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    bambi got a reaction from Magondivel in Clothing items dropped by the player should NOT despawn.   
    So I was in the process of washing all the clothing I had collected, but I ran out of water. No problem, I'll just drop my clothes on the ground next to the sink and wait for it to rain again! No biggie, right?
    Well I just learnt the hard way that the "items for removal" list applies to things YOU drop as well.
    This means some uber rare items of clothing such as the hockey mask, Spiffo suit headgear, nuclear biohazard mask, civilian and military bulletproof vests, gas masks and air force/military helmets, can straight up POOF out of existence if you accidentally leave them on the ground for too long.
    How long is too long?
    24 HOURS.
    This rule applies to no other items in the game. Tin cans and other clutter items? They stay on the ground permanently. But bulletproof vests and helmets - stuff that's actually useful, they despawn. Rare items that have taken me hundreds of hours to find, such as the hockey mask, YEP, THEY DESPAWN TOO!
    Guess my only option now is to cheat and spawn things I lost back in, but this really should not be something the player should ever have to be concerned about at all.
    SUGGESTION: If you drop something in your base, it should stay where you left it!
  2. Spiffo
    bambi reacted to Tibila in Reading should require minimum light level   
    I seems so unrealistic to me reading in full darkness. Should be a minimum light level that reading could occur.
    This would make candles, matches, lighters, handtorches even more useful for those moments when you wake up at 2 am fully rested.
    When the light level is not matched, the reading action should be suspended if it was already on progress.
    (Also, would be nice to have a handtorch+book animation while sit. Not necessary, but would be cool)
  3. Spiffo
    bambi reacted to HetCigarr in The viewing range from the car   
    There is actually a "Pan camera" option you can find in the keybindings, it works without rolling down the window. I've binded it to the numpad, which I've remapped one of my mouse sidebuttons to (through my gaming mouse software)
  4. Spiffo
    bambi got a reaction from Sartoth in Variable Zed Grouping   
    Current grouping and distribution is way too predictable. The default settings always have zeds eventually huddling up in little circles equal distance apart. In the image above I can reasonably determine that I will encounter almost the exact same thing no matter where I go. It's not always this obvious, but moments like this are too common and completely break the illusion for me.
    Here is a simple illustration of the current grouping settings, and a rough example of my proposed grouping:

    Instead of grouping settings being static values, they should be variable: E.g. "Group Size: 20-40", "Group Radius: 3-10". The percentage of zeds that form groups should also be configurable.
    Same could be done for redistribution/respawn settings. Zeds by default always move to fill gaps on an impeccable 12-hr schedule. You'd think their movements would be a little more sporadic, unless they are meant to operate like some kind of larger organism/hive mind in PZ lore.
    When I clear an area and return only to find a group of identical size has taken it's place, I know that they didn't just happen to stumble into the area or that I missed them, it was just the redistribution time ticked over and all the zeds in the vicinity moved deliberately and swiftly to fill a gap on the map. How do they know?!
    Simply by being able to set a variable schedule would somewhat solve this issue by injecting some uncertainty as to how much time you have until the next migration, but even better would be to configure the percentage of zeds that redistribute as well. It may impact game balance but if you could set it anywhere from 50-150% then zeds would be way more erratic in their distribution cycles, potentially overrunning certain areas until the next cycle moves them again, or perhaps only redistributing a fraction this time around.
    Ideally I'd like zeds to group together much more organically, while still retaining gaps in their numbers to sneak through. Thick hordes and small flocks of varying distance apart, mobile "patrol groups" shambling slowly down city streets, stragglers that break off from herds to join new ones or just wander aimlessly...
    I'm aware that a lot of this is easier said than done given how zeds are loaded in-game, but I just wish it wasn't so consistent across the board.  
    Would also be great if we could make the grouping develop and change over time, Sandbox+ already has this feature among a few others that are much needed in the base game, like varying zed speeds and having multi-hit tied to strength and other factors.
    Thanks for continuing to make this game amazing, seriously!
  5. Pie
    bambi got a reaction from Guicsr02 in Variable Zed Grouping   
    Current grouping and distribution is way too predictable. The default settings always have zeds eventually huddling up in little circles equal distance apart. In the image above I can reasonably determine that I will encounter almost the exact same thing no matter where I go. It's not always this obvious, but moments like this are too common and completely break the illusion for me.
    Here is a simple illustration of the current grouping settings, and a rough example of my proposed grouping:

