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Everything posted by Bullet_Magnate

  1. On the first night when the temperatures drop well below freezing, pipes should freeze and rupture. From the player's perspective, I think this would basically mean that the affected plumbing fixtures would now be non-functional (no longer a source of infinite water) and would have little or no water remaining in them.
  2. Bullet_Magnate


    This all looks REALLY good! I am a little puzzled, though, why the areas in the underground bunker that the character clearly can't (and hasn't) seen, with no light sources in them at all, are still visible in that dark midnight blue hue. The light spreading looks really good, but it will take some of the mystery and tension out of exploration if unexplored, unlit rooms render in that way before the player reaches them. Love all I'm seeing in the update, but I do hope that changes ... And here's one thing that really jumped out at me, in a good way: That may be my favorite thing I've ever read in any Thursdoid, and that's saying something!
  3. I enjoy using a mod that starts that game at a random time of year, to change things up a bit. As a result I was doing a run in the dead of winter recently, and heard ambient wildlife sounds outdoors that included things like crickets. There might be some wildlife out and about in -20 degree snowy weather in Kentucky -- but not crickets! I grew up in a pretty cold climate, and I seem to recall that outdoors during the coldest part of winter, you didn't hear much but your own feet crunching in the snow and the lonely, moaning wind. I'd like to see the ambient outdoor wildlife tracks reduced during winter to the very occasional bird call, or perhaps none at all.
  4. Totally understandable -- given how huge the map is, I imagine it's a *huge* challenge to get it fine-tuned down to the last detail. And that's not even taking into account all the other non-map related issues that (I'm sure) need working ... It's great how responsive y'all are to the community -- one more reason to love the game.
  5. There are places on the map where you can find large military tents. Structurally, these are treated as buildings -- to enter or exit you *must* go through a door (tent flap) or window. Id like to see the ability added to use a knife or other sharp item to quickly cut an entrance / exit in the tent wall, converting the tent wall tile to one showing a ragged hole.
  6. Might be more trouble than it's worth, but ... this one came to me while hoofing it through a desolate area with a nightstick in one hand and a hard-won treasure in the other -- a full propane tank. My character is a smoker, and the urge was suddenly upon him. I was about to smoke up when the notion occurred to me that lighting up while hauling a propane tank around might not be the smartest idea. Not a huge risk or anything, since I had no intention of opening the sealed tank right then and I was in an open, windy area, but still ... not super smart. That got me to thinking about all the warnings you hear about avoiding open flame (or even cell phone use) around gasoline / gas pumps. Open flames and gas / gas pumps being very much things in PZ, and presenting a new and exciting way of making the player regret their life choices, I thought I would mention the idea.
  7. The ambience of a loose shutter banging in the wind somewhere in the distance would also be very creepy and cool.
  8. Recently ended up spending some time in a place where most of the buildings were burned-out wrecks, and noted that the burned-out buildings don't really behave like burned-out buildings. Meaning, in the few tiles that are intact, fridges still run and sinks still work. Also, it seems they still count as indoors for warmth / shelter purposes even though 90% of the walls are missing, or consist of open window / door frames. Just something that would be a nice little improvement to immersion -- and, more importantly, make things more desperate, difficult, and hopeless. Edit: Literally five minutes after I posted this, I jumped through a burned-out window into one of said destroyed houses and ... house alarm.
  9. Probably the single biggest QOL issue I have with the game, much as I love it. I invest substantial time in crafting efficient key / mouse binding schemes for the games I play a lot. It seems like PZ has very limited flexibility in this regard. For example, with very few circumstances, I can't custom bind key combinations (like CTRL + G instead of plain ol' G, for example) -- and assigning actions to specific mouse buttons just ain't a thing. I'm tracking that there are keyboards and mice with their own software that permits this sort of thing, but I've found them to be wonky and unreliable. I'd really rather just have native support in PZ itself.
  10. I kinda wish the sound of wind in the game was louder and more evocative. Rain has a nice sound, feels very "present," but even when the wind moodle / popup says gale force winds it seems I can barely hear it. Louder sounds in this regard would give a better warning of things like wind chill, and would add (in a good way) to the lonely, desolate feel of the game.
  11. Road signs in the game (such as signposts indicating upcoming towns) can't be read if they face west or north, because all you see is the back of the sign. It would be nice if this information could be revealed somehow -- say, with a quick popup when mousing over the sign.
  12. I was actually thinking the inability to eat truly gross stuff would be the default, rather than a trait! Though I do like the idea of having a positive trait that allows the character to eat such foods immediately, or to desensitize faster ("Survivalist," maybe). Conversely, there could be a negative trait ("Fastidious") that makes the character permanently unable to eat such foods, or makes them desensitize faster.
