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  1. Hi playng now more than 50 hours in the 42 i would to say thank u! it's amazing but as u said in the blogs u want to make interactions between players and, inthe future, with npc, so i suggest to u to create a new skill weaponsmithing, with this skill u can craft the weapons instead of use carpentry, in my opinion have more sense, the idea is more u grow in the skil more different weapons u can create with the crafted or looted items and some after magazine has been read.
  2. I’ve been playing zomboid for many years and I am not adverse to new changes the devs may bring around. However, new combat isn’t that great. Having muscle fatigue build isn’t necessarily terrible in melee fighting and makes sense to an extent, however it is my firm belief that this shouldn’t be factored in by weapon skill level, it would make sense for this to factor with strength. A blacksmith with eight strength should not be getting tired or strained smacking five rotting corpses with a hammer. On a more realistic note I’ve been a martial artist my entire life, muscle strain and fatigue isn’t typically brought about by using new weapons. Rather, it is brought about by one’s own strength. It makes combat feel like a drag and not even worth engaging in.
  3. I noticed gun magazines all have the same menu/UI sprites as shown below from my gameplay: But they should have their own unique sprites. Like here's how M9 15rd Magazines look: And 30rd M16 Magazines: 20rd M14 magazines: I think you get the idea.
  4. Clothing in the game should be able to carry objects considering so many articles of it have pockets, zippers, pouches, etc. I'm tired of my military backpack and my fanny packs getting filled to the brim with stuff and I still don't have room for everything. Notice how I didn't mention main inventory until now. Well that's because I really don't recommend the main inventory for carrying things. Sure you need it for your clothes, your containers and a few objects here and there but you're really supposed to use your containers which get full as hell really fast and easily. You want to reduce that encumberment as much as possible while carrying as much as possible after all. So anyways here's how it could work; either have each article of clothing that can hold anything have its own icon (like a container icon e.g. backpack) or have each article of clothing have a dropdown menu (by its sprite menu icon) in which the player would drag items in and out of. Like instead of having to immediately load your fanny packs after your main inventory and backpack are full (like yours truly) you could load up your pockets on your pants, coat, jacket, etc. with items. Stuff like cargo pants could hold a ton of stuff like matches, lighters, nails, small food items, flash light, etc.. which would be really great! Jeans wouldn't hold as much and as for pocket less yoga pants they couldn't hold anything. Damaged clothing might hold less due to damaged pockets.
  5. Okay I've gone though so many axes and similar tools like meat cleavers (mainly for chopping trees to build into plank walls) that it's made me think "Why can't I sharpen this stuff?". Okay so here's the gist: What if you could sharpen bladed weapons/tools to make them last longer? Like sharpening an axe with a stone or sharpening tool? That way the axe could last longer before it breaks. I was thinking sharpening and keeping them weapon sharp can give it temporary invincibility to wearing down or it could reduce the rate at which it wears down with use. If it's the former, there could be a hidden or visible sharp bar that when it goes all the way down the weapon starts to degrade again with use and it's time to sharpen it again. If it's the latter the weapon still loses condition as well as sharpness with use. Sharpen tools can be fount in hardware stores, sheds, garages, anywhere where tools would have to be present including in the factory I'm staying in in Riverside. You could also find a rock to sharpen though it wouldn't sharpen as well as a sharpening tool. Different sharpen tools have different degrees of sharpening. Keep in mind this is different than merely repairing a weapon which merely brings it to working order again. Repairing doesn't increase durability/slow the rate at which it degrades with use. Having to find or make axe after axe gets really tiring so makes sense to make the ones you have last as long as possible. Heck if I could do this I probably would've spent more time building the Scenic Grove Trailer Park wall (and possibly had it done by now) rather than looking for chopping tools. The result of me not having it done by now led to a meta event of gunfire which caused this to happen around 27:37: Yeah my worst fear of that gunfire attracting the zombies from the forest to the west/south west CAME TRUE. But I digress! Anyways until then your best bet is to have many chopping tools on hand as possible even if it means making them from stones, sticks, and rags a.k.a. a stone axe.
