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Everything posted by thiosk

  1. I have a suggestion for a micro mechanic add item: ice cube trays fillable ice cube trays generate ice after freezing (takes hours) get > ice cubes ice cubes can be kept in freezer, tray refilled Mechanic Ice melts gradually decreasing in mass and causing wetness however, in a cooler, it melts slowly and at a steady rate, refridgerating everything in the cooler this would enable you to fill a cooler with ice lots of food, little ice, doesn't last long lots of ice, little food, lasts long make this happen for me! i want to go camping with salads and soup pre-made
  2. doesnt seem to be, but the constant connect/disconnect on this old keyboard coinciding with the issue seems to be the origin rather than the game thanks for examining things for me. im shopping for new mech keyboards now appreciate the support
  3. Heres a second log file. I played uninterrupted for an hour then a hangup lasted an hour. However, I think it might have been an issue with hardware. I was hearing usb connect/disconnect periodically (i've ignored it) but trusting a hunch i started unplugging hardware. I unplugged the keyboard and BOOM the game continued just fine. Thus i think its a hardware conflict interacting with the game in a weird way. I have a corsair keyboard with fancy memory buttons logs.zip
  4. you got it! thanks For context after disabling the two mods in question I quested once more, and suffered hangups every few minutes edit: of course the weird buffer overflow error i noted appears aabsent but i leave it to you to identify weirdness. strangly, the pauses would happen doing things like cooking, exercising, or even after pressing escape and tabbing away for a while to tab back and find it frozen. But waiting always lets it pick back up. I've seen this before but its never been clear what was precipitating it, but it occurs to me it usually happens in longer lived worlds. I'm currently at 3 months in cheers logs.zip
  5. thanks beard, it was only the cheat menu and the necroforge mod, both disabled, and the hangups still occur randomly it hasn't crimped my style because ive been mostly powerleveling the exercise... but if it happened in combat it would almost certainly result in death
  6. Hello, I don't have a fully clean game install, as I've been using a couple of mods. Nevertheless, I have found a semirecurring hangup in game. This causes the game to run frozen for quite some time and be unresponsive, however, the music will play, and eventually, it will recover and work correctly. Checking the log_5.txt file in the debug, I found : 17-10-23 01:27:23.637] ERROR: General , 1697520443637> SpriteRenderer$RingBuffer.next> Buffer overrun.. This usually lasts 5-10 minutes and then the game starts again and i exit. It seems to happen mostly in longer games. I shut down the mod (a cheat menu that i used to use for clearing disasters) as the game was taking abnormally long to load, and I followed a guide to increase the ram utilization on the projectzomboid32.json file per some googling, any suggestions or insight for this spriterenderer error would be appreaciated
  7. Pot of water > Soup > make two bowls of soup bowl of soup is not "better when hot" and always behaves as hot Pot of water > stew > make two bowls of stew bowl of stew gives "better hot" Can be returned to oven to reheat, but the item recooks. The bowl of fresh cooked stew can then be cooled, and loses 2 happiness and again gives the better hot flag. COMMENT Under these circumstances I believe both items are not working correctly. Bowls of soup do not need to be recooked which is probably working as intended. Bowls of soup do not have "better hot" flag which is probably not working as intended. Bowls of stew should not need to be recooked and are probably working incorrectly. Individual bowls of stew after cooking properly have the better hot flag.so this aspect is working as intended. I use two item mods, "milk mod" which adds canned milk, book mod which adds more books, and bigger fonts. I don't think these items should be messing with soup, but full disclosure is appropriate. cheers
  8. This post is about a mechanic to use the queasy moodle when you discover rotten food (for the first time). I think we are ready for this mechanic because we have bandanas face masks gloves and gas mask equipment items. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katrina_refrigerator A katrina refrigerator is a phenomena that happened after, well, katrina. After the hurricane came through and the city largely evacuated, You had tens of thousands of full, stocked refrigerators in a city that shut down for months in new orleans in the middle of summer. People were fully stocked like normal and then went to power off. These things were disgusting. hilariously dragged out of houses during recovery and abandoned on the street, they were painted with "open if you dare" "trick or treat" "end of the rainbow" and so forth because their contents are VILE. You can't really salvage much inside them, the fridge is basically ruined, and cracking an unopened katrinabomb for the first time is an assault on all senses. I think exposure to rotten food (OR SURPRISE CORPSES) should give a large disgust factor in the form of "queasy moodle damage" for example you could give a -1 