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Everything posted by zomboid123

  1. One thing that bothers me about the guns is that the varmint rifle is bolt action... .223/5.56 bolt action rifles have never and will never be popular in the united states. The most popular "varmint rifle" of the era this game is set in was probably the ruger mini-14 which is semi automatic. The AR15 craze where everyone and their mother bought one hadn't really kicked in by 1993 as far as I know. Oh and while we're talking about properly fitting the era the game is set in... The pistol red dot sight is a total anachronism, and laser sights for handguns in 1993 were a big bulky affair. I wouldn't mind a .45 pistol. The M1911 is an insanely popular pistol that has no IP issues to worry about. The AR15//CAR15 also have no IP issues to worry about, Colt lost that battle a long time ago to Bushmaster, you can build a real rifle and call it an AR15. Please just don't add a rifle and call it an "M4" please, we have enough anachronisms. EDIT: and for the people that say "just use ORGM".. it is full of anachronstic weaponry and exotic crap like desert eagles and steyr augs etc. I want realistic weapons not call of duty...
  2. Well they definitely run out. I created a new world with the intention of seeing just how many pots you could make and this one was obviously a partial bag because it ran out after six pots. A green usage bar would be nice.
  3. I think they missed a few items, the remoulade you show and also the cheese sandwich found in bake shops has no nutrition.
  4. I'm pretty sure the fed/hunger moodles are just a fullness rating working off the "legacy" hunger system and the calories/weight are a seperate system. If fed/hunger affected your weight then hearty appetite/light eater wouldn't be exibiting the odd behavior they do... You can stay at hungry or lower eating the bare minimum to avoid the starvation moodle and still put on weight like crazy if you have hearty appetite.
  5. Is rice infinite? It doesn't seem to have a bar that decreases as you make pots of rice. I made like 15 pots of rice and the bag is still truckin on.
  6. I get what you are saying, but the fact is those traits were balanced around the old hunger system and it shows. EDIT: I think maybe it would be a good idea to just tie the hunger moodle into the new calorie system, it would not only fix these traits but would take the guesswork of calories. As it stands now it's kind of information overload... I'd considering myself a pretty hardcore PZ player and even I am overwhelmed. I am not even sure at this point what effect carbs/protein/fats even have on my charactor... And was the whole "nutrients" thing scrapped? I remember lemmy saying he wanted veggies and vitamins to give nutrients.
  7. The animations look great. Also I need that spear thing in my life. Can't wait.
  8. Yay for being able to move freezers and stack crates! Do white industrial fridges have freezers now? They make up the bulk of fridges in restaurants and such in muldraugh.
  9. Yeah, I've been following your bug report. I'm wondering how many of the people complaining about their weight problems(in either direction) have taken these traits and how badly it could have affected base nutrition balance... Light eater really needs to make you burn less calories and hearty appetite needs to burn more, otherwise they are going to have the opposite effects on player behavior; Light eaters need to eat constantly to keep their weight up while taking hearty apetite requires you to starve yourself or suffer blowing up to marlon brando size.
  10. Is it just me or are big hiking bags not spawning at all in the most recent IWBUMS build? I went a long time without finding one on my current playthrough so decided to test it out with max loot settings and I've not been able to find one in six tries sprinting around and checking the usual places. Have not found a sledge either, could be bad luck... or could be rare loot was made more rare.
  11. By "this build" do you mean an upcoming one? Because I still can't interact with or move them in the current IWBUMS. I generated a new world too, just to be sure. Tried in the same motel and in the new bedroom in the leftmost apartment above the hardware store/grocery store.
  12. Is this why you can't interact with/move lamps @ certain rotations? I won't file a bug report if you already know about this. Example is the lamps in every other room in the west point motel below the grocery store; can't move or interact with lamps that are on nightstands against the rightmost wall.
