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Do the developers plan to add locomotives to the game? Here are their benefits:

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I'm a very big train enthusiast and I thoroughly enjoy the idea of having a nigh unstoppable mobile base, especially one that looks like a train, feels like a train, and sounds like one. So basically a train. In any case, after playing Unturned and basing on a train on one of the maps i found myself longing for trains to be added to other zombie games such as DayZ and, more importantly, Zomboid.


Now, before you get all nitpicky on me, here is what I know:

- in an apocalypse scenario, railroads would likely be obstructed here and there by what could be anything. Fallen trees, overgrowth, corpses, vehicles, and broken rails

- trains require a lot of maintenance (this is a non-issue; if you play Zomboid often you should be perfectly fine with maintaining your equipment and vehicles)

- trains are very loud and thus would attract many zombies. You might think this is an issue, but i disagree. For the most part, railroad tracks in Kentucky go through remote, wooded areas and said areas in Zomboid do not have that many zombies in them (if at all). With that in mind, threats would only surface from being near towns or using your train horn

- derailment issues due to bodies and other nuisances on the tracks (this shouldn't be an issue during implementation; just disallow the train to have collision effects with anything minor on the tracks)


Let's get to the benefits of why having a train in a zombie apocalypse is awesome:

- firstly, