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Bug Triager
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Posts posted by Tooks

  1. Not sure if I keep breaking the game but my controls keep messing up. once I was stuck in walk mode. at night. in the wilderness. with no items but the flash light. that was fun.


    The next time I was descending a mountain and all of a sudden my character prones and whenever he stands up (ie when i push C) he will do it, but if I moved he dove on his belly and crawled. Was weird.


    I dont know... DayZ the mod terrified me and then the rampant PVP put me off.


    No.. you want terror, I have terror.


    Those with weak hearts, dare not click.

    Pre-ordering WarZ on the highest tier.

    Now known as Infestation Survivor Stories



    This is what nightmares are made of


    Fixed naked merchants? This game had so much potential

    You should really consider buying "Rust" , Tooks :D



    Bahaha. Digi-peens everywhere in that game.


    But nah the community in Rust is too aggressive

  4. Have you tried to play recently?

    I understand you may find Starbound more fun then Terraria, but how is it different from Terraria?

    Well for one, combat doesn't look like this: tumblr_mkchyvvyYf1rpf30bo2_r1_400.gif
    I for one do not think combat is one of starbounds strong points.

    Edit: gif does describe Terrarias combat well though

  5. Coca-Cola is winning! March forward to victory my brethren!

    Our Pepsi army shall reign supreme! You have won the battle but not the war!

    Lets be fair our army look better too. Red and white combat fatigues? Its like facing an army of bloody santas. Blue is my favourite colour.


    There's a difference? This world is too complicated for it's own good. I also never figured Pepsi to be a cola. Learn something new everyday I guess.


    As simply as possible - Cola is a type of Soda, yet not all Sodas are Colas.


    Soda: Carbonated Water (or beverage containing)

    Cola: Carbonated beverage flavoured with kola nut extract, or similar.


    On a side note, PEPSI used to be known as Pepsi-Cola (til the early 1960's), and before that as Brad's Drink when it was first created in 1893. It was named Pepsi-Cola after the kola nuts and pepsin used in the recipe (disturbingly enough, pepsin is an enzyme released in the stomach that degrades food into peptides).



    Funny fact. Cola is called Cola because it used to be flavoured by Kola Nuts and also Cocaine from Cocoa leaves


    This is a poll for best cola. Dr. Pepper isn't cola. It's incredibly delicious, but it isn't cola

    Royal Crown Cola Btw


    ... Cola and soda are two different things? I've been lied to my whole life.


    Cola is a soda. Dr Pepper isn't a Cola. Pepsi is a Cola. RC Is a Cola, Coke is a Cola.


    This is a discussion about Cola.




    never heard of royal crown cola. in which countries people drink it?

    It's sold in America. It's in Brookshires if you have one. I personally like it better than Coke, but Pepsi is mah Fav



    We get RC in the UK too. I really like RC Cherry but I'm not fond on just plain RC. Though I also prefer Cherry coke AND Pepsi Max Cherry to all the regular things.


    Cherry makes things better.

  8. Hmm... I've been looking into this game the past few days. It looks like Terraria in space, which I love as a concept. How many planets and systems are there? How easy is it to travel from planet to planet and star to star?

    don't know how many planets - there are so much, i didn't count them yet. if you spend some time doing the first quests and crafting some good starter items, it's very easy to travel. all you need is coal, which is good to find a bit deeper. with a silver or gold pickaxe you are able to mine very fast. with 300 to 400 coal you are able to travel a lot :)

    There are currently 4.22 quadrillion planets I believe

  9. Has the update happened yet? I'm at werk and cant check.

    I believe so.

    Well we would have to get someone else anyways austin

    PB stated the truth though, someone who knows what he's doing and can do it, should set up the server.

    Sorry Austin, but he's kind of right.

    Right or not he could have approached the situation with less of a dick attitude


    I dont really understand what this phobia is , even after reading the wikipedia article .... a phobia of little holes ? ( on human bodys ?!? )


    pho·bi·a  (fomacr.gifprime.gifbemacr.gif-schwa.gif)

    1. A persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it is not dangerous.




    I think that description is a bit off. I mean there are phobias of heights and spiders which can both be very, very dangerous :P

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