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Jack Bower

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Everything posted by Jack Bower

  1. Game is very lenient already, rather then have them grab or claw you just give them more of a physical presence so you can't as easily just walk through them. I am all for actually thinking about where you heard the zombies and moving through the openings, but at the moment I can pretty much walk in a mostly straight line past all of them.
  2. Please listen to Florin it is a disgrace if I can't kill 20 zombies on my human being who is literally fighting for his life. You should get tired over 24 hours and it is like. "Oh my guy has been running around for 16 hours I should probably sleep now." That way you'll force them to do their rest but like, I don't want to camp around my base and sleep all day, I have enough fun handling food / water / constantly raining to have to worry about my character being too tired to go out.
  3. Yeah but there is a big difference between flavor wind up sounds and the fact that every time you hear the impact sound zombie brains are flying.
  4. But it does provide a point tip that tells you that this is not a game where you spam click, if you spam click you die.
  5. it should 100% be vocal cue, eventually people will get the right idea after listening to all the different bone cracking sounds afew hundred times.
  6. I wouldn't want traits made useless but I would want them to at least be relatively consistent in value. Like if I spend 4 points on something it should be worth 4 points, not I pick some trait and get like 4 extra things in one, doesn't make sense not to pick the trait. Overall athletic only costs 6 and gives you a whole bunch of bonuses and overweight gives you 4 points while weakness the counter for strong gives you 6 points. Shouldn't overweight the counter to athletic also be six points? I'd love to see more incentive for people to pick some of the more horrible traits, overweight, weakness, ect. Even at 6 points overweight seems like a steep price to pay for the six points.
  7. Yeah but it doesn't matter because zombies are not a threat because I can just run through infinite zombies down the highway and literally have no problems with minimal evading, I am surprised people even died to those slow things in the first place. The only real threat atm is getting infected or killed by a player and the only way to actually make them a theat is to make it so you can't just whilly nilly run through 500 of them, they are already incredibly slow and a lot of people say the game is pretty easy. I think the world is ready for zombies that can use their hands to grab you. *Edit* Also the traits eagle eye and keen hearing can easily compete with Strong and Athletic because when someone is creeping through your base and you know where they are, you have a much easier time gunning them down. Eagle eye helping a lot with spotting people, lucky is a trait I often take also to help me. I am convinced it helps me find items because I seem to find more axes and bullets when I use the lucky trait, you need about 30 bullets to train your accuracy to level 2 and then you are ready to go out into the world and kill just about everyone you see.
  8. @The post about penalizing rush builds. If you see someone with a house by day two, chances are two or three guys are packing the weapons from the gun stores on day one. So you can decide what is more important the house or the bullets you can use to liberate items from infidels.
  9. Running through hordes is probably the biggest thing that makes this game easy. An athletic character on 2.9 already is a must, now that this is being added the value of that trait is only increasing, now my fat Prince Fielder baseball character will not be physically capable of fighting the zombies despite the fact he will have the strong trait and will crush big macs / baseballs all day. The real problem comes from what this means for traits and newer players, this will totally impose cookie cutter traits when all I ever really wanted to do was make an overweight character. BTW Athletic is a must in multiplayer because if you run into a hostile raider and don't have athletic he can just run you down and take all your stuff and you literally can't fight it if you are melee and he has a ranged weapon, he can just kite you with a shotgun all day and when you turn to run he'll run you down and loot you. Now everyone will always take athletic because not only is it the only way to live in pvp but now also you need it to swing your weapons.
  10. I'd like a visible display for backpacks on back / in hands. I can think of plenty of times I walked past people holding 3 bags packed full of things, if people saw that they'd probably want in on all that loot.
  11. The problem is you can run through a pack of like 100 zombies and be fine, and in that I feel is the essence of the problem, when I run through some of these packs of zombies I should certainly be getting scratched or grabbed or something but I can run through entire buildings full of zombies with no negative consequences and as long as I don't stop moving I'll be fine. If you slow down combat like this we will be forced to kill masses of zombies by other means, when we claim land we don't just surrender it to any zombie horde. We will just start fires and kite the zombies through the camp fires. Please do not make us have to do retarded things like that to kill the zombies, please just make us rest every 24 hours or something or make it so when you are high exertion you can get more easily grappled by zombies or you move slower then zombies when you are weighed down and out of breath. I believe in a challenge I just think we are looking for it in the wrong place, everyone can think of times they ran past tons of zombies and I think it just makes the game too easy. <EDIT> Oh yeah, fat people already get owned in the game by being way slower and pretty much are sitting ducks for a petty +4 points, it is pretty much on par with or greater then the weakness trait it should probably be worth 6 now that you can't even swing a weapon anymore because you are fat. (( Sorry baseball players! ))
  12. If you called it exploration mode people might try it to explore the mechanics of the game / look around and get a grasp before multiplayer
  13. I don't know how I feel about building without nails, as someone who makes structures that kill people and put them in the open on public servers I feel that more materials are better to stop evil people like me.
  14. Reclaiming doors would actually be badass, reclaiming windows is weirder but with the new changes to glass cut damage I would like to have an option to clean the glass out of broken windows so I can pass through them without cutting myself.
  15. Bump for great justice, every time I eat a can of beans I want to save the empty cans so I can string them on a wire so I can hear people when they try and sneak up on me, this would be a great addition because the stealth patch is coming out soon and fools are going to be creeping more then ever.
  16. Yeah, my only problem with the idea of items in a box is I would just smash them and then the items are all on the ground and it makes a terrible mess, we are robbers not monsters we don't want a mess of items all over the ground.
  17. I was in Westpoint on Cloony today and met some great RPers, makes me happy I left Westpoint.
  18. I've played on some servers that had chat disabled and some that had it enabled, I really wish the radio item could be found randomly in the world and open up area chat to everyone who also has a radio.
  19. I can see it displayed now, I'd come join you but I am on 29.4
  20. Just log out while he is talking to you. I pretty much log out mid combat all the time and cheat like crazy, you just disappear and get to keep your stuff, teaches the looter to shoot first and you get to keep your stuff this time. However pvp must exist on any server I play on because if some guy walks into my base and starts looting my stuff, I want to defend my property.
  21. Server does not seem to appear in public server list for me oddly enough.
  22. Having padlocks for house doors is a good idea, only I don't believe it should protect you 100% you should be able to lock your front door but that won't stop someone from axing your door down to claim the stuff.
  23. Please do not hold out guns unless you plan on using them. I don't want to kill your character but if you equip a gun all bets are off.
  24. I was wondering what happened to it, you should check out my loot collector in Westpoint's Gigga Mart.
  25. I enjoy good RP servers but I suffer from the terrible paranoia they just want into my storeroom so I end up shooting a lot of RPers who walk into my land.
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