  6. Aight, what if there was hand held metal detector in the game that you used to find scavenge things like firearms, metal sheets, scrap metal and other metal objects? You know those long, length-wise electric ones with the arm brace and the metal disc at the end? You'd find it in houses and electronics stores. Would it be rare loot? I'm not sure but you could at least find some. When right clicking the metal detector and selecting "use" you'd automatically go into foraging mode only this time you'd be able to detect metal objects better than you would in normal foraging mode. Other objects would still be detectable but metal ones would pop up the best. I was thinking using the metal detector could increase your forage level too. The metal detector could also detect metal stored in containers in addition to metal lying out in the open. You could even use the metal detector as a blunt weapon though I wouldn't recommend it since you'd be damaging equipment against its original purpose. Better to use an actual melee weapon rather than a electronic tool that's meant to be utilized for its original purpose the most. I'm guessing it could weight 2-4 units in the game. A metal detector weighs on average 2-4 pounds in the current day though the 90s shouldn't have much of a difference. Also, metal detectors would beep in the game potentially attracting zombies. In order to stop this you have to get a set of headphones for the metal detector. You know, like you would for the portable cd players in the game. The headphones required would be different ones that the mp3 ones.
  7. I have Brita weapon model Pack and I love the fact that there's more weapons however a weapon that I've only ever seen once is the crossbow and from watching The Walking Dead I absolutely love the crossbow and I think it would be a great addition to the game being able to take out the zomboids silently and be able to reuse your ammo just like you would be able to real life
  8. What if in the game you could make official firearms (including ammo) as opposed to makeshift zip guns? I was thinking the player could come across some houses with machinery used to make firearms and ammo. Basically an at home workshop for guns. They existed back then in 1993 as well as today in real life so it would be fitting to come across a house with a workshop for guns and ammo the player could use. The player could have a gunsmith occupation to make use of the machines more readily with the right skill level than with other occupations. The player would have to get resources to put into the machines to make the guns and ammo such as steel wood and smokeless powder. Then the player would put the materials in each machine and progress turn them into guns and ammo until they were finished. Such machines would include drill presses, milling machines, lathes, stampers, etc. The player could also come across gun factories to use to make guns and ammo as well as use the already finished inventory of them. You can't always find a nearby gun store or police station and looting cars, homes, dead bodies as well as zombies for guns and ammo usually doesn't yield much not to mention it's tedious. That's why as a survivor it makes sense to make your own guns and ammo!
  9. I think there should be more tactical firearms (you know things with a pistol grip, detachable box magazine, stock and other basic parts of the gun) in the game as well as accessories. The guns should be accurate to their real life counterparts like no gun holding more or less ammo than it actually does in real life. Accessories should follow suit. As for what guns I think they should be her are some suggestions (they can have their real life like the M1911 pistol or just a fictional/generic game like MV-58 or assault rifle 2). Some starting examples AK47 with 30 rd mag. maybe a WASR-10 for a semi-auto version. Pistol grip for M14. FN FAL with a 20 rd mag. Tec 9 Pistol with 30 rd. mag. Ruger 10/22 with 30 rd. mag. Silencer for the pistols in the game. M40 Sniper Rifle with detachable Scope
  10. Allowing the player to knock a zombie off when being grabbed from behind would be boss. This would start off with the rear elbow strike where the player strikes their elbow either against the zombies upper head or their torso to knock them off. Kind of like in real life. Spacebar could be pressed to achieve this when the player is grabbed from behind. As opposed to mere squirming or trying to grab the zombie off. This would obviously have to be done very fast otherwise the player will be instantly killed or infected to the point of eventually dying. Also if you're holding a melee weapon you could strike that into the zombie as well! With a gun, you'd either shoot them or simply hit them. Spacebar to hit them off with the gun right click held down with left click to shoot them. Before anyone says "Zombies don't feel pain." the thing is they can still be damaged as well as jostled so unarmed this attack would operate based on sheer force with them. As for the NPCs I imagine the hostile ones would feel pain so they'd be easier to knock off. Since there are hostile players in multiplayer this attack could be used against those guys. So I'm thinking it'd take 1 to 5 hits to knock a single zombie off and definitely more than that range if multiple zombies are even possible to knock off with the attack. Less hits if used with a melee weapon and instantaneous death when shot by a gun. If being attacked from both the rear and front I was thinking the player could elbow the one in back with one hand and push the other in front with the other hand. This attack would also be done with spacebar. A similar attack could be done with a melee weapon where the player strikes the rear one with the weapon and pushes with the other hand or kicks with one foot. I've seen all these playthroughs (including my own) where people get chomped on by one or more zombies and I think "Wouldn't it be cool if you could save yourself with a rear counter attack?" No attack is perfect of course but it'd add more combat function rather than the player having no options but to lament they didn't watch their back well enough. Technically the player still does have to watch their back (prevention is key) but with this attack it doesn't have to necessarily be the end. In short, the player should be able to rear counter attack to save their back!
