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Everything posted by CaptKaspar

  1. Thanks for responding EUDOXIO! This worked for me. It took me a bit to realize that " -servername yourservername " needed to be directly at the end of the last line of code for the .bat with only one space. I had hit return a few times and put it on its own line.
  2. Also, assuming I get this working through 'Host', how do I launch the server without having my character join? For instance players want to play, but I have a few things left to do and I launch the server so they can log in, but I am not yet ready to play myself.
  3. Hey Community, I was hoping someone could help me through the process of starting a fresh new server, but still keeping the old one as is. Ideally I want to play Server A with Group A of players and play Server B with Group B of players. Normally when playing on Server A with Group A, I use the 'startserver64.bat' to launch the server and it loads the 'servertest' settings. Can starting a new server be done through the game menus and GUI? I went to 'host' and created new server settings and launched the server. I was prompted to create a new character and when compeleted, I spawned into a new world. Everything seemed to be working. However, when a player tried to join they were told that they needed to be added to the server. The server settings were set to 'open' and 'auto create user in white list'. I wanted to just add them using the console log, but there was no console log for the server when playing this way through 'host'. Just the console log for PZ. I also searched for files on my PC under the newly created server settings name and couldn't find any. What am I missing? What am I doing wrong? Can this be done through 'host' or do I need to do a bunch of file copying/editing to get this set up? Thank you in advance for your help and support.
  4. Well someone already made There's Poop My Soup. So I'm out of ideas.
  5. There was an issue/bug with not being able to barricade each side of the fence. That your character would try to path find to the opposite side. This was definitely happening when trying to barricade the 'NW' side of a fence running 'SW-NE'. Your character would always want to barricade the 'SE' side. They probably then realized that barricading fences in that way didn't make any realistic sense. That there wasn't any point fixing a system that didn't make sense anyways. After all what would one plank (no higher than the fence itself) do to actually stop us from jumping over it anyways? If anything it graphically looks easier to jump over.
  6. While I agree with you on wanting a way to prevent our characters from incorrectly jumping over the wrong fence, I do not agree with how you expressed your opinion. You added nothing to the discussion but unwarranted vulgarity. If anything the last patch was about 18 steps forward and one step back. With constructive criticism they might agree with us in the community and change it back, or better yet, come up with a better more plausible solution. After all, a plank or two on a fence wouldn't realistically stop us from jumping over it anyways. It was at best a temporary fix to a bigger problem of character control and interaction with the world. I doubt anyone at TIS read your comment and jumped to their stations to immediately fix the issue. Instead, if they are anything like me, are thinking "Fuck that boy".
  7. I am most excited about these in build 35.13! All of the above are great updates, except the Can't barricade wooden fences!!!! I am really excited to see a number of the suggestions that I brought up implemented into the game over the last few updates. It really makes me feel like a productive member of the community and an indirect member of the team at TIS. At the least its great to have a dev team that listens to its community and continues to make their game better and better. However, the not being able to barricade fences has me worried. We often would barricade fences on upper levels of our safe houses to prevent us from accidentally jumping over a section of fence that we did not intend to. I think we have all been there where we are standing next to what appears to be the section of fence that has a sheet rope on it. We hold down E and our character decides to jump over the section next to it that does not have a sheet rope. Splat goes our character or a likely broken leg or two. I can see this causing a lot of grieving and rage quits. With that being said, I'll admit that barricading a fence in that way was a little wonky and didn't feel right. It was simply a solution to the problem (kinda like when we used to have to use a sledgehammer to remove ash tiles). So what can be done to prevent us from hopping over the wrong fence section? To start, could we have the section that we are right-clicking on highlighted? Similar to how we can highlight corpses and containers now? I know they are not the same (one is a container and the other is a structure) but this would help prevent the issue when using the context menu. Right now you have to read the menu and verify that it says 'remove sheet rope' to make sure you have the right one. For those of us that use 'E'; I guess I don't have any great ideas? Is it possible to do a check with the sections next to the one that you hope you are jumping over? For example; there are three sections of fence and one in the middle has a sheet rope and the others do not. When trying to use 'E' it would check to see which is the most likely fence section you are trying to jump over? That it would automatically have you climb down the sheet rope instead of jumping to your death just in case you were slightly lined up wrong? Maybe have a confirm message pop up when trying to use 'E' to jump over a fence and hitting 'E' again would confirm it? Something like "No Sheet Rope Present. Are You Sure?". Just brainstorming some ideas. I am all for allowing your character to jump to their death if you purposefully want them to (even accidentally at times). I just don't want them dieing because I was lined up slightly wrong and he decides to jump over a section that I did not intend him to. Most of us who have played long enough have had something like that happen to them. That's why we used to barricade the fences on each side of the sheet rope. Now we can't implement that 'safety' feature. IRL you just wouldn't jump over the fence without a sheet rope unless you had a death wish.
  8. Was this after sleeping in MP? We have the problem where if a character is from pre 35 build that their sleep acceleration does not match the server. When they wake up they're sped up and jittery till they catch the server time. Could this be the same?
  9. 144. Update/Expand Foraging areas. I came across this post today: If this map is indeed accurate still, then I think foraging needs to be expanded significantly! We should be able to forage nearly the entire map, especially in all wilderness areas.
  10. 134. Timer to shut off microwaves and ovens when time expires.
