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Everything posted by blindcoder

  1. Well then it's broken. Like Hydromancerx reported on the tracker, it loads multiple copies from at least 2 sources causing bugs. And anyway, I like to keep my WIPs and my Upload Builds separate, my WIPs (Zomboid\mods) may have broken code, items, stuff while the same mod, with the same id but in Zomboid\Workshop might work just fine, with them both loaded, I get errors. Managing it is annoying at best ATM. Also, some stuff needs altering, like my Littering mod, it comes with plug-ins, the way they work differs between putting stuff in mods and subscribing though workshop. I seriously suggest adding in an option to select mod loading folders, even if only available through command prompt in debug mode. It really helps when one can have his InDev stuff separate from Public stuff, I'm 200% sure you understand. Edit: Managing 16 mods + some plug-ins was time consuming before Workshop was a thing. I do realize that It's not easy to just add stuff and that the primary concern is the basic consumer but the more tools we modders have in managing our content the easier we can make stuff working for the basic consumer. To me, Steam and Workshop are completely new things, I'm extremely hapy with what you guys provided so far because uploading my mods was easy and now anyone can use them with a click of a mouse but it got a lot harder to manage stuff. Any reason why you're not developing in the workshop directory?
  2. That's a good idea. Let's say a general minimum Condition og 50% percent? I'll see how to implement that.
  3. It hooks into anything that is of Type HandWeapon, Drainable or DrainableComboItem.
  4. Image created by Onkeen! Thanks! Do you like that everything you find is in mint condition? Do you think it's realistic that all pills you find are completely full? Then this mod is not for you! Everyone else, keep reading! What is Secondhand Loots? SL is a mod that randomizes the condition of weapons you find as well as the fill levels of pills, charcoal, lighters, everything with a "Remaining" bar in the tooltip! How does it do that? By hooking into the loot-generation code of the game. It also handles Lucky/Unlucky in a way that you get more items in perfect or broken condition. Cool! Where can I get this? Download it directly from github: https://github.com/blind-coder/pz-bcRandomizedItems/releases Or subscribe to it on Spiffos Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=501895986 I'm a modder and don't want my items to automerge! What do I do? To achieve this, add these lines into a .lua file in media/lua/client: if not BCGT then BCGT = {} endif not BCGT.MergeIgnore then BCGT.MergeIgnore = {} endBCGT.MergeIgnore["Module.Item"] = 1;Please make sure to include both if not lines so you don't overwrite other mods' ignore lists. Replace Module.Item with the full type of the item that you don't want auto-merged. Anything else I need to know? Yes: When you transfer items that have a fill level (pills, charcoal, etc) into a container where another one of these items is, they will be combined! That means that two half-empty packs of charcoal will become one full pack automatically. This does not apply to anything that leaves behind an "empty" version of itself like Water Bottles, Pots and the like. Anything you need help with? Yes! The mod can set lower/upper limits of condition for items. For example, an axe will always be at least 25% and a Hunting Knife 33%, no matter what. This is meant so that players don't find a rare item after days of scavenging only to find it's broken and unusable. This is where I need help: Post suggestions of lower/upper limits of condition as well as chances that an item should be broken or in perfect condition! Default chance for either is 2.5% If you have a suggestion for something, please post it here. Please make it a nice "balanced" suggestion, not a "but I want this to be perfect ALLLWWAAAYS" suggestion, thanks!
  5. UPDATE I just released v0.8.3, making this mod compatible with PZ 32.20.
  6. Why do you need that? AFAIK 32.20 is backwards compatible to 32.17.
  7. Did you wrap it in a module Something { } bracket? And to add Necroforge support for your own items, check out the necroforge thread, there's a howto in there.
  8. There are two files in Projectzomboid/media/lua/scripts called "items.txt" and "newitems.txt" In there you will find many lines starting with "item Something", in this case "Something" will be the name for the recipe.
  9. UPDATE I have updated this to v3.0.0 with a much nicer tooltip rendering for the doorknob.
  10. I have now prepared a mod in the Zomboid/Workshop/ directory, but it's not showing up in the MODS section of the game. Is that correct? Do I have to manually copy it around in there? Or will it only show up once it has a Workshop ID?
  11. I just tried uploading a mod to the workshop using the in-game interface. It gets stuck on "success requesting Steam Workshop to create a new item". When starting manually, I get this: [12:14:14][blindcoder@flora:~/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/ProjectZomboid]$ ./projectzomboid.sh64-bit java detectedpzexe: Steam is runningszCmd: /bin/sh -c '"/home/blindcoder/.local/share/Steam/steam.sh" "steam://run/108600"' &pzexe: relaunching through Steam client[12:14:16][blindcoder@flora:~/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/ProjectZomboid]$ /home/blindcoder/.local/share/Steam/steam.sh: line 161: VERSION_ID: unbound variable/home/blindcoder/.local/share/Steam/steam.sh: line 161: VERSION_ID: unbound variable/home/blindcoder/.local/share/Steam/steam.sh: line 161: VERSION_ID: unbound variableERROR: ld.so: object '/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/amd64/server/libjsig.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.I'm running on a Debian system with OpenJDK 7 64 Bit.
  12. The bug would trigger if: - You load a game where the mod was NOT enabled before - You had a weapon equipped when you saved - You kill a zombie with that weapon without un- and reequipping it
  13. It's only listed as "outdated" (and not even that) if the PZ version in the mod.info is marked as incompatible with the currently running one. What exactly is giving you trouble there?
  14. In SandyBeaches V4 there's a bug that prevents it from working. On line 544, replace the line with this: -- we just killed something, so update the count. if pModData.namedWeaponsnKills ~= nil then pModData.namedWeaponsnKills = pModData.namedWeaponsnKills + 1; else pModData.namedWeaponsnKills = 1; endOtherwise you will get error messages in console.txt and no named weapons.
  15. UPDATE Version 0.8.2 adds support for translating the texts displayed, thanks to a patch from RoboMat! Enjoy
  16. At home I'm on Win 7 for my not-yet-ported-to-Linux gaming needs and Debian for actually getting Work done. As long as stuff works on Win7, I don't see a reason to upgrade now. At $customer, I'm on WinXP, so....
  17. My little fortress: https://oc.anderdonau.de/index.php/s/xjAIZ6SHebtgzmn Not visible in that picture is a small 6 tile farm at the bottom there.
  18. Is the mod enabled on the server? Otherwise the game won't load it to prevent cheating via local lua mods.
  19. As I'm hosting my mods on github, I just use that.
  20. Purple trees? Probably erosion + autumn.
  21. UPDATE I have finally managed to read savegame files and turn them into Maps! Thanks to the wonderful zhrike and ManBearPig who gave me permission to show off the savegame of the Alexandria server: http://pzmap.crash-override.net/?desc=Alexandria20150722L0
  22. UPDATE v0.3.3 fixes a bug (hopefully the one reported by SandyBeaches) that sometimes occurs when you drop an item that's pinned to the hotbar. Open issue Hotbar doesn't update when building or crafting items. PZ Bug #2007 (Status: Fix committed). Will be fine in next version of PZ.
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