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Bug Triager
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Everything posted by Tooks

  1. Yeah I like the idea of teaching too (saw that thread). Perhaps the usefulness could be Made skill books low modifier Normal skill books good modifier Being trained high modifier
  2. This is more an idea for Multiplayer (and could be modded in if mp supports mods) but itd be cool if someone could write skill books. You'd need to have the skill level of the book you're trying to write already, a blank notebook and a pen. These skill books could then be given to new players or friends. Perhaps they give less of a multiplier than normal skill books so normal skill books are still really valuable loot to find.
  3. Tooks


    Unless they snook back in they've been out of the game for a good 4+ months
  4. Tooks


    I have a hard time believing this is true seeing as, as far as I know, Molotov cocktails are currently disabled due to the fact they dont work properly :S
  5. Sadistic Adjective deriving pleasure from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others. Youd be looking for the Friendly AI Director sir
  6. My New Title (Tooks T-shirt Doppelganger) In fairness yours is better
  7. Do I get an achievement for being "First to make/wear a spiffo t-shirt to Rezzed"?
  8. Off topic your avatar makes me feel slightly uneasy, I'm not sure why. On Topic: "That was TOO close. You were almost a Jill sandwich." Off topic: He's eating butter. Its a gif representation of your average PZ character. But yes it is also sort of inappropriate On topic: But Chris is... *pause* ...*gun shot*... *drama*
  9. ...but pretty much most games involve downloading shit. Even if you play Browser based games, you're downloading stuff via your browser
  10. My mum drinks bottled water at home because she finds tap water too 'chemically tasting'
  11. #1 Obligatory Dragon Post #2 No Super Powers #3 No Playable Chuck Norris Class
  12. Allright. No update but fuck it. I saw your Evian and had to raise it to a Volvic: Puny Volvic is no match for my Evian army. Water? Health nerds
  13. is that... is that a chocolate orange?
  14. Well this is my current battle station which is rubbish compared to most of yours. Its a work in progress as i've only just moved. The tv stand on the right works as a second monitor but can also swivel so if i want to watch a film in bed I can.
  15. Really depends on the group. Was running with 5 friends the other week and we ended up kidnapping someone. In the heat of the moment while they were giving him orders one of our more trigger happy members shot him in the face. At least he saw it coming I guess.
  16. How are they going to fix KOS and Combat Logging? These are no bugs but player behavior.Combat logging in games is usually countered with having you remain in game for a short time if you're in combat. How the game would determine if you're in combat is beyond me though. Perhaps if there is a player within your vicinity your body persists for a short time after disconnection. P.s id be all up for joining a TIS only server where kos is against the rules. Id say let people be bandits and let people rob others because that's part of the game but to rob someone you'd need interact
  17. Assistants arent TOO bad I think its just most new players go assistants so those who arent new see all assistants as newbies. Janitor is an easy role as you're not actually required to follow anyones orders and thus the prospect of messing up is less terrifying. However janitors get a bad rap because if you're cleaning and they're running they fall over and its for some reason your fault. I quite liked playing as a bartender. Once you figure out how to mix drinks it has some nice roleplay elements.
  18. Game very much is not newbie friendly but then a game as deceptively in depth as SS13 struggles to be. If its still going Rocket 42nd is a good server. Its where I played back in the day.
  19. http://spacestation13.com/?cat=4
  20. I remember looking at this way back when and while it is a game about a space station i dont think it reminds me anything of SS13. I havent looked at it in a while though.
  21. Im really looking forward to the standalone thats currently being worked on
  22. oh, i dont know. I have no idea how to check this
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