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Posts posted by nolanri

  1. 8 hours ago, falcon33jp said:
    hi! nolanri

    I will translate Japanese.

    A part of Japanese translation has been completed, but there is a mistake in Japanese.

    Please provide the original text of English. I will translate it all into Japanese.

    Translation takes time. Give me time.

    I am waiting for your contact.

    Contact falcon33jp@gmail.com

    Thank you,

    but someone else just made posted to my thread just a few hours ago.
    but I have added a few terms since then, maybe you can help with those instead?

    ContextMenu_speech_FarmingActionPlanting = "*Planting seeds...*"
        ContextMenu_speech_FarmingActionWatering = "*Harvesting...*"
        ContextMenu_speech_FarmingActionWatering = "*Watering...*"

  2. 4 minutes ago, sikiter said:

    i restat the game

    just tried it, it works for me so dont know what to say. double check your settings. they sometimes get reset when i update the workshop

  3. update: Farming Task Added.  Survivor in Farmer role will, dig, plant, water, harvest and bring the goods to your designated food storage location.

    farming order requires level 3 farming.
    added many preset recruit able farmers in predictable locations around the map

    as with other special survivors like Doctor and Veteran, the Farmers can also spawn randomly but very rare.

  4. 15 minutes ago, sikiter said:

    There is a bug when i play with orgm (survivers has no ammo); ther isn't any difference when infinite ammo is on.

    did you change the setting to Infinit ammo while you were still in a game? or from the main menu? it does not immedietly take effect if you change settings in game, you will jhave to rejoin the game.

  5. 16 hours ago, Danyel said:

    é possivel uma tradução para o mod ? quais os arquivos ?

    Estou organizando o mod para que possa ser traduzido agora. Ainda não terminei. Eu preciso de mais alguns dias. Quando eu terminar, haverá apenas dois arquivos para traduzir.
  6. 22 hours ago, PsyWeed said:

    Hi! Great mod!


    I was trying to fine tune the mod to my taste but i'm having trouble to configure it, since i can't find any help anywhere about the options


    SpawnRate 4
    WifeSpawn 2
    GunSpawnRate 3
    HostileSpawnRate 3
    InfinitAmmo 2
    SurvivorFriendliness 3
    SurvivorHunger 1
    WepSpawnRate 5
    FindWork 1
    MaxHostileSpawnRate 17
    RaidersAtLeastHours 12
    RaidersAfterHours 8
    RaidersChance 3
    LockNLoad 1


    Can someone tell me what each one of these do and what are their acceptable values/function ?

    I Think most of these are pretty obvious if you look at them from the main menu options. Not sure why your looking at the code names of them in the codes. 

  7. You can now give a Survivor Armor from the "Armor Mod" . Have the armor in your inventory unequipped and then call and right click on a survivor for option to give armors. You can see the armors they have equipped in the survivor info window. 

    If wife AND Ready for battle mode is enabled. Wife will also get the guns & or armor that your player gets in this mode. 

    Fixed problem with survivors not cutting wood unless close to trees

    Main menu options now have a scroll bar for those with screens to small to see all options

  8. update:
    options compacted to fit on smaller screens.
    survivors who have guns, but not equipped, will draw their guns if they spot hostiles or raiders coming, and go back to using mele when the fighting ends
    Hilltop has been converted to a real live group, like players group. workers there take on various tasks by themselves.
    Also survivor spawn rate options are now more sensitive, though "Normal" has not changed

  9. 9 minutes ago, trombonaught said:

    Are you required to have a actually designated a base (through area selection) for this to work?

    Yes, though the house you spawn in,(if you spawn in a house) is marked as your base by default. so its a possibility there too.


    marking your base helps in many other ways too. like easy to prevent survivors or raiders from spawning IN your base since your base area is marked.

  10. The raiders are back!
    Raiders event Added!
    You have a nice cozy base with food and weapons stores and such! how nice! well these guys want what you have! If you have a base and you are in your base, there is a small chance for raiders to appear who plan to take your base by force!
    Tweakable settings on how often this event will occure have been added to settings.
    If raiders come while you are sleeping you will automatically wake up.

