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Everything posted by GodWaffle

  1. Possibly.. currently I'm making 'staggered' walls, I'm living in the second floor apartment of the Food Market shop in West Point, the back door leads out to a car park, I've sealed a portion of it off (where my rain barrels are.) I use this as my entryway. Then out on the streets, I'm constructing more walls as a main barrier. My plan is if a horde comes to the walls, I'd sneak around behind them and fire a few shotgun shells to lure them away, then sneak back around and back inside. Basically if the first set of walls are breached then the second set are more secure. Not sure I'd trust myself with 4 seperate bases though. I looked at the map and it looks really far, the warehouses there are better stocked though which is my main reason for considering this.. Hmm, 'tis a tough decision.
  2. Okay, so I've been a PZ player for a while now (first played the game WAYYY back a few years ago) however I've never really 'stuck with' a single game, I usually get bored and sacrifice myself. However, in this current game, I'm at Day 27 (my personal record so far, my previous being about 5 days) and I'm still going strong.. I'm wondering where I go from here? I have a pretty secure place (in the middle of the town in West Point, believe it or not), I've wiped most zombies from the area and only a few wanderers really come in. I've got a good supply of non-perishables stored in my base (enough to last at least another month and a half) and rain collection barrels set up outside. I have a pretty decent stockpile of weapons (3 fire axes, 4 baseball bats, 2 crowbars, plenty of knifes, 2 pistols, a shotgun, golfclubs, etc) and I'm not short on ammunition either, plus I've opened the gun shop near my base so if I do run low on ammo (which I hardly use) then there's plenty there. I also have amassed a large amount of medicine from the nearby pharmacy which I've also stored in my base. The only thing I find that I'm in short supply of is nails, continually go out on supply runs to find damn nails. I raided the warehouse in West Point (just south of town) and the majority of shops in town.. I know there are nails further north in the neighbourhoods (in the sheds), however I tried to make a supply run into that area and it's infested as hell, no way I can loot that right now. I'm considering making the trip to Muldraugh to get some supplies, however I fear how long the walk will be. So what are you guys thoughts? What does a player do once they have an established base? And do you recommend I make the trip to Muldraugh?
  3. I will use this excuse to avoid breaking my immersion.. I think it would have been even more awkward if they had been zombies
  4. The one thing I do not need during my zombie apocalypse, damn.
  5. Just look, and ask yourself what the holy shit is going on in this picture LOL: I literally entered the giga-mart place from the back door and this appears, can't see it from outside either. Any ideas?
  6. I fix it by persevering with it, eventually it works again. On topic: I think you should wake up with a minor pain moodle or have the drowsy moodle, nothing too major though as I don't see why sleeping on the floor would really affect someone much.
  7. Yes! I was thinking the same! I remember the episode in The walking dead season 2 where... (do not open spoiler alert if you have not watched the walking dead season 2 yet) That episode had me sitting on the edge of my seat! Yep, or imagine that happening but with tens of thousands, a slow moving tidal wave of teeth and nails. That would scare the living shizzle out of me but would be a fantastic thing to see.
  8. Don't see why they'd be too rare, you can find First-Aid kits in pretty much every commercial building (although if NPC's get them first then you may have trouble finding them), personally I think that things which are common in real life should be common in-game too, at the end of the day it's supposed to be a 'zombie survival simulator', and so let's not worry about it being too OP or anything, since in real life you would also be OP, until you're not.
  9. Don't see why not. +1
  10. I agree, a falling animation would be funny as well, just a zombie flailing around in the air before hearing the crunch of bones hitting concrete. I'd say that yeah, depending on whether they land on their legs or their head, they'd become crawlers or die, respectively. Also, all zombies who hit the ground should fall over at least, and have to get back up, perhaps they just landed on their chest and pierced their vital organs, but didn't break their legs or brain so they can still walk. I'd also find it cool if the player also suffered the broken legs effect (having to crawl, and also having to get back up after falling) we need an 'injured' state like this for future prospects such as shooting NPC's or players in the legs and watching them helplessly crawl while the horde closes in.