  13. So after playing the new IWBUMS branch for a while I have two observations: 1. While the lighting is now super fast, the game stutters A LOT, and I do not have what one would call a "weak" computer: i5 2500k @ 4.2ghz, 16gb ram, gtx 680. I run the game under linux if that makes a difference with finding problems. I can tell you for sure that multicore refuses to enable under linux and has refused to enabled for quite a few builds now, so that is probably limiting performance quite a bit on the linux build. 2. The zoom function zooms in WAY too far now. I play @ 1280x720 on a large screen tv and at max zoom I am practically zoomed in right on my charactors face, there is no need to ever zoom in that much.
  14. It seems that when you move a fridge it loses its freezer compartment.
  15. If you say so. No malice intended. FWIW I love the new art, Mash is a great artist and she knocked it out of the park.
  16. Use the move furniture tool to grab a window from a house and add it to your player made window frame. The tooltip is bugged so make sure you have both a hammer and a crowbar on your person when you do it.
  17. I'm not berating anyone, and of course you are free to and even should do what you feel is best for the project. I am just voicing my opinion that a little heads up before it went live would not have hurt anyone. This being your project, you are absolutely in the right to say that it could and would hurt things, but I think it's an over reaction to say that my post was berating the developers. This sudden change will be an exciting surprise to most and a blind-siding nightmare to others. I have no strong opinion either way.
  18. So you may have just killed the hydrocraft mod with this drastic switch in art style with no notice. Hydromancerx was already dreading updating all the food items for the nutrition system, when he finds out that all of his mods art is now going to stick out like a sore thumb I wouldn't blame him if he called it quits. I know you wanted this to be a big surprise, but you had tons of modders working on art that no longer fits the art style of the game.
  19. So mash's secret art project was a complete art overhaul and it's not just higher quality, they seem to be ditching the old sims style skeumorphic look and have gone with a comic book style for the new art. The hydrocraft stuff was all done in the old style... Looks like updating the food for the new nutrition system was the least of your worries m8.
  20. This mod is turning out to be pretty great. Keep up the good work. Do you think you could integrate this mod to enable powering gas stations? IMO there is enough risk in A. moving a generator all the way to a gas station and B. running the generator and the noise drawing in zombies while you get fuel. Not to mention fuel actually DOES run out at gas stations.
  21. Nice update, the lighting in the mall is no longer in slow motion. I have to point out though that multicore is still not working in the linux build.
  22. Okay, so now that this topic has calmed down I had a question about an inconsistency with the pathfinding AI: A zombie will always stop to break a window, I can be shouting at them through a broken window 1 tile over and they will still prefer to bang their head on the unbroken window, yet the same is not true of player built walls... As was pointed out earlier in this thread they will easily find their way through a maze of player built walls which would in theory make building a bunch of window frames and boarding them up far superior to just plain walls. What is it with windows that overides their pathfinding AI and why is that not applied to player built walls?
  23. I think you need to relax. I'm not so keen on the whole "be lovely" hugbox thing, but you're being really abrasive for no reason at all. I wouldn't fault Lemmy for telling you to love it or shove it at this point.
  24. You asked for feedback in my thread about magazines so I'll give mine(and these are just the things I don't like, I like everything else so don't feel like I'm just bagging on your mod- I'm not): Not a fan of this. PZ's weight system was specifically designed to represent both wt and how organized something is in your bags, IE a bunch of loose nails or ammo floating around your bag takes more space than nails/ammo neatly organized in a box. I really don't like such a well thought out system just thrown out. Blades already outclass blunt in vanilla by an order of magnitude and this just widens the gap. If you're going to do this I would see about buffing blunt weapons somehow. Lower sledge fatigue? Buff nailbat damage/durability? Blunt all around just needs to be buffed. Big time. I'm worried what effect this might have for future updates and whether this will affect its compatibility with other mods. Overall fantastic mod, just have a few quibbles I have. And could you considering packaging up some of the changes as stand alone? I would love to have the skill books released as standalone by category. And are you going to do books for the remaining skills? Sprinting/sneak/etc ?
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