    Instead of grouping settings being static values, they should be variable: E.g. "Group Size: 20-40", "Group Radius: 3-10". The percentage of zeds that form groups should also be configurable.
    Same could be done for redistribution/respawn settings. Zeds by default always move to fill gaps on an impeccable 12-hr schedule. You'd think their movements would be a little more sporadic, unless they are meant to operate like some kind of larger organism/hive mind in PZ lore.
    When I clear an area and return only to find a group of identical size has taken it's place, I know that they didn't just happen to stumble into the area or that I missed them, it was just the redistribution time ticked over and all the zeds in the vicinity moved deliberately and swiftly to fill a gap on the map. How do they know?!
    Simply by being able to set a variable schedule would somewhat solve this issue by injecting some uncertainty as to how much time you have until the next migration, but even better would be to configure the percentage of zeds that redistribute as well. It may impact game balance but if you could set it anywhere from 50-150% then zeds would be way more erratic in their distribution cycles, potentially overrunning certain areas until the next cycle moves them again, or perhaps only redistributing a fraction this time around.
    Ideally I'd like zeds to group together much more organically, while still retaining gaps in their numbers to sneak through. Thick hordes and small flocks of varying distance apart, mobile "patrol groups" shambling slowly down city streets, stragglers that break off from herds to join new ones or just wander aimlessly...
    I'm aware that a lot of this is easier said than done given how zeds are loaded in-game, but I just wish it wasn't so consistent across the board.  
    Would also be great if we could make the grouping develop and change over time, Sandbox+ already has this feature among a few others that are much needed in the base game, like varying zed speeds and having multi-hit tied to strength and other factors.
    Thanks for continuing to make this game amazing, seriously!
  6. Like
    bambi reacted to OxManZomboid in Turn up turn speed   
    I am not even sure i agree with what you said but star wars kiid always gets a spiffo
  7. Spiffo
    bambi got a reaction from OxManZomboid in Turn up turn speed   
    Just now lost a character because I was exhausted, shoving 3 zombies away, and literally couldn't turn 45 degrees in time to open a door directly beside me without getting chewed on. And yes, I was definitely spamming the 'e' key.
    If you're wondering how I got into this situation, heli event followed by two tripped house alarms and a car alarm after I'd just been doing exercises. I nearly made it though!
    To my understanding turn speed was reduced due to the new animations... so is this an unintended limitation or is it deliberate? It feels so unresponsive and just adds artificial difficulty. I want the game to remain difficult but in the right ways. Situational awareness is such an important factor in PZ and it just seems so absurd the amount of time it takes to merely check if something's behind me, in real life I can just look over my shoulder! It's not a matter of getting used to it, because I am used to it, I just think it could be better.
    It's also plain unrealistic. In real life you don't have to shift your whole body just to face something behind you, you just rotate your torso or swivel your feet.
    Sure, in a real zombie apocalypse we'd all probably die, but I'd hope to at least be able to spin as fast as Star Wars kid.

    Nnm no one is as fast as Star Wars kid.
  8. Spiffo
    bambi got a reaction from OxManZomboid in Variable Zed Grouping   
    Current grouping and distribution is way too predictable. The default settings always have zeds eventually huddling up in little circles equal distance apart. In the image above I can reasonably determine that I will encounter almost the exact same thing no matter where I go. It's not always this obvious, but moments like this are too common and completely break the illusion for me.
    Here is a simple illustration of the current grouping settings, and a rough example of my proposed grouping:

    Instead of grouping settings being static values, they should be variable: E.g. "Group Size: 20-40", "Group Radius: 3-10". The percentage of zeds that form groups should also be configurable.
    Same could be done for redistribution/respawn settings. Zeds by default always move to fill gaps on an impeccable 12-hr schedule. You'd think their movements would be a little more sporadic, unless they are meant to operate like some kind of larger organism/hive mind in PZ lore.
    When I clear an area and return only to find a group of identical size has taken it's place, I know that they didn't just happen to stumble into the area or that I missed them, it was just the redistribution time ticked over and all the zeds in the vicinity moved deliberately and swiftly to fill a gap on the map. How do they know?!
    Simply by being able to set a variable schedule would somewhat solve this issue by injecting some uncertainty as to how much time you have until the next migration, but even better would be to configure the percentage of zeds that redistribute as well. It may impact game balance but if you could set it anywhere from 50-150% then zeds would be way more erratic in their distribution cycles, potentially overrunning certain areas until the next cycle moves them again, or perhaps only redistributing a fraction this time around.
    Ideally I'd like zeds to group together much more organically, while still retaining gaps in their numbers to sneak through. Thick hordes and small flocks of varying distance apart, mobile "patrol groups" shambling slowly down city streets, stragglers that break off from herds to join new ones or just wander aimlessly...
    I'm aware that a lot of this is easier said than done given how zeds are loaded in-game, but I just wish it wasn't so consistent across the board.  
    Would also be great if we could make the grouping develop and change over time, Sandbox+ already has this feature among a few others that are much needed in the base game, like varying zed speeds and having multi-hit tied to strength and other factors.
    Thanks for continuing to make this game amazing, seriously!
  9. Spiffo
    bambi reacted to Guicsr02 in *-------- add crows for a darker/scary atmosphere--------*   
    you need to implement crows in the game besides having the scary noise we know, it would bring a grim atmosphere to the game, imagine you killed a lot of zombies and the crows stay in your bodies eating the rotten meat and when you get close they fly attracting more zombies. THIS WILL BE A PERFECT ADDITION TO THE GAME, AND I DOUBT ANYONE PLAYING THIS GAME WOULD NOT LIKE IT.
  10. Like
    bambi got a reaction from gabriel rodrigues brandao in *-------- add crows for a darker/scary atmosphere--------*   
    +1 Ravens and crows rule.
  11. Like
    bambi got a reaction from Guicsr02 in *-------- add crows for a darker/scary atmosphere--------*   
    +1 Ravens and crows rule.
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