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Everything posted by The_One_And_Only

  1. I'm sure they will make large blinking arrows pointing to it and a neon billboard that says "Here be saws". LOL I mean like, moving it to it's own lot, or spreading the buildings out a little?
  3. I have so many mods for KSP... I spend weekends designing intracate ships and docking procedures because the mods make it really damn hard.
  4. O.O I only want children to be in there to add the sadness aspect, and the despair and horror. Bringing yourself to shoot a child that was eaten alive in the head before it does the same to you. Losing your humanity by killing a child of an enemy group that has a weapon and is attacking you...
  5. Forum glitching out, double postings, comments disspearing... What is going on? Anyway i'm not racist, and the word is used in a list of words, meaning i don't get how characters being bit by zombies and killed don't swear.
  6. I walked... All the way to Muldraugh... For a saw... I came back... And i went into the hardware store and there are like 7 of them. Developers, can you please make the store more visible in the next update?
  7. O.o Dude, it's just a fucking word. And it's a game in the south, a heavily racist area. Why did it double post?
  8. Offtopic: Has anyone else been experiencing this bug where right clicking is not aligned? If i worked at telltale and i knew coding i would make this a mod, but in coding i don't know my ass from a hole in the ground. Can you tell i'm off my meds?
  9. Eahaha, HA HAHAHAHA! AHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA! Ahem... A mod to make it more adult then?
  10. Hell yeah! I wanna catch a enemy group's member, and beat and rape them into telling me whatever they know, while promising i will let them go, after they tell me, i kill them anyway.
  11. I would enjoy zomboid more if it was much, much more dark. Such as beginning during the great panic, watching people lose their minds, crash their cars, run, get eaten alive, the military covering it up... And When Npc's are introduced, add real actions to yourself and characters that would really happen in an apocalypse. Capturing, raping, and torturing Npcs for various or no reason, such as to get them to reveal their bases location, to just feeling like it. Buying and selling Sex slaves using drugs as currency. Children, Living and zombies, both are kill-able. Babies, if you rape/have sex with an npc, it (If your character is male and the opposing is female), she gets pregnant, and you get to decide what to do from then on. More kinds of drugs, Illegal ones Like weed, coke, Meth, Acid, And Ecstasy. Being able to right click on a weapon, and shoot yourself in the head or heart, slit your wrist, stab yourself in the heart, slash your throat open, or stab yourself in the head as a means of suicide. Capturing prisoners, and being able to brutally execute them in horrifying ways such as: Dousing them in gasoline and burning them alive. lowering them slowly feet-first into a pit of zombies. Slowly impaling them. Drowning them. Raping them in a way that causes suffocation. Firing squad. And other horrible ways. Being able to get into a car and ram buildings, making them collapse, running down zombies and people. The use of the words "Fuck, Shit, Dammit, Cunt, Dick, Bitch, Pussy, Nigger, Dick And ass." Being able to hunt animals and attacking them, but not always killing them, sometimes injuring them and watching zombies slowly and dreadfully tear it apart and eat it alive. A setting on sandbox to where there are zombie animals. The army coming in, being corrupt and doing horrible things, Raping people and zombies, Executing the innocent, Burning down bases, Covering up what happened, making zombies a weapon for war, ect. A way to destroy the outbreak, such as going to an army base, rigging napalm to the sewers and boom. Much more detailed gore, Guts spread out, Zombies and humans get bruises and cuts, and bleed from those. Zombies have more animations. What do you think? I think it should be much darker if it were to be realistic.
  12. I personally prefer fallout 1 and 2 because i like the original story better before bethesda got to it, don't get me wrong, i love fallout 3 and nv, but their stories are shit.
  13. I don't know shit about that, THAT'S EVEN WORSE! It has less!
  14. OH FUCK NO. Someone please update it with all the items, it has no farming stuff or anything!
  15. I don't fuckin' know, but i sure hope so!
  16. I cannot reload my shotgun? I have the shells and it's not broken! WTF? Nevermind its good now
  17. OEW GOODY GOODY! tiem to maek mea a hueg baese. Lol
  18. So we cannot have opinons on other people's actions? That's inhuman to the point of impossibility, how about we just type an angry post and just don't post it? Everybody do that. Also, how do you guys plan on making more maps if there is a quarantine? Maybe this quarantine is going so well because the zomie virus has existed alongside humans, and the army knows how to deal with them?
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