  11. UPDATE:




    To go along with the recent ability to select locations, such as the location of your base, and locations of where to store things etc. Using said selected base locations, Survivors can now go to work themselves. Survivors in or around the base, will try to keep themselves busy even if you don't tell them what to do. W/e they choose to do, they will stop and return to base after doing that thing for a reasonable amount of time.


    A Survivor in the "Worker" Role will do these things:

    Chop wood. Try and find an axe and go chop down near by trees in the area or in the designated chopping area.

    Forage. Area must be designated for them to do this, they will go to designated foraging area and forage for a while. then bring back and drop all they found in the Food storage area.

    Pile Corpses. Will go and pickup and pile corpses in the designated pile corpses area. If Take coprses area is selected, they will only pickup corpses in that area.

    Gather Wood. Will go and take Logs or planks from the general area, or the designated wood gather area, and bring it back to center base or to the designated wood storage area.

    Relax. Relax around the base for a bit.

    A Survivor in the Guard Role, will Patrol the designated Guard area, or relax around the base for a bit.

    A Survivor in the Doctor Role will go to the medical storage area and assume the Doctor Order.

  12. Added ability to select your territory / base

    Right click on the ground and choose select area. Then Left click and hold on the ground and move your mouse around to select an area and declare it as your base territory.

    This will be useful as Survivors can now be given different AI / behavior for when they are in base as compared to not being in base. Like if out of base, loot some stuff, if in base, find some work to do etc.

    Added Return to Base Order. Will return to base even if the survivor exits the loaded cell while attempting to return to base, they will still make it back.

    Pile Corpses order added

    General fixes and improvements

    here is a video demonstrating how to select your base: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2c1fsOhc6VQ

  13. You should consider using the ResizeWorldIcon attribute on all the spent casings items in the item scripts so they look smaller. maybe like set to 0.25. right now the spent casings are the same size as my players leg, its a bit of a bummer.

  14. With the vehicle update yesterday, Survivors can now sprint.  And no more friendly fire on your group members even if pvp is on.
    survivor vs survivor ai is a bit better, not just attacking other players like they do zombies when they come too close. They will sprint after you if they see you even from far away.  loose line of sight for a while and they will give up thier pursuit.  or get some zombies between you and them to distract them to get away. or you can fight it out of course.

    with that note, to help you fight it out, iv also updated the stand alone armor mod, it has most of the findable armor from hc, like swat, riot and kevlar armors.  Which can also be traded for with advanced trading post mod enabled.

  15. Wait what? You can't take stuff from corpse? One thing? Or anything? Did u try other corpses? Did you try all this on a new game since update or loaded old game?

  16. 51 minutes ago, Rusty_knight said:

    Can I do something about that bugged water containers before the fix is out? I can disable the mod, but then I won't be able to load a save...

    try it now, i updated with the fixes but without the group pvp stuff and the sprinting stuff

  17. 50 minutes ago, Rusty_knight said:

    Got another bug when trying to fill an empty tin can with water from a kitchen sink. Can gets filled, name gets changed to "tin can with water", but the gauge meter on it is empty and after that I can't drop the can from inventory or move it to another container. Subsequent tries to fill it with water from other sources also doesn't work.

    I believe i have this stuff fixed but i can't release until the next version of vehicles comes out.

  18. You can now turn off infinite ammo. Survivors will grab near by ammo if they run out or u can give them more, then they will re equip gun once they get more ammo.



    for your compatibility patch, on top of whatever else you did. You'll need to overwrite a few more functions in utilities file. Which define what ammo boxes make what bullets and the counts of how many bullets are in each box type.  This info is normally in unbox recipies but right now I don't know how to retreive it so I did it this way.


    also you can press u to see a gui window with your group, though it's still a WIP.


    also if a random survivor happens to spawn with 3 points in Doctor, which is quite rare, they will get a "Doctor" prefix to their name. So you know they can perform the Doctor order


  19. 1 hour ago, SonaGX said:

    I really like the story mode there.  You could also have simple little stories for other professions.  Nothing is simple though so that's definitely a later request.


    Is there any possibility of having survivors drive cars?  I don't know how you could program them to stay on a road or not crash, but that would be awesome 

    Driving in general would be very hard. But a spesific route from a spesific point to other point should be pretty do able. Which is what I would do in such a quest mode

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