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Everything posted by ExcentriCreation

  1. I'm not sure the bowling ball would benefit from dithering at this point.... dithering is more used to hide subtle differences in gradients that cant be blended. for example, if you use the gradient tool in photoshop & you end up with light banding between tones you can add noise to help "blend" it. If you are going to block in your shading as you have with the bowling ball, learn to love the smudge tool.... start off at about 75% strength & work your way down until the gradient appears as smooth as you desire then (if necessary) dither afterwards for smoother shading. The other way to do it would be to draw the circle with your neutral color then use your brush tool at about 5% opacity with the dark extreme of your neutral color (or black if you wish) & add your shading in layers (runs, not photoshop layers). You could also "block" with more subtle variations in color but it wont give as smooth a result as the first two techniques
  2. Yeah, sorry bout that.... Don't remember being told but I've already found the cause. I've stored a flag that is accessed by an OnKeyPressed event inside a table, just trying to keep things neat & tidy , & if you press a button before NF has initialized it will try to access a sub of a non existent table.... hence non-table: null error I'll make sure that & the text box is fixed before Zed posts the itemlist update
  3. I was referring to the items/objects your talking about.... As you can tell, most of the items you are referring to have already been suggested & the people suggesting them are from all over the place. For example, merely adding tractors & atvs doesn't really tell the player anything about the cultural focus on personally maintaining them, I'm in Australia & there are Tractors & atvs everywhere too.... A lot of people are generally pretty trade focused here as well .... but my point being that they are different cultures with the same items/objects.... Granted I was speaking pretty generally (Aussie ) but my point being that its the people that make a culture what it is. What they like, How they live their lives, What they're interested in, etc. & that's hard to get across by adding items/objects that can pretty much be found anywhere
  4. Heh.... Rewind to not even a year ago & people had issues with clothing being rare I agree though.... Finding clean, undamaged clothes on zombies that can be worn or turned into bandages without disinfecting or even cleaning is a bit strange.... Are you referring to the zombie "infection" or just bacterial infections? Only asking because its rare to see any of you guys talking about a mechanic that TOUCHES on the workings of the "infection". Everything I had read here & on the old forums implied that it was to remain undefined but it would be nice to hear about mechanics from you.... Its surprising how often suggestions turn up that touch on the workings of the "infection" I hope its undefined & avoided where possible, being a Romero fan.... .... I like my monsters mysterious.... .... I like my people mysterious .... .... Hell, I even like those blocks from Mario with the question mark on them
  5. You would be surprised at how accurate fallout is.... not the angle of the pin/pick or whatever your using but its BASICALLY about applying torque to the barrel so that the pins lock into place when you push them up. Like I said though, you would only be able to do that if you took the time to learn. Everything I've read on the subject seems to imply that even "experts" would require a fair amount of time to "pick" complex locks.... Forcing the door should all but ruin it though. Pry it open or shoot/drill out the lock & that door isn't going to close right again
  6. I've picked some SIMPLE locks (fairly loose with only 4 pins) with a screwdriver & a small allen key (No way I could do a door without screwing around for hours).... But I can only do that because I took the time to learn.... Maybe a locksmith?
