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Everything posted by mikaelkerensky

  1. As a U.S. citizen i would love to see my country do something with teeth in it. I don't like the new russian aggression that's been displayed for the past decade or so. From what i can tell, between russia, china and what's going on in the middle east we are heading for another world war. And the problem isn't letting them have a referendum. The problem is having one while russian troops are occupying the area. Also, to head off the inevitable, please don't get me started on all the stupid belligerent nonsense the U.S. has done in the recent past. The last president was a greedy idiot and i don't agree with half our foreign policy for the last decade.
  2. According to google the "Kentucky Coffeetree" has been cultivated since prior to 1748 and can be used as a "coffee substitute". Unroasted beans are toxic though...
  3. I've definitely burned down at least one safehouse by going to sleep and forgetting i left my tasty soup cooking... So many supplies lost. And it burns worse than clap from leningrad hooker...
  4. While we're on the subject of trade goods, what are the chances of planting coffee in KY? If alertness is necessary those freeze dried coffee beans are going to run out right quick. Tobacco, coffee and sugar were the main reasons the u.s. Was colonized to such an extent after all.
  5. Happy belated birthday! Can't wait until crossbows are implemented so i can live out my post-apocalyptic dream of playing Darryl on this map.
  6. I'll probably drop brooding and short tempered when npc's are implemented. Right now they're kind of a cheat. Always want strong and lucky though
  7. Did you eat first? I noticed in sp with a stack of tasty soups i prepped that the top one was rotten and the ones under it weren't.
  8. In the Kitchen. (Some of you older timers will get the joke) Not an old timer, but I've been ghosting the forums long enough to know... Now I'm off to find the dragon!
  9. ::gets high and looks stupidly at the zombies crawling in through his base windows:: "Hey man, you can't, like, you know, come in here like that... And what's with the biting? You're harshing my buzz, dead guy."
  10. Title says it all, relatively non-perishable milk substitute. Just add water and you're good to go. Search function for the forums doesn't work on my phone, so if this topic has already come up please direct me to it so i can like it.
  11. Hemp. Extremely useful for rope and clothing.
  12. There has been some mention of both craftable tools from natural elements as well as starting equipment based on profession. I see them addung a "farmer" profession that probably will give you basic tools for the job.
  13. What is it? A zombie, who can run with his arms? Right now there is some sort of bug/unintended consequence that if you set zombie lore to sprinters, crawlers who see you from a distance stand up, sprint over to you then flop back down and attack.
  14. Strong, lucky and light eater. Balanced with brooding, short tempered, light drinker, and overweight. I know one of these days overweight will screw me but it hasn't yet. And construction worker. Thick skinned+lucky mean you rarely get hit. And yes, abundant loot+lucky mean a straight up ridiculous amount of loot everywhere.
  15. Body makeup to paint myself up like bill murray in zombieland
  16. 1. Sprinting crawlers 2. Overly fire prone ovens 3. 2nd floor death falls
  17. 35. Find yourself analyzing buildings for safe house potential while walking down the street
  18. There's a fossoil gas station south of you. Could find a shotgun in there if you're lucky.
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