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How large was the largest natural horde you've come across?


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Hi guys, just wondering whether any of you have (in the most recent builds) come across any massive hordes naturally (not from gunfire)? I seem to find about maybe 30 zombies in an area at max but never anything like the hordes I used to see in earlier builds (the ones that were round every corner).  Just wondering if these exist at all? I would love to see a huge screen filling horde haha.


And for a dev if they read this, what would you say is the maximum number of zombies that could be rendered at a time without too significant a performance hit? Would a horde of 1000 be possible?




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A few hundred in a single group, defined as all the zombies that can come towards gunfire. I made an effort to make a larger horde, but had to merk out because shit got a little hairy. Conservatively, I'd say I was looking at at least 200 zombies.


In muldraugh, I tend to find groups like this strung all along the highway. I could imagine with some corralling one could run around and group up a whole lot of em.

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Hmm perhaps I've been really unlucky (in a sense), I tried making a horde myself by firing off shotguns around West Point but really didn't draw any more than around 60.. but naturally never seen that many in recent builds :(



Put the game on insane zombies and try firing a shotgun near a hardware store in WP, i guarantee ull see quite a lot of zombie (some might get stuck on windows tho), or just visit giga mart.

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