  7. Yeah, I suppose the loop IS getting resource heavy again. Just thought that the chance to break on fail wouldn't be accurate without the same number of rolls
  8. Back on the general Kentucky point, I've got 2 words for you...... Moon-Shine While using fiction as a reference isn't advisable as you may end up reflecting the author/artist instead of the topic, I was thinking..... "Justified" is set in Lexington & Harlan, Kentucky & might make a good reference for clothing, speech, lifestyle, etc. I'd NEVER condone shooting Spiffo but while searching for ideas for a mock Jim Beam/Moonshine belt buckle for a pic I'm working on I came across multiple references for "coon" hunting in Kentucky. It might make a funny idea for incorporating TIS plugs into the general Kentucky feel.... Essentially what I'm getting at is that I don't think adding items, that COULD be found anywhere, is going to help the slightly generic feel that the game has atm1.... Clothing & Lingo (Survivor Stories & NPCs) will be where this will need to be addressed 1: No disrespect intended to TIS, obviously game mechanics & stability are more important atm. Not to mention the EXCELLENT work done on the map.... The first time I looked at the area on google maps the picture was horrible & it was hard to tell what was going on but now that its been updated, its actually a little creepy how accurate the map is to RL Knox county
  9. "I think I'll have sleepy time"
  10. an abbreviation for TimedAction.... I don't think what you are asking is possible, if you really must "fix" it, I would try looping over the check based on the gamespeed: function ISLightFromKindle:update() self.item:setJobDelta(self:getJobDelta()); -- every tick we lower the endurance of the player, he also have a chance to light the fire or broke the kindle self.character:getStats():setEndurance(self.character:getStats():getEndurance() - 0.006); local checkSpeed = getGameSpeed(); local checkMultiplier = nil; local checkStep = nil; if checkSpeed == 3 then checkMultiplier = 20; elseif checkSpeed == 2 then checkMultiplier = **(whatever that would be)** else checkMultiplier = 1; end local randNumber = 300; local randBrokeNumber = 300; if self.isOutdoorsMan then randNumber = 150; randBrokeNumber = 450; end for checkStep = 1, checkMultiplier do if ZombRand(randNumber) == 0 then self.campfire.fireLvl = 2; camping.changeFireLvl(self.campfire); else -- fail ? Maybe the wood kit will broke... if ZombRand(randBrokeNumber) == 0 then--~ self.character:Say("I broke my kindling..."); self.character:getInventory():Remove(self.item); self.item = self.character:getInventory():FindAndReturn("FireWoodKit"); end end endendthis is just an example, I'm sure I'm overlooking something EDIT: I hope that is what you were asking If you've already tried onTick then RoboMat already answered your question & it seems like you already know why
  11. I've come a little late to the party & the arguments of realism & feasibility aside, you cant seriously be suggesting that TIS implement IMPENETRABLE (for the sake of bites) armors like chainmail & kevlar plate that would completely nullify the players ability to get "infected" My own personal opinion on the matter though.... They say the best protection against brown snakes is a good set of denim & I gotta say, I'm a HELL of a lot more concerned about a snake biting me & drawing blood than a human mouth with human teeth. That said, a far more fitting addition to the game would be a bite resistance value associated with ALL clothing.... Say a vest for example, keeps you cool but has a virtually non-existent bite resistance value. A leather Jacket on the other hand would have a high temperature value & a high bite resistance value.... As for SPECIFIC armor, I would like to see vests & riot gear though for future NPC conflicts, not zombies The Argument is Moot but I TOTALLY agree that you could make chainmail..... 2mm wire, 8mm rod, hammer & plyers..... Oh & about 2 months
  12. I have one word for this..... Flannelette Oh god.... They weren't funny the first time EDIT: Smartassed comments aside, I think this is the perfect topic to re-iterate on the fact that, other than the TIS plugs, there is little to no character in the game thusfar..... So SPECIFIC ideas aside, I totally agree that the game needs a little more "flavor of Kentucky". Not implying that it should be turned into one big stereotype, just that when you walk into a town populated by loggers & military families, you know EXACTLY where you are..... PZ doesn't have that atm
  13. 1: Not according to the devs, I cant be arsed copying & pasting the quote but you remember where I put it (I am of course assuming that their intention is to make it IMPOSSIBLE for anybody to even make a legitimate argument either way, that's my definition of undefined anyways.... Though, that quote didn't really imply that at all) Additional thought: 50/50 on any given wound with varying mortality rates would achieve the same result.... In that you wouldn't initially know if the medication was taking effect.... To add on my original proposition, I'm suggesting that both the status indicator & health bar be removed.... Given the nature of the game, the damage moodles should be enough of a "life" indicator
  14. I think I'm going to practice what I preach here & offer an alternative solution that addresses the OP..... How about removing ALL indications of weather or not a scratch or bite has lead to infection & add the chance that the player will just become sick after said event? This would remove the "binary decision" & influence the player to continue to struggle which, as has been stated, is the entire purpose of the game.... As for medications that prolong your life, I still think it strays too close to defining the origins of the "infection".... How is a random anti-viral supposed to treat an act of god or a demonic plague? I'm not saying that, that is what it is.... Just that, that has to be a possibility.... EDIT: How about a 50% chance that the anti-viral would work?..... 50/50 is in-definitive
  15. If it can be done it will be in ScriptManager, I overlooked it last time I tried Sorry bout bugging you.... It said not to push it Seriously though, it was either that or make a screamer (like the paranormal vids) & hook that up to the button.... I think the zombies were less of a dick move
  16. Well..... ZedHeads efforts, all I did was come up with the system & got him started.... Everyone needs a pet Zed to do their data entry for them
  17. Aye, modData would be better for what you were doing, I was just explaining how the dead bodies work. When I was experimenting with it I already had the onTick event so I could make them talk every so often..... ".. ONE .... OF .... US! .." ".. YOU .... ARE .... DAMNED! .."
