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Basements, old bomb shelters, survivalist houses


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Basically the suggest is simple, I kind of want to see basements implemented sometime as well as either bomb shelters from long ago or suvivalist houses, for those that don't know it's kind of a hobby among some Americans to collect food, weapons and survival gear as well as build shelters in their homes in case of a apocalypse-like event.

Now the basements I wouldn't mind becoming common but bomb shelters and suvivalist homes would probably be more rare yet also a great find.

edit: also sorry for spelling "Survivalist" wrong in the thread name.

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yeah... preppers or how it's called.


generally I like the idea, but let us say we have 3 prepper houses (just a random number I picked) and they have a big amount of canned food and tools and weapons... they could be 3 random houses all over the map which would be ok but if you found one, you'd be set for a while which would make it a little imba, wouldn't it?


same goes for the bunkers... I like the idea, there are atombunkers on private ground for sure but (also a but here...) being an atom bunker would make it an obvious choice as a base because it is way safer than just a house.. no? but it would be a nice addition to the map though.

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Would be a nice touch to find old bomb/fallout shelters in the area. Odds are they would have converted to storage/sheds/basements by now, but, it would be a nice little thing. Who knows, you could luck out and find one built like a vault.


Um, yeah. odds are they wouldn't be stocked in this day and age, but finding a sturdy structure with a thick steel door could always be nice

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Assuming you can open whatever door those have, probably well locked :D I see myself with my bobby pin and screwdriver lockpicking the bunker door hahaha.


But yeah, basements would be a nice addition, and really dangerous with only one entrance. It would be a nice addition, although I'd rather see NPCs and such first. Maybe when custom maps can be done again with the tools, we'll see someone make this ?


As a french, I'd expect to find wine in almost every cellar :P I'd like to have my little apocalypse cellar

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"Prepping" is kinda something most KY people just do and have done for a long time. It's part of our tradeskill oriented, live-off-the-land culture. By the standards of most outsiders, I'd be considered a "Doomsday Prepper" but we just call it being ready for a bad situation. Most of those survivalists depicted on TV, it's like they went and found the dumbest peolpe they could within even the "DoomsdayPreparedness" movement to showcase. We don't do it around here because we're afraid of supervolcanoes or nuclear war or whatever. We do it because an ice storm might mess some shit up this year, or a tornado, or some other regular natural occurrence for the area. It's handy for us straight down to surviving unemployment and financial hardship. We know that money can't be eaten lol, but food can, and bullets can get more food. I just wanted to address that stigma for a second.

We do have bunkers. Not what you'd normally think of, as they aren't for withstanding bombs. Usually, they're small, single room concrete hovels built into the side of a hill. We use them to hide from tornados. They aren't big enough to live in or outfit for days of survival. We actually keep them pretty naked because you don't want shit inside your shelter that can fly around and hit people. A bunker in the terms many are thinking of, only the wealthier folks have those. We convert our basements/cellars for that kind of thing if we feel the desire.

I think this has more to do with programming than anything. If I understand it correctly, for each story of elevation in the game, essentially an entire map must be created, especially to allow for players to customize those layers. So adding a sub-story to houses would amount to adding an entire map below the current one. That takes lots and lots of time. I'd look forward to this when they get beyond alpha into full beta.

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Most of those survivalists depicted on TV, it's like they went and found the dumbest peolpe they could within even the "DoomsdayPreparedness" movement to showcase.


thats usually what reality tv producers do nowadays... there was good reality tv once... now its mostly crap sorry


yeah, how much effort it would take to realize an underground level / basement / bunker is beyond me it would be nice though.

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Do they use fuel oil or did people have coal furnaces in Kentucky?  If so, this adds more weight to basements to hold the furnace or where a furnace might have been.


While I did see a lot of the outdoors while stationed at Ft. Campbell, I never went into a lot of homes (besides base housing).  The few I did go into outside of post were apartments.

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The one big thing about preppers is: They'll most likely still be alive. So unless they're hospitable, you're gonna have to fight for that bunker and all it's loot. And the prepper(s) inhabiting it probably have guns.

I agree. we don't know how PZ apocalypse started but against normal zombies I guess most of those guys would be alive, but that also brings new opportunities. Since he probably has tons of useful things in the shelter he could work as a kind of store if you something for him. of course you could just try to kill him but I guess he would be well armed as well.

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personally, there would be no way i would go into an underground bunker with only one way in or out. not only would claustrophobia and panic attacks become a daily occurrence, but the odds of getting trapped in there would have an even worse effect on my mental health.


throw in the chance of someone who was with you starting to freak out at the same time you are freaking out and you get a very real risk of someone getting killed. then while the others remove the body from the shelter, even more risk of being seen by raiders, other survivors, or zombies.


can't stay down there forever, eventually you have to go topside for one reason or another. and having been isolated as you were, you really would not have any idea what had been happening, where the hordes may be, if someone was searching for survivors, if napalm had been used to wipe out the bigger hordes..........

the isolation may turn out to be the exact thing that kills you.


 if the shit ever does hit the fan, i'm making a run into the high mountains of Utah in the Strawberry Reservoir area. live on rainbow trout, cutthroat trout, crawdads and kokanee salmon on a big island in the middle of the lake.

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The one big thing about preppers is: They'll most likely still be alive. So unless they're hospitable, you're gonna have to fight for that bunker and all it's loot. And the prepper(s) inhabiting it probably have guns.

You're right. Even the nutty ones will outlast the people who have no preparations at all (a bugout bag and a gun don't qualify). The preppers and the rural people would inherit the world against the shambler zedocalypse. While cities would be blackholes, all those people who cracked jokes about rednecks and crazy preppers would be biters mwahahahaha... ahem.

As far as attitude, it'd be pretty diverse. People who were prepared for catastrophe and already have a group would be more trusting. Those who weren't and had to struggle, or those who spent a large amount of time alone in the catastrophe,  wouldn't be. Then there would be the predator societies. For those that like TWD for modern reference, Governor types would be more common than Rick types. I'd imagine that's about as simple as it can be put though: Trusting, Reluctant, Marauders. Mental state of the society can vary a good bit without changing categories.


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