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IWBUMS 33.4 Zombies wave following player position !



I don't know if it's intentional but every nights, some zombies waves come for me especially (it happens each game by the way).
No shot were fired around; after few nights it should be ok but the first night with a cooking pan, it seems a bit impossible, i tried to run but zombies waves following my position, even sneaking doesn't seems to work either.

I play on survival hardcore, and having no answers to this actually, even tried to put furnitures on front of windows and doors with the new feature but zombies destroy them.









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6 answers to this question

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It's intentional that zombies seek the player out, at least some of the time.


You may just be having a run of bad luck.

I was cleaning blood on walls when i spotted 2-3 zombies outside, then zoomed out and spotted hordes comming to my house, i tried to sneak away, but i could see zombies following my position at the edge screen (i didn't start to run yet) then i ran, but where ever i was going, waves continued and far zombies were following my position, and not going on a geographic coordinate. I could say it's bad luck as well, but each game it repeats , zombies waves comming to player position, not moving randomly onto the map.

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Currently game checks map cells and tries to fill it with zombies every 12 hours. If i am correct you probably cleaned entire area and later on zombies migrated from other cells to yours. Also on survival zombies have extremely good perception. They have good memory, they also can hear and smell you. But yeah, the way game force you to deal with zombies is a bit annoying. Probably what happened is that they migrated to your territory. I really think devs should make migration frequency tuned down for survival mode both in hours and amount of zombies. 

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I have a theory that the devs started implementation of the "sadistic AI director". I've seen similar behaviors where there's this huge horde that seems to follow me. I get to my camp, it's pretty quiet, 2 days later the place gets flooded, move to another camp way across town, another 2 days and it's flooded too. Move back to the first camp, all quiet again, and some time later the horde is back!


I like it tho, we should never feel entirely safe. And I say 2 days but it varies, it's more like the average time I've noticed in my games. In one game in particular they seemed to show up every 12 hours. My theory goes that they actually have to follow you around, and it's always the same horde, so if you run across town it will take em longer to catch up.


I've seen some console messages that have to do with various Sadistic Directors, including the AI one, which reinforces my belief that the devs have snuck in pure evil in build 33 and didn't tell anyone O.o O.O o.O


It could have course just be the migration mechanics at work but those have been around for a couple builds now and this sort of behavior is a first for me.


*edit* also worth noting, when that horde follows me home, it kinda camps it unless I'm out looting for more than a day. Sometimes I come back from looting to find a huge horde between me and my home, but home itself suddenly deserted, like my private horde decided "He's not coming back, better go get him".

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