  11. This mod lets you disassemble guns into parts which can be repaired or replaced. This replaces the built-in "Repair" menu on supported guns. For more info: Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2847408431 Github: https://github.com/coavins/zomboid-coavins-firearms Inspect gun: Disassemble gun: Fully stripped down: Repair parts: Put it back together:
  12. I've always wondered what you could find below the secret military base near Rosewood, and here are my suggestions for that ! Additionally I have added some suggestions pertaining to the military radio transmission and its mysterious coordinates, although I know the area it pertains to has not yet been added to the game. These suggestions are written kind of like a wiki article because I'm more confortable writing them that way. Locations : The lab : Situated under the Rosewood secret military base, the lab is a massive underground installation, presumably set up and operated by the US government. While its original purpose is unknown, it was clearly converted into researching the Knox infection. To enter the lab, one needs an Access Keycard, which is only dropped by zombie scientist, zombie commandos, or zombie agents, and use it on one of the secret base's elevators, either before power is cut out, or having repaired and refueled the base's generators. Be very careful about heading down before amenities are cut out, as you might get trapped underground in the lab if power is cut but you have not restored the generators ! The lab is separated into 3 distinct areas, each a different floor. The first floor, which you arrive in upon taking the elevator, is the administration area. It is filled with a variety of offices and regular zombies, with a small chance to spawn scientists, agent and military zombies. Notable places there are the locked guard post at the entrance, containing an arms locker and serving as a spawn location for agent and military zombies, as well as the director's office, which always has a X-12 canister on the desk, as well as a pistol and some ammo in the desk. The second floor is the research area, accessible through a different elevator and once again requiring an Access Keycard and working power to activate. This floor is filled with scientist and agent zombies, and contains a wide variety of labs, cells and pens. The labs usually have dissected bodies or still 'alive' zombies attached to examination tables, with various machinery strewn about them. The cells usually house a single zombie, either attached to the bed or roaming around. Those roaming are all scientist, agent or military zombies, implying that they were members of the staff presumed to be infected and kept in quarantine, and who turned after the facility was overrun. This floor has several locations of interest. The first one is a large research room, which can spawn a variety of medical supplies as well as canisters of X-12, and contains signs of a gunfight, with multiple bodies, including bodies of commandos, and can spawn zombie commandos. The next one is a fortified and locked medical storage area, whose shelves contain obscene amounts of medical supplies and can contain some canisters of X-12. The last one is the armory and checkpoint leading to the elevator to the third floor. Several arms lockers are contained there, as well as a handful of X-12 canisters. It is a spawn point for military zombies. Going down the utilitarian, almost industrial elevator leads to the third and final floor, the great pen. The upper level of that floor is a series of catwalk roamed by military and agent zombies, as well as several bodies of the same people. Below is a level packed with hundreds of zombies in a single massive horde, presumably the reservoir of test subjects for the facility. There are several cages and cranes on the catwalks indicating that the soldiers were tasked with grabbing