  11. I agree with zombies in riot gear being tougher to kill, dunno if they'd be slower though since really zombies don't give a shit about weight so even if it's damaging their body to keep at their normal speed, they'd do it anyway. I think that's about the extent of 'special' zombies I'd like to see, no weird mutated zeds though or zeds with guns or anything like that. That being said (and as said above), 'special' zombies could also refer to zombies in uniform (police, fireman, ambulance, doctor, construction worker, businessman, zombies in sportswear, etc) to reflect that this world was full of people who actually had jobs and stuff.
  12. I would love to see this happen for the shock value, I can imagine it would be so unexpected just to see them start appearing in your character's peripheral vision, hundreds of zombies all walking through your area. Perhaps a herd of this size could make a lot of noise which could be heard from far away (as a distant drone in the wind) and that would give you some form of warning of what's to come. Imagine how tense it would be if you ran indoors and shut the curtains and just waited them out, hoping none would feel the need to bang on your window. I would really like this to happen.
  13. +1 for this, I'd do this too in an apocalypse so it should be a feature
  14. I still don't agree with this in any way.. even as a Sandbox option. The issue being that it doesn't fit in with other Sandbox options. Being able to respawn is not a simulation 'property' like the rest of the options are (how many zombies, how strong, how much loot, simulation speed, etc) and then 'Respawn at bed?'. It doesn't fit, and others have said the temptation is what will ruin it, I completely agree with the Fast Travel in Skyrim/Oblivion thing, the OPTION to do so is what ruins it because you just say "Ah fuck it, might as well fast travel", however if you are not given that option then you just deal with what you have. Same goes for Minecraft, a lot of the time because the option for 'Allow Cheats' is on the world creation screen, I just enable it and end up putting myself in Creative Mode to give myself some basic stuff, and then sometimes I'll say "Ah fuck it, might as well give myself one diamond pickaxe to get started" and then continue to cheat from there. Options are temptations, and for this game a respawn mechanic should not be an option. Just my opinion.
  15. True, true. As long as they don't remove the current way of staving of the infection I'm fine with it, just there should be SOME way of prolonging your life a little longer (which there currently is, whether it gets removed or not, who knows)
  16. Nope, although I read it a while ago and I seem to have misplaced my copy, I am pretty sure that the ZSG very clearly states antibiotics are useless as it is a viral infection. Adding any "magic infection slowing medicine" goes against lore, realism and is overall a waste of Dev time. I will not argue this point any further. However PZ has it's own lore, for all we know the virus in Project Zomboid can be slowed using antibiotics, it wouldn't be eradicated, just slowed. I think this is a great idea and would really give you that 'race against time' feeling when you have an urgent task to complete, and your clock is ticking down. Eventually I believe you will be able to amputate a limb to stop the infection from spreading, however I think that if you're bitten and know you're definitely gonna die, you should have the ability to slow that down a bit.
  17. Don't think this would work, for one thing there's no completion in the game, nor should there be.. also having them play on the regular mode would defeat the point of even having a softcore mode, honestly I can say that if they play a significant amount of time on regular mode they will get used to it and the majority would not bother with a softer difficulty. Considering the game is branded as a simulation game, I just don't see this as a viable option. In sandbox all the settings keep the 'feel' of the game the same, but change the world elements. If you were to have magical bed respawning as a sandbox option it would be out of place, just like (as someone mentioned) dinosaurs with machine guns would feel out of place, because they don't fit the feel of the game. Sandbox should be limited in what you can change, so that it keeps the game feeling like a true zombie survival simulator, but with the options to change the simulation, not game mechanics. Sorry, should've added a sarcastic tag, clearly I was not obvious It wasn't obvious, however only the first paragraph of that post was replying to you, the rest was more to the OP and others who agree with a 'softcore' option.
  18. Don't think this would work, for one thing there's no completion in the game, nor should there be.. also having them play on the regular mode would defeat the point of even having a softcore mode, honestly I can say that if they play a significant amount of time on regular mode they will get used to it and the majority would not bother with a softer difficulty. Considering the game is branded as a simulation game, I just don't see this as a viable option. In sandbox all the settings keep the 'feel' of the game the same, but change the world elements. If you were to have magical bed respawning as a sandbox option it would be out of place, just like (as someone mentioned) dinosaurs with machine guns would feel out of place, because they don't fit the feel of the game. Sandbox should be limited in what you can change, so that it keeps the game feeling like a true zombie survival simulator, but with the options to change the simulation, not game mechanics.
