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RPG Maker VX Ace


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Has anyone used this? I messed around with demos of the older RPG makers. Been watching someone on youtube playing a lot of horror games made with rpg maker and its getting me in the mood to push something out of my brain. I have two ideas that I've had for donkeys years but have never formalized.

How custom can games in RPG maker be? Would I just be better off learning something like unity?

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It doesn't require coding knowledge but I guess it's always helpful.

You can still make use of events without scripting them yourself. IIRC, the scripting language it uses is based on Ruby.

Making use of it will grant you way more freedom design-wise but it is in not required.


It's slogan on the Steam page "Simple enough for a child; powerful enough for a developer." pretty much applies.

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Well I guess id need to learn the coding language as the one game I had in mind had character progression similar to The elder scrolls series and the other has a rather complex inventory system in mind.

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Has anyone used this? I messed around with demos of the older RPG makers.

Personally I've never used any of the rpg game makers. If the graphic-style suits your needs I'd say go ahead and have fun with it :)


Would I just be better off learning something like unity?

Absolutely not. Better tools don't necessarily produce better games. It always depends on the user. A good analogy would be "Should I learn C++? I heard that Java has limitations" :D

Start small (I usually don't follow my own rules ... that's why I never finished any of my projects :P)! I'd say you start to create whatever you want in the RPG maker and if you really come to some kind of limitation you still can think of another engine / software.

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Ive never finished a project either. Im terrible when it comes to actually ending something haha


That's why you should start small. Don't include that skyrim character progression, use the standard inventory, basically just alter the default stuff they throw add you.


Once you have a prototype going you can expand it.


I was thinking about giving Corona a shot because it uses lua... but at the same time I know that I'll probably never going to finish anything decent with it :D As long as it is fun to you, it is worthwhile.

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Just make sure your aware of any licensing agreements RPG VX Ace has. I know nothing about it but just make sure you can sell your game if you use the tool, if that's something you want.


My advice would be to look at Multimedia Fusion 2. Its most likely far more powerful than RPG VX and more flexible. Downside is that the developer version is a lot more expensive.


It really depends on what your aiming for. RPG seems like it purely focuses on making an RPG game (obviously) while MF2 is a flexible kit used to design a wide range of different games. If your just keen on making a straight rpg game then it seems like it may do.


And considering you mentioned about your habit of drifting away from doing stuff now and again, I wouldn't recommend learning a code language unless your full-on serious about it. No point doing something only to half-ass do it :D

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I probably wouldn't be looking to sell anything i produce. Do people actually sell games made in RPG Maker?

Yes. Most recently To The Moon, which is on Steam. There was another game on Steam..some stuff with Comedy Club, IIRC. Can't think of the correct name right now.


There aren't many known or successful RPG Maker games.


The only other one I can think of would be the Vampires Dawn series

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I probably wouldn't be looking to sell anything i produce. Do people actually sell games made in RPG Maker?

Yes. Most recently To The Moon, which is on Steam



Oh yeah i forgot about to the moon. Good game that one.

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I probably wouldn't be looking to sell anything i produce. Do people actually sell games made in RPG Maker?

Yes. Most recently To The Moon, which is on Steam



Oh yeah i forgot about to the moon. Good game that one.



It was more of a story-tail than a game :P


Had almost nil mechanics but the story was great.

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I probably wouldn't be looking to sell anything i produce. Do people actually sell games made in RPG Maker?

Yes. Most recently To The Moon, which is on Steam



Oh yeah i forgot about to the moon. Good game that one.



It was more of a story-tail than a game :P


Had almost nil mechanics but the story was great.



yeah, The story actually made me cry :/ not many games do that to me

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The RPG Maker is a very powerful program. You can either take the easy way and use its basic functions or create powerful scripts to have an amazing custom game. It's up to you on which route you want to take. 


I'm currently using the program and I love it. It's a great tool for classic RPG fans to create old school RPG games. 

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I think the only thing holding me back is price. I know there is a lite version on steam but it lacks certain features including scripting which is a shame. Seeing as im unemployed and broke throwing down all that money on software for a side project seems a bit insane

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