infected, caging them and then getting them to the upper floors for research. It is possible to go down into the great pen via several ladders lining the walls, although it is not recommended to do so. It should be noted that in terms of respawn mechanics, zombies will crawl out of air vents throughout the facility, slowly repopulating it with zombies. This can be stopped by killing all zombies in the great pen. The extraction point : At the coordinates Lat 37.892809 Long -85.974709, Chaffee Avenue, Fort Knox, a group of dead and zombie commandos can be found, alongside a pile of regular bodies and a crashed black hawk helicopter. Near one of the bodies is a Biohazard Container, containing several canisters of X-12 and the Unknown Sample. New Items : X-12 Canister : The (it's not a real one, read on, I know it's a no red item for the devs) 'cure' the government developed to the zombie virus. In truth, X-12 is a highly experimental bio/chemical weapon. X-12 canisters are throwable weapons. When used, X-12 canisters release a relatively small cloud that lingers for an in game hour. Whenever a zombie passes through that cloud it will take massive damage and quickly die. However, the weapon is flawed, and any given zombie has a 20% chance to take no damage and only be knocked on the ground for the duration of the cloud, feigning death, and getting back up once the cloud has dispersed. Any players/survivors passing through the cloud will be killed in very short order unless they are wearing hazmat gear. Zombies wearing hazmat gear will be unaffected as well. X-12 can be used as a component in a variety of throwables, with varying effects. If used in an aerosol bomb for example, the cloud will be much wider to account for the explosive dispersion, but last half as long. If used in a fire bomb it will cause the fire to become 'affected' by X-12, making it deal gigantic amounts of damage to zombies, but 40% of them will not receive any extra damage outside of the usual damage caused by fire. If used in a smoke maker, the cloud will linger for four hours instead of one, at the cost of a 30% zombie immunity to it. The main utility of X-12 is that it allows for the elimination of large groups of zombies with minimal collateral damage. Of course, that is counterbalanced by the rarity of X-12, its dangerous spawn locations, and the immunity chance zombies have. Unknown Sample : [REDACTED] Commando Body Armor : Commando body armor can only be found on dead or zombified commandos. It covers the upper and lower torso, as well as both legs and arms, and gives : Insulation : 0.9 Wind resistance : 0.6 Bite defence : 50 Scratch defense : 75 Bullet Defense : 150 It cannot be repaired with tailoring. New Zombies : Zombie scientists : zombies scientists are normal zombies wearing a scientist labcoat or, more rarely, a hazmat suit. They have a low percentage chance to drop an Access Keycard, or some medical supplies when killed. They have a small chance to spawn in various medical facilities and near ambulances outside of the lab. Zombie agents : zombie agents seemed to have served some kind of special government agency in life. They wear a formal suit and tie, sometimes with sunglasses, and can carry pistols in their holsters. When killed they have a low percentage chance to drop an Access Keycard, or some ammo. They have a small chance to spawn at police stations and government facilities outside of the lab. Zombie commandos : zombie commandos appear to have been part of an elite force sent to retrieve something from the secret lab. All zombie commandos wear Commando Body Armor, making them impressively resilient to guns, albeit not so much for melee weapons. They also have a high chance to be carrying an Access Keycard, an M16 and an M9, with their respective ammo, plus some medical supplies. If runners are enabled, zombie commandos are always runners.