  19. And what would happen when multiplayer is added and this new crowd of players wants to play? We'd get a ton of people wanting this respawn mechanic to work online, which I don't think will happen (as a server option perhaps but I assume most servers will be default death settings) All in all, I don't think it should be added, since you can just make a new character on the same world and run back to your safe house anyway (I usually don't do this, breaks immersion, IMO if I die then I make a new world)
  20. Bear in mind, that in Project Zomboid your character is constantly active, out looting, senses heightened by the apocalypse, fighting zombies, therefore not an average person, they require more sleep, being awake for 36 hours and sleeping for 12 would not be sufficient at all under those circumstances. I think the sleep cycle is alright as is, I do however think you should be able to sleep anywhere (on the floor even), whenever, albeit waking up a lot sooner if you're not tired.
  21. I agree.. as someone who suffers from social anxiety I know what sort of effects this can actually cause, anger not being one of them but your senses do weaken a bit and you feel 'weak', so essentially this could happen for the 'feeling awkward' moodle: Weaker (How much depending on the moodle level) Vision reduced (Moodle level dependent) Hearing reduced (Moodle level dependent) And your attempts at talking to people would not work very well. Fits the current moodles pretty well. Tried to achieve something like this, just didn't feel like having to suggest new moodles and tried to tie it to already existing ones Yeah I was thinking that, the problem is that none of the existing moodles would really go with it, but the effects they have do, kinda annoying haha. Overall I think social traits will come along at some point or another (at least one or two) since the NPC's will be such an integral part of the game. One other little suggestion: Ladders As far as I know ladders don't really work in the game, in fact I've only seen ladders on some of the billboard things (I actually went to climb it and died, was gonna climb up to escape the horde). Now, I may just be stupid and have never actually seen a ladder but do they exist? And if not I think that there should be quite a lot of ladders going up buildings to fire escapes and what-not, or moveable ladders to help with construction, etc. Just a minor thing that I think will and should be implemented at some point in the future.
  22. I agree.. as someone who suffers from social anxiety I know what sort of effects this can actually cause, anger not being one of them but your senses do weaken a bit and you feel 'weak', so essentially this could happen for the 'feeling awkward' moodle: Weaker (How much depending on the moodle level) Vision reduced (Moodle level dependent) Hearing reduced (Moodle level dependent) And your attempts at talking to people would not work very well. Fits the current moodles pretty well.
  23. Could be an interesting one.. would this affect all NPC's you talk to though? Or certain personalities? Also, updated the original post with the new ideas. Yeah, all NPCs. Extra angry with overly-social traits (extroverts). (Also mutually exclusive) Less angry with other introverts. And I guess that extrovert would be the opposite for this? Perhaps these traits would replace the Socially Awkward or Socially Confident traits and 'combine' their abilities. Or (getting a little far with the social traits here, but worth a shot), have a secondary window specifically to choose social traits, reason being there are so many different traits that once can have that affects them socially, and we wouldn't really want to clog up the main trait window with these, perhaps after 'that' section is done, it would go onto social traits, and then you'd enter the game. I think this really depends on how far NPC's will be designed to interact with one another/the player, will we get the choices when talking to NPC's, etc. And also it depends on how far the developers would want to take this, since NPC's are complicated enough as is. Would be really cool though.
  24. Could be an interesting one.. would this affect all NPC's you talk to though? Or certain personalities? Also, updated the original post with the new ideas. That could be interesting too. I think all of these social traits would also depend on the personality of the NPC's being affected, a Comforting Presence person would havefer comfort to certain people, however there would be the 'bad' guys and the stony NPC's who would remain unphased if they wanted leadership.
  25. True.. and in certain cases the leader may ONLY be the leader due to intimidation, nobody wanting to step up against him/her. The Deceiving trait could also help to 'sway' other people to do things or turn against somebody. How about a sandbox option to determine what they eat? This should be in the form of tickboxes, not a dropdown list: Animals Living Humans Dead Bodies (Older than 24 hours) Dead Bodies (Under 24 hours) Something like this. Personally the PZ zombies seem like the type who would eat anything, however Sandbox mode is the holy grail with this game, allowing any 'type' of zombie to exist. And as for being no threat, there still would be the threat of disease from all the decaying corpses
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