maybe 4+ levels higher?) would be given the option to right-click a close-by lower-level player and select "Teach [Skill]."  This would give the "taught" player an XP bonus similar to / in addition to any skill book XP bonus.  The effect would end when the "teacher" engaged in any significant activity, or the teacher / student moved a certain distance apart. 


Balance could be tweaked by adjust the XP bonus and/or the minimum difference in skill level.  



Edited by Bullet_Magnate
Clarifying a Couple of Things
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why would the bonus lower/end if the teacher is far away or busy? did you learn slower when you leave your school (assuming you actually listened to your teacher)?

i like the idea, i'm just not very fond of the "effect would end" part of it.


additionally, there could be two types of teaching: theoretical (grants bonus exp gain) and practical (gains less bonus exp gain, but gains actual exp in exchange). the bonus would, of course, be added to the bonus the student would gain from reading the book on the topic for their proper level.

Edited by eksynn
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I just assumed the teacher would have a harder time explaining / demonstrating if they were, say, in the next building over, or busy juggling chainsaws or something.  :)   My thought was that it would be a temporary bonus gained while the teacher was actively explaining / demonstrating to the student, to help distinguish from the constant / permanent bonus given by books.  


I like the theoretical / practical distinction.  


Edit:  Your comment does have me thinking, though, that since the bonus only lasts while the teacher and student are both actively engaged, the bonus would need to be *much* higher than that from books, in order to be worthwhile.  

Edited by Bullet_Magnate
Fixing Typos / Adding Comment
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Just a little comment on this cause I think it would be interesting. Maybe there could be a 'teacher' occupation that could start with some of the knowledge based skills but no combat or firearms and get a xp bonus for those knowledge skills and teaching lower skilled players would be more effective since they were teachers before the apocalypses so they have experience in teaching unlike a common survivor, which I would imagine having sometimes a hard time explaining certain skills therefore the teaching would take longer or be less effective. 

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