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AnaalNathrakh's Achievements

  1. YEAH !! I've really waited so long for this !!!
  2. Tried several runs the last two days and the last one was the best so far. Got really lucky and found a trowel in my starting house. But after 13 days i got bitten by a zed i did not see coming while grabbing an axe out of a dead zombies body.
  3. Awesome news!!! Made my day !!!! EDIT: or to be more precise, will make my tomorrow
  4. Nice challenge Spawned in a trailer park and didn't find any weapon at first. Had to kill my first 5 zombies with bare hands. Got lucky and found a hammer and baseball bat soon. Made my way north and got scratched on day 3. Developed signs of infection, but maybe it was just me being a hypochandriac. Went straight north and found a big warehouse. Got jumped by a bunch of zeds and got bitten. So, 4 days in total
  5. There is a lockpicking mod, you can use if you want to http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/33-lockpicking-mod-v075/
  6. Here's my current try, which is the longest, so far.
  7. In the end i solved my problem by just looking at the jobDelta between to calls of update() and adjust the chance accordingly. Here's an example from my fishing mod. local currentdelta = self:getJobDelta(); local deltachange = currentdelta - self.lastDelta; if deltachange >0.005 then self.character:getStats():setFatigue(self.character:getStats():getFatigue() + 0.1*deltachange); if currentdelta >0.1 then -- dont catch anything when job is less than 10% finished if self.lastDelta<0.1 then deltachange = currentdelta-0.1; end randomValue = ZombRandBetween(0,100000); if randomValue<deltachange*10000 then self.character:getInventory():AddItems("Base.Salmon",1); self.character:Say("I caught something"); end end self.lastDelta = currentdelta; end
  8. Fishing Mod --- v1.0 - find a fishing rod - go near water - equip fishing rod - right click on water to fish (you must be able to see the water) - if you have no luck try again - if you're too tired to fish, take a nap Currently, the icon for the fishing rod sucks. Maybe someone can create a better one. Mod was created with Build 21 Have fun with the mod. Link: http://fs09n2.sendspace.com/dl/8763adbbf3888ffdaeb095f2c22ff149/52cd71ea5509cc2f/c0cnmt/FishingModV1.rar
  9. What's TA? As example the ISLightFromKindle from the current Build 21. function ISLightFromKindle:update() self.item:setJobDelta(self:getJobDelta()); -- every tick we lower the endurance of the player, he also have a chance to light the fire or broke the kindle self.character:getStats():setEndurance(self.character:getStats():getEndurance() - 0.006); local randNumber = 300; local randBrokeNumber = 300; if self.isOutdoorsMan then randNumber = 150; randBrokeNumber = 450; end if ZombRand(randNumber) == 0 then self.campfire.fireLvl = 2; camping.changeFireLvl(self.campfire); else -- fail ? Maybe the wood kit will broke... if ZombRand(randBrokeNumber) == 0 then--~ self.character:Say("I broke my kindling..."); self.character:getInventory():Remove(self.item); self.item = self.character:getInventory():FindAndReturn("FireWoodKit"); end endendSo, there is a randomNumber-check if the fire start or kindling breaks. Using Normal Speed this check (calling update method) is done 100 times, on fastest speed the check is done only 5 times. (numbers are arbitary) So on normal speed you have 100/300 = 33% chance to start fire, on fast you have a 5/300 = 1,6% chance. Thereby the outcome of the job is influenced by the gamespeed. Hope this clarifies my issue.
  10. Just fiddled around with modding PZ and stumbled upon an unexpected behaviour of ISBaseTimedAction:update(). I guess this function is called similar as Events.OnTick with every update and therefore it depends on the speed of the game how often it is called. This seems to be a problem for some of the existing code like ISLightFromKindle Is there any way to call a function during the execition of a timed action in a reliable manner?
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