  13. Hello All, Here is the link to the most recent version of my mod, which is currently considered to be stable! http://www.mediafire.com/download/fdp5txod5h1pdtd/ORGM+1.242+-+ModelLoader.zip Installation instructions are included in the folder Going Forward this mod will require Jabs ModelLoader which is included in the download file for your convenience (much thanks to Jab!) Forum Topic here. Also, please be aware that this will require you to be on build 32.30 Patches/Expansion mods I know there are those that say "Don't change guns it will destroy the feeling of PZ". Trust me, I know. Two things. First, I will try my hardest to implement them in game without really upsetting the balance of the game. Second, if you don't like it don't download it. No need to bash the mod unless you want it and it doesn't work right... What the mod currently includes as of version 1.24: - 102 guns (not including sawn-off versions, fire mode changes and muticaliber gun conversions like .357 to .38) - see list below - 16 gun modifications - see list below - 3 gun repair items - Custom inventory icons for all items - Custom models for guns - Custom firing sounds for most guns - Custom gun Reloading/Racking/Manual Action sounds for every caliber - Fire mode conversions (for guns with multiple fire modes) - Guns can use substantially similar caliber rounds (however, be aware some rounds will change how fast or slow a gun degrades) - Slug rounds for shotguns have a chance of spawning (shotguns require a conversion to use however) - Weapon conversion recipes that transfer (or remove) ammo - Ability to unload ammo from guns/mags - Custom reloading scripts for various gun setups including magazines and speed loaders - Full distribution of guns, magazines, mods and repair items in containers and possibly on dead bodies - Guns will spawn with possible damage, a possibility of having loaded ammo and a possibility of having mods attached I am also accepting suggestions for gun additions. Here are the parameters for suggestions: Here is an awesome link that has a full listing of items included in the mod: http://newdawn.aggressivegaming.org/wiki/itemlist.php?kind=ORGM Here is the list of included guns (101 in total not including sawn off or multi-caliber differences) and Gun Mods Revolvers - 15 added by this mod Shotguns - 12 added by this mod (and 6 sawn-off versions) Assault Rifles/LMGs - 15 added by this mod Rifles - 15 added by this mod Sniper Rifles - 6 added by this mod SMGs - 14 added by this mod Gun Mods Here is a list of guns I have had suggestions for (or I thought of) and will add: Here is a list of guns (or functions) I have had suggestions for and will not add at least for now: Current Mod To-Do list Hall of Scholars and Gentlemen; Without whom, this mod would not be possible. (In no particular order) Obvious Ollie - for helping with some scripting, creating the original poster, testing, being a constant companion in this process, reminding me that I have this project to finish, working on some models, AAAAAAAAAND doing some awesome free advertising for the mod. PZ-NOOB - Testing, ideas and promotion of the mod! (Most awesome of all!) Fluffe9911 - for being the Doge master and for being one of the wonderful promoters of the mod! WolfeClaw - Providing his awesome gun models! Jopo80 - Great ideas for weapons and new functions Jab - For creating the ModelLoader which has made the mod compatible with other custom model mods ( and made my life immensely easier, no more having to edit the java every time I put in a new model) Fuji - Helping with an incredible amount of coding, providing gun models , making an awesome new poster and an incredible mod page title picture!, and being the awesome person who figured out how to unlock custom models for guns! Also, for being generally awesome! FLAKT - For providing more sound files for the mod. nolanritchie - creating a full item list, see the link above Khaos - Creating the wiki for ORGM, bug testing and possibly some models! Eddy-baby - For bugtesting and helping with the streamlining of the mod ExitiumRock - for breaking me through some coding walls and doing extensive (and helpful) testing. Archadeas - EXTENSIVE testing, an insurmountable number of ideas and providing fixes for my stupid mistakes! Reblar - Tracking down some coding errors and advocating for inclusion of my mod in his server. the_fallguy - Constructive criticism that is leading to some fixes, and a hoard of good gun suggestions turbotutone - Helping me through my contex menu issues. Pravus - For making the RKF mod for which I drew inspiration, and learned how to do distributions from scouring his code. Supporters on this thread - For sending good vibes and egging me on. Also good gun suggestions. Some examples: carmakazi 956Texas Tech-Com Lamrett KingKickass1552 Usage of my material If you are so inspired by my mod, or things in my mod and you use some of my coding, or items, or whatever, please at least let me know and give some attribution... some of the coding I have done took a lot of trial and error. I am not going to say you can't use my material because: 1) I do not have the means to really enforce or prove it 2) If you can make a better mod than I, I would rather improve the overall community than force my mod to be the only one. This hasn't happened yet, I am just going to get ahead of the ball here.
  14. It would be nice to see a mechanic where it is possible to modify or maintain your guns, similiar to repairing cars. Where you have a detailed list and schematic of all the attachments and gun parts, which you have to either maintain or replace. The ability to do so should only be available on some type of workbench. On it you can tweak and "build" your guns, comparable to metro exodus or escape from tarkov's gunsmithing mechanic. Adding all sorts of parts to it whether be it custom built from junk parts (i.e a suppressor made out of an oil filter) or factory made parts you find around the map. This would add a tad more depth into the game and would be fun to grind for.