  13. I don't think I've ever found an unlocked closed garage door in nearly 2000 hours of game time. I'm assuming at this point that they are just always locked. Obviously it'd be a bit more realistic if you could at least occasionally find one unlocked ...
  14. It's a little annoying that once I turn off a radio or TV, I have to click again to close its UI window. Seems intuitive that turning it off ought to make its UI go away. I understand that there's more you can do than turn them off and on, but I think 99% of the time of you're turning if off, you're done with it. Or, maybe in addition to the "Turn Off" button, have another one that is "Turn Off and Close."
  15. Might make sense if characters (absent certain traits or professions) simply cannot eat bugs, rotten food, uncooked rat meat, dog food, etc., until they are at desperate hunger levels for a certain amount of aggregate time. Once the character does get to the point of being able to eat such things, each such item eaten could desensitize him/her -- reducing the degree / time of hunger needed to allow eating such things in the future.
  16. So very glad to hear it -- and appreciate you addressing it so quickly!
  17. For the most part this all sounds great. However ... I can't say I am super excited about a crafting system that, at its roots, relies on a resource / harvesting system that is (at least I think) seriously unrealistic. Easily harvestable iron ore deposits just lying around 1993 Kentucky seems ... unlikely, in a word. Seems to confirm some of my fears about the game morphing into "Minecraft with zombies." I know the game is to some extent inspired by Minecraft, but what sets PZ apart to me is its substantial commitment to realism. That said, I will be perfectly fine going that direction as long as some provision is made for those who don't want unrealistic resource harvesting options available. If such deposits can be made vanishingly rare or non-existent in sandbox settings, that's fine. However, I'd want to see some viable alternatives then -- such as a robust system for salvaging / scrapping existing metal from cars, furniture, etc. -- and maybe, late game, the possibility of interaction with NPC traders who can import rare / valuable items (like scrap metal) from off-map. Overall, I like everything I'm seeing -- that's the only thing that gives me pause.
  18. I've been jonesing so hard for my hit of Thursdoid and you frickin' DELIVERED. This all looks *really* good. Only thing I'd note is that I'm really hoping that each basement generally stays within the dimensions of the house it's under -- will feel really weird otherwise. Oh, and it'd be a missed opportunity for some immersion / realism if most of the basements didn't at least have a tile or two devoted to, say, a furnace and/or hot water heater -- which would have been in pretty much any but the most primitive of homes in 1993 Kentucky. The cleaning bit also has me re-adding "paper towels" on my wish list for Zombie Santa ... Edit: Everything in this Thursdoid is outstanding, but for some reason I'm really fired up about the look and feel of the looted homes and shops. For me personally, anything that adds this sort of to immersion / realism in the game is just *chef's kiss* ...
  19. I would LOVE to see a mod that makes stones, chipped stones, tree branches, and sturdy sticks into usable (but crappy) blunt weapons. I mean, if I can potentially kill a zombie by poking it in the eye with a pencil, why can't I crack open its noggin with a nice, fist-sized rock? If anyone out there has the time and the skill, it would be much appreciated ...
  20. My character has, for no apparent reason, begun automatically pouring out any water container in his main inventory (bottles, kettles, etc). This doesn't happen with containers in bags or packs he is carrying -- just main inventory. As soon as I put a container with any water in main inventory, out it pours. Same if he fills something from a water source -- he fills it up, and immediately empties it. I suspect a mod is the issue, but I use a ton of them. This is a bit odd, though, since I've been playing with the same mods for a long time, and haven't recently added any. I am hoping someone here has had the same issue and can help me figure out what mod(s) are the issue, without having to resort to a bunch of trial-and-error. This is one of my best playthroughs so far so I am hoping I can fix this. Thanks in advance to anyone with info or suggestions!
  21. Maybe there could be multiple server options, like: (1) Fast forward is available, but only to server admins; or (2) Fast forward is available, but only the lowest FF setting currently in use by any player applies (makes it so teams can FF if they ALL choose to, and it stops if any of them stop it); or As an aside, it might also be nice if there was on option to simply make skill books and magazines instantly consumable (i.e., set read time to 0). Maybe that option already exists -- not sure.
  22. This post gave me one of those, "Hey . . . that's right, why didn't I think of that," moments of clarity . . .
  23. Guess it's not quite big enough. Still, subways are a great idea for inclusion in custom maps -- I do hope we see more of them.
  24. I do like that idea! Does Louisville even have a subway system though? A quick look online seemed to indicate that the only subways in Louisville KY are the kind that serve sandwiches . . .
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