  11. Zombies can trample our crops, so maybe not that hard No idea though.
  12. I get what you're saying, that a simple miss click can ruin the player's game. But a simple miss swing on a zombie can also end the game as well. Should we have auto-lock when fighting zombies or something like that as well? They're a danger and you would assume that a player would always attack the greatest threat and not swing at open air. A lot of players strongly support realism in this game. IRL you do have to be careful with every action you take. While its hopefully safe to assume that a person would not hop through a window frame with broken glass in it unless the risk of not doing so was higher than doing it (a zombie bite is worse than needing stitches from shards of glass). The fact is that they could. Removing that threat isn't realistic IMO. It sounds more like you don't like that you can accidentally click on a window and your character will jump through it, more than you want to auto-remove glass. The devs tried to address this by requiring you to hold down 'E' to hop through windows and over fences. Opening doors for example only requires a quick click of 'E'. Maybe if you use the right-click menu that it could highlight what you are attempting to interact with as well? This could further cut down on miss clicks because you could visually see what you are interacting with. However, I suppose simply having 'remove broken glass' in the context menu should be enough. If that's not there, you're clicking on the wrong thing. I for one don't support auto removing dangers for players. This is a game of 'how you died'. IRL you need to be careful in everything you do or you can end up injured from carelessness and assumptions. 'Safety is no accident' and all that. I do get what you're saying though, a game killing you for what might seem like wonkiness (I think I made up that word) is usually no fun for anyone.
  13. While I agree with you, that you would assume no one would jump out a window that has broken glass in its frame unless they had to, I think there's a major problem with that line of thinking. It assumes the player has 'common sense' and in my experience the biggest problem with 'common sense' is that its not all that common.
  14. Axes are a renewable resource thanks to foraging (and loot drops from zombies) At some point it will be a bad idea in PZ to leave decomposing corpses laying around. I have read this is the intent of the devs at some point. For thousands of years humanity has been dealing with our corpses in three ways: burying, burning, setting adrift in the ocean or floating them downstream for the next community to deal with. In PZ we can only burn them. Being able to bury them or send them down the river aren't options without major changes to the game. I'm just suggesting an easier way to do this in game that falls more in line with the current mechanics of the game. Maybe have it as a context menu option to 'burn corpse' when clicking on a campfire, but will remain red until there is enough fuel in the fire? This would be similar to how burning them with gasoline works (or sometimes works ) Try to imagine you are a new player again; If you wanted to get rid of a corpse what would you try to do? I don't care what method ends up in game, they are all going to take a lot of determination and time. Burying them should take a ton of time and determination to manually dig the graves. Manually moving them one by one to the river in WP to send them adrift would be even more time consuming.
  15. Ok, I'm fine with that. Its the one resource that I have an endless supply of
  16. Thousands of years of history seems to differ with your opinion. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyre http://www.us-funerals.com/funeral-articles/outdoor-cremations.html#.V8gTzXurNE4 https://www.theguardian.com/g2/story/0,,1820024,00.html Right now the game allows us to burn bodies with a campfire and I suggested a larger pyre. I just want to put the bodies in the inventory for simplicity instead of having to place them on top which can be difficult to place the corpse exactly where you want it.
  17. Thanks I'll give this a try today! I guess maybe my problem was that the rain barrel was directly over the sink?
  18. I tried this in a player made safe house. I put a rain barrel on the roof of the structure I made. I then took a sink from a home and placed it on a counter/bar element directly below the rain barrel. It does not work for me. Do you know if it needs to be offset by one tile? Did you do this without moving a sink?
  19. 125. Digging with a trowel should cause physical exertion, not sleep tiredness at a very high rate. 126. A way to combat 'Devil Water Fungi' other than removing that crop. I am fine with it being a difficult process since farming is already pretty easy. (BTW what actually causes the DWF? Is there a way to be proactive to reduce the chances of it occurring?) 127. Composting rotten food - surprised no one brought this one up yet 128. Burn unwanted items/trash into ash. 129. Burn zombie corpses by putting them in the inventory of a camp fire. Right now we have to carefully stack them on top of the camp fire, which can be difficult to drop them in the right place. We can burn them with precious gasoline, but it never seems to completely burn the pile and we often have to repeat the process using a lot of a precious resource. Maybe we could build burning pyres or something if putting them in a camp fire isn't realistic enough for some.
  20. I love that I can make a cup of coffee now with just some water and coffee! Its also great that the entire container of coffee is not used all at once! However, adding sugar does not change the stats at all for me. So right now there is no point in adding the calories to the coffee.
  21. 93. I think it should be a "Stick Trap" instead of a "Trap Stick" 94. Have it so that the status of items on the map changes when the area is not loaded. Right now crops continue to 'grow' (die), so I know this is possible. Fires should burn out. Rain barrels should fill. Crops should be watered when it rains. Zombies should destroy sheet ropes (this one might be tough without zombies being loaded on the map). But the idea is that if you have a safe house that is only accessible by sheet ropes and you leave on a multi-day loot run, when you come back you might not be able to get up into your safe house because zombies destroyed your sheet ropes.
  22. Barricading Bug: I am not able to barricade player made windows (using planks) that are built from a frame, I can not deconstruct/disassemble them, and they yield no materials when I destroy them (using an axe not a sledgehammer). I am a level 10 carpenter with all the right tools and items. I can barricade pre-existing player made windows from before the multi-stage building as well as fences. I can also barricade original game world windows. I think that this could be part of the issues that people are having with using metal barricades? Maybe its not a metal working issue, but an issue with the windows themselves/multi-stage building. I'll post this in the bug reports as well.
  23. This option does not show up for me in the server settings GUI. However, it is in the server settings text file.
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