  15. I recently have found very rare gun,M16 and ammo for it,but I have also found M14 mags.So to use either of these items I'd either have to go look for very rare item which isn't very pleasant to begin with especially in winter. My solution to this is loading a single bullet into gun without mag. It's very slow,but atleast it will make shooting that rare gun possible atleast once a year and not once in a lifetime without cheating.
  16. As in the title, I want to know if I'm alone in this opinion, but I've had far too many runs finished on day one due to a single missed swing. What happens is you swing a melee weapon, and there is a 1.5-2 second period where your speed is reduced to near 0, which makes missing a single swing a little bit TOO punishing, especially when there is more than one zombie. I personally love the challenge this game offers, but in Survivor mode I find it near impossible to enter houses because even if I lure the bulk of the zombies away, invariably I'll still need to kill 5-6, and that latency period with the new player animations is absolutely brutal. I'm not saying you should be able to freely swing then pivot on a dime as if you weigh 3 ounces, but I think that with the added momentum to the player, it's a little bit extreme. What are your thoughts on this?
  17. I noticed today that a M16 can't use .223 rounds. I do not find this surprising, but it is factually inaccurate. Most 5.56x45 weapons can safely fire .223 rounds. You don't even need a different magazine. Not quite as good at longer ranges though. A .223 firearm *can* fire a 5.56 round as well, but it is potentially unsafe since a 5.56 round produces more pressure that could in best case wear out the gun faster, get jammed up inside the mechanism, or worst case make it explode in your face.
  18. Perhaps the game should have the opportunity to carry a short weapon in each hand, increasing the skill in terms of firearms and they can in turn lower the precision when you carry 2 pistols
  19. This is 1993 Kentucky. Am I really expected to believe all of these people died to slow and stupid zombies without having time to get their home defense firearm? I expect them to not have ammo left most of the time, but seriously, what's with the lack of personal defense weapons in the pockets and under the pillows?
  20. If you use a saucepan as a weapon, when it is about to break, you just gotta fill it with water and pour the water on the ground, this way the condition will go back up.
  21. TommyGuns extra weapons mod! Created by Tommysticks 3-D Models Added! Read README for installation. Guns Melee Details Old Installation tutorial can be found here: Youtube! Watch and reminisce! This Mod was inspired by the following Mods: GunMod 0.2.0 by Austin Fletchery 0.4.1 by Austin Meal Ready-to-Eat by The_Real_Al Download Link: http://pz-mods.net/weapons-items/TommyGuns/
  22. I think, that this two items can be used not only for vehicle repairs, they are common and heavy and could do a good work in smashing zeds heads off. Just like screwdriver, it can be a weapon and a tool, why not?
  23. Hi all. As you all know, whis new animation system devs announced new firearms. To add more realystic feeling of guns I think this features should be added. Arms condition and weapon parts. Exploring map you can find different weapon parts, and as you find all you can assemble arms by yourself. Also this allows you to repair firearms after long usage. Cleaning your gun. All guns needs cleaning, to keep them in good condition. Gun brush kit like in ORGM will be good adition to vanilla game. Also used guns that you find can be in different condition, and cleaning it should improve it a bit. Target practice to improve your shooting skills. Making targets from empty cans and bottles and shooting them can improve your skills or or teach you to shoot before the meeting zeds outdors.
  24. I have recently made a post-apocalypse player model, and a double barrel shotgun model, however, i am not good at texturing, so if anyone wants to help me out doing a colab, hit me up. here are some pictures of the models: https://imgur.com/a/lVhL5 I have avoided making to many accessories models on the player model to avoid clipping, so most of the details would come from texturing, but if more is needed I will make them. here are the main model's references(pictures aren't mine): https://imgur.com/a/ZXigi
  25. Hi there, Because I'm feeling better right now (my health condition isn't good) Before I will go to the hospital again, I decided to make my second mod for PZ. I won't tell you too much for now, but I'm gonna post here few screenshots I tested them in-game, and that Jab's model loader works surprisingly well. I'm gonna make more weapons soon, pipe wrench, Ice axe, lead pipe, crossbow, metal rod etc: I hope you like it ^^
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