  18. Its a matter of style, if your going to do that you would have reduce the depths on the face details. Realism isn't "Right" as far as art is concerned...... Think "Ren & Stimpy" closeup & you will understand the piece..... (weather it was intended or not) EDIT: If realism was the point, OP has more issues than the depths in-between the teeth. The shape of the eyes, lack of irises, the perspective is all over the place eg. face to neck, teeth to mouth.... But the style is consistent throughout the piece & it looks good for what it is, that's what really matters
  19. you can put it into more categories using the first 3 fields. for example, since theyre used in carpentry, you could do Garbage_Bag = {"Bags", "Carpentry", nil, "Garbage Bag", "Base.Garbagebag", "Item_Garbagebag", nil, nil, nil}if adding to the bottom of the list you will need to make sure the item above has a comma at the end of the lineif adding to the top of the list, add a comma to the end of the line you are addingIts just a table syntax thing the last 3 fields are redundant unless its a piece of clothing & can actually be excluded entirely without having an effect.... The proforma for the field layout is included at the top of the list. My apologies.... I meant to post about this sooner but plain forgot about it
  20. water barrels dude...... water barrels
  21. IsoDeadBody is a derivative of IsoMovingObject not IsoGameCharacter. So both isDead() & getHealth() will return nill EDIT: In order to use those methods, you will have to call them before PZ turns Zed into IsoDeadBody(), like a onTick event
  22. This seems odd to me, while experimenting with the "do not push this button" event in NecroForge (I didn't keep it in the released version), I used isDead() & it worked fine in a onTick event.... Maybe its because a corpse isn't an IsoGameCharacter?.... Like I said..... odd
  23. I think Zedhead said something about updating the item list a while ago, as well as a new icon for the UI button. I'll ask him about it later, unless he see's this first..... I've been working on other things but, in a while, I'm going to have another shot at making an auto-updater by parsing the scripts which would make everyone's life easier (although it would reduce the number of item categories making it harder to find what your after)
  24. I too am thoroughly sick of the conversation, though the last topic got locked while I was sleeping & god help me I can seem to stop myself from posting.... Forgive me if I'm approaching the topic of Blacksmithing in an overly vague manner, but.... Given that IF this type of CRAFTING were implemented, it would likely be a matter of right-clicking an item in your inventory & given the presence of the required tools/materials your given the option to "craft" crude axe, "craft" crude blade, "craft" crude trowel, reinforce crude blade, etc. etc.... Isn't the argument of HOW the player is FABRICATING the item unnecessary, given the circumstances saying "whats the point of forging a blade when you could just sharpen a bit of flat bar" (I'm aware that no-one said this specifically, I'm half way through a post & my Forum-fu isn't strong enough to add quotes at this point without screwing around) just seems a little obtuse, especially given that basic "smithing" (shaping, hot riveting, etc.) CAN be performed with the same tools. I might just ignore this topic unless I get drawn into another discussion about the specifics of my trade + 1 for FABRICATING
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