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Forum Feedback


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Hey guys and girls!


I´m curious if I´m right in this section but because there isn´t one called "forum feedback" or something similiar I posted here.


Is it intend that "normal" users can start a topic in the "PZ Downloads"-section?

If I find more strange things related to forum I will add them here.

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Is it possible to change the behaviour of

⌘ + ←

Usually this is used to jump to the beginning of a sentence on Mac OS, but on this forum software it jumps back a page even when a text editor is active.

Can this be changed or is that something that's hardcoded?

Btw: The new forum colours look awesome :)

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Is there any plans for other sub sections on the forum? I've seen to many communities die because of no variety in the forums and it would be a shame to see this one go. 


In that case, I suggest a "creativity" subforum in which you can post your drawings or videos or anything else creative that you've made. And you can have your own thread with drawings where you get feedback etc.

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Is there any plans for other sub sections on the forum? I've seen to many communities die because of no variety in the forums and it would be a shame to see this one go. 


We'll open up new sub sections as a need for them arises. For example, on the old forum, we had art, code, design, and music sub-categories within 'Indie Scene' but they didn't really get a lot of love. So we've collapsed them all together in the new forum. If that section gets a lot of posts, we'll open up new sections and move the relevant threads into them.

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We'll open up new sub sections as a need for them arises. For example, on the old forum, we had art, code, design, and music sub-categories within 'Indie Scene' but they didn't really get a lot of love. So we've collapsed them all together in the new forum. If that section gets a lot of posts, we'll open up new sections and move the relevant threads into them.


Well I wish it only wasn't about game development, and instead general creativity & art/entertainment discussion, for example for animation or comics.

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Well I wish it only wasn't about game development, and instead general creativity & art/entertainment discussion, for example for animation or comics.


Well, by all means post in the off-top general discussion. If that forum section started seeing a lot of creative stuff happening, then we'd open up some new subforums to accomodate. With the old forums (and one we used to run before TIS), we did this first and just ended up with a bunch of dead forums.


So better to work the other way round IMO.

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Hey, good decision to separate the forum games from the general discussion. Now there's no reason to complain if the forum gets overloaded with games and no serious discussions, because it's only in one subforum.

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