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cool daddy shark

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Everything posted by cool daddy shark

  1. https://projectzomboid.com/blog/2016/06/career-zeds/
  2. You mean like this, right?
  3. My character seems to be cold in July. I am taking that is a bug? I dont remember ever being in cold fog.
  4. By putting one body in, then filling it.
  5. The fog needs some serious optimization. Going into an urban area with high zombie population lowers the fps by 20-30. Other than that its perfect.
  6. When I put a generator in the front seat of a car I can not remove it thus ruining the car unless I put on Ghost mode with Necroforge and remove it.
  7. I've been experiencing this everytime I see fog. This is an amazing update that adds a surprising amount to the game.
  8. I noticed No Fire Spread for singleplayer was put onto IWBUMS. Thanks, RJ!
  9. RJ, could we get an option in singleplayer to disable fire/spread? MP has it and id really like it in SP and I would imagine I am not alone in this.
  10. Can we also have flies sound turned down a tad so it isnt like a jet taking off? I like having the sound there but I also dont like tinnitus.
  11. We really require protection from diseases ingame. There will be situations where people can not exactly just go grab zombie bodies and dispose of them. What if you are boxed in and under prolonged siege? Since the military will be in the game go further and implement gas masks/face masks and gloves? Even disposing of rotting bodies is going to be hazardous especially if you have to bury/burn a pile of them. We also need more diverse graves because 5 bodies for 3 tiles wont cut it if a group goes on a zombie murder spree and needs to bury 200 zombies. If it came to that graves would be turn redundant and symbolic and people could get more done just by making molotovs and burning down the neighborhood.
  12. I am going on a limb here but since the IWBUMS has clothing conditions, and blood splatter on a your character I am going to have to assume the animations release is around the corner nothing.
  13. I am dying of a fever just fighting zombies in general.
  14. cool daddy shark

    Road kill

    How will we know blood is on our character in the IWBUMS branch if animations are not being released with them? Am I missing something?
  15. cool daddy shark


    That'd actually be nice.
  16. cool daddy shark


    We want them to be tangible lighting objects that you can place down on a table or floor.
  17. cool daddy shark


    We need candles bad. Id like to light my remote cabin with candles at night when the power goes out. I use the wood oven for lighting but thats pretty wood intensive.
  18. cool daddy shark


    Hey RJ, can you add specification settings into the building destruction and health? For example, if i wanted zombies to be able to destroy wood panel walls but not log walls or metal walls and etc. On medical if someone wanted to make scratches very minor but a deep glass wound in my leg very serious and make a gunshot in my arm survivable but in my gut fatal?
  19. You can drive inside a building with two door entrance. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/790791749948735833/2CEC2D93E98D40DFB2B16E3687483C380B89EB67/
  20. Would you guys consider adding in drunk and otherwise impaired driving? Drinking behind the wheel and not sleeping during those long loot hauls should have penalties.
  21. Cars are going to be really useful for blocking off streets.
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