to queasy per rotten food item- eg a rotten banana has 10 hunger so contributes 10. maybe not even enough for queasy. but a rotten chicken has -40. Might be enough to go all the way to "sick". Finding a chicken, steak, ham in the fridge would make you seriously ill. Because there is nothing causing the illness, it could return to normal kinda quickly. Importantly, i think the damage should occur when the cabinet/fridge/etc is opened for the first time. This lets you move rotten food items into compost or having your own produce rot and not be a surprise. this approach avoids additional trackable statistics about items in the world simply using "magnitude of hunger" as a rottenness factor for smell. Rotten food in a powered refridgerator does not give this effect. This would prevent you getting sick if it was just a rotten banana or bad milk or something like that. I don't want to punish discovering rot, i want to make katrina fridges a danger for looting. want to imitate the katrina fridge where refrigerators are disgusting stink bombs just waiting to be unleashed not long after the power goes out nationally in mid-late july 1992. Therefore, if the unpowered fridge is opened for the first time and has rotten food items in it you get katrina bombed. Maybe a foghorn sound effect plays and then the moodle pops up queasy or sick) Maybe it has a radius so you can stink out your buddies in multiplayer or attract zombies with smell impulse. (open a window! no! Don't open the windows they can smell us!) The core effect of this is that you don't just get to go around probing grocery store freezer sections with impunity. A single rotten icecream should go to "sick" I propose that gloves, glasses, bandana, and other optional facemask could block a percentage of it, and a gas mask could give a very strong or complete resistance. because it is applied on discovery you could just multiply like one of the insulation factors or something as a fraction of 1. The same thing could be applied to bodies found in containers. EG opening a trash bin and finding three corpses in it. BOOSH your character gets sick. Or, even more ambitious, find a human corpse in an enclosed space like a bathroom or closet. This kind of already exists. If you can hear the flies, you should be building towards queasy. Bloody could also make you queasy. Like, you gotta be pretty damn drenched in blood to move towards sick but that would give a real reason for clean clothes and self washing other than just illness transmission. This could make combat "icky" in addition to tiring and dangerous! Weak stomach or iron gut would give a negative or positive bonus to this (such as a weak stomach would go damn near feverish after a bad run in with too rotten refrigerator and would need to seriously find shelter and recoup. Id also imagine desensitized would be impacted by bloody and smells less as well. the bad thing about this idea is that fridges and freezers are just regular containers, so just walking into proximity lets you see in them. I'd be asking to make it more deliberate. So maybe its a nonstarter. just a would be nice. But i'd like to see that sickness moodle get more use!
  9. I've been walking around outside in a good rain and I'm not getting wet. I have been out there for an hour. Previously, if there were puddles on the ground, it seemed like i'd get wet from stepping in them very quickly.
  10. Not a bug report. Basically crashing the game, probably from a combination of out of memory + wakeup from sleep, causes time to be lost on reloading. This might be exploited to savescum a character original post: This is a strange bug that seemed strange until I mostly reanalyzed it. I report it only because it was a crash/reload error. Im on the current test branch version. i run some itemzed mods (not hydrocraft) My game sometimes run slow on wakeup. I'm on a solid state drive and usually multitask a lot, so when it "wakes back up" sometimes i get some temporary game stutter. whatever, i live with it. Basically I was killing time and decided to shoot some zed. I attracted a very large crowd. They were all aggroed. and i was gonna toss a molotov. Then my wife came in, and i left for a while, and i came back and woke the computer up. The computer was very slow on wakeup. I left again and came back, and pz had crashed. I was nervous to come back in knowing the zed would be there, so i was steeled. Game started and i was in as near as I can tell the same spot, time shifted forward several hours (it was daylight when i paused) and it was now evening. No zed at all, and just a few in the cell. no bodies.
  11. This may pop up with "more clothes" after the animation update, but 758 Items can be equipped on the person - "key ring, watch, etc." thereby not cluttering up the inventory screen
  12. Im hoping that clothing cleanliness impacts relationships with NPCs. Gotta have clean underwear if you ever want to settle down with a nice girl that doesn't want to eat your brains.
  13. RESOLVED Ok I figured it out. 1. MayonnaiseFull=1 is insufficient. You need the module too, and for some reason, mayo is in the farming module, so the RESULT line should read: farming.MayonnaiseFull=1 2. You do not need the LUA. I suspect that was needed in earlier builds when you wanted to spawn multiple items or something. Now on to making powdered milk work.
  14. Hello All, I'm using ItemZED to work on an item mod. The idea is that an unopened bottle of mayo is shelf stable and found on grocery shelves, and can then be opened to give a full, perishable bottle of standard mayo. this enables good sammies later in the game. First, heres the candypackage and recipe i'm imitating ' However, the LuaCode for the candy package using the OnCreate (string) line does not seem to correspond to what happens in game. In game, you create the lollipops. However, the luacode called by oncreate shows the following, and does not create mint candy. function OpenCandyPackage_OnCreate(items, result, player) player:getInventory():AddItem("Base.MintCandy"); player:getInventory():AddItem("Base.MintCandy"); player:getInventory():AddItem("Base.MintCandy"); player:getInventory():AddItem("Base.MintCandy"); player:getInventory():AddItem("Base.MintCandy"); player:getInventory():AddItem("Base.MintCandy"); end I've tried my own codes, with and without the functions. my function: function OpenMayoPackage_OnCreate(items, result, player) player:getInventory():AddItem("Base.MayonnaiseFull"); end and heres my item currently. I've had the corresponding oncreate line in there too, but it didn't seem to do anything. I get the correct context, but no MayonnaiseFull is created when I execute the recipe.
  15. I didn't note in my original quickie post that this was on a CONVERTED game. As near as I can tell, anything with a closable trunk has become inaccessible after updating the world to 34.1. Normally I'd just grin and bear it and play with pickup trucks, but I had 25 gas cans in step vans when I converted. My only option now is to wreck the trunk and then drive around to drop the items on the ground. too tedious
  16. 34.1 bleeding quick healing: if you acquire a bleeding scratch, you can bandage it, and then when the bleeding stops, the wound will be fully healed when you remove the bandage.
  17. 34.1: Van trunks appear to be not accessible with or without the key, or with or without popping the trunk.
  18. There are a few odd places where the graphics drawing order still seems a little "squidgy." heres one at mccoy where the girders are not drawn correctly. Also, i've noticed that some windows don't give the "add sheet" functionality from inside- you have to navigate to outside the building and add the curtains there. not sure what causes that.
  19. I've noticed far fewer locked cars in build 30. This seems strange. Also, for a first-day event, WAY too many cars are out of gas. Pristine cars under awnings or in the bank parkinglot? siphoned dry. This makes sense for six months later, but on day one most of the cars might be expected to have some gas, as the gas stations still work... I don't mind that half the cars have crappy tires and are on a quarter tank because its kentucky, and believe me my car was crappy, but it did always have at least a quarter tank.
  20. I think deeper moodles are totally something that can be done. Tying it to shortsighted/hearing is an interesting way to make things manifest. I look forward to the stress moodle being tied more in game too- especially to the sounds of zed, so if you're really stressed out, you start hearing shit...
  21. seriously yep this is so much wilder. I love the ideas of car/house alarms being insane in the early days. I've abandoned three homes on the first night. I AM having a couple weird problems though. Gas canisters started filling funny. Something goes "off" and then you mostly get 0% gas cans. Sometimes picking a different pump can help. I closed to main menu and reloaded, same behavior. I closed the game and it crashed. I restarted and reloaded the game and it ran really choppy.
  22. @Connall oh wow what a great idea. I have been doing item mods using itemzed. I would love it if the following could be implemented for the replaceonuse function: ReplaceOnUse = self The specific case is mostly for the less moddery like me to do more elaborate mods. While it is feasible to call a ReplaceOnUse and put in the item name, this can become tedious if you want to make hundreds of items have this behavior and dont do a lot of lua scripting. If you just have replace on use self you can set it trivially to lots of items in itemzed. For a matter of scale, I am implementing 1000 items in itemzed and its just not manageable.
  23. If I understood this week's thursdoid correctly, many little details will be added to the maps between all the main towns in next iwbums! @brex I think ultimately the erosion system can make this possible. If we had "eroded" furniture sprites, you could over time have a real beat up patched up look to all tiles. There were some conversations back here with @Rekkie @Margera If the local environment could have some effect, that would be cool too. For example. if zombies are standing around, scratch-ugly-dirty erosion. If its survivors, that causes garbage and decoration and a "repaired" look. But i love the idea that if you find a little house that hasn't been touched or opened since the game started, it would be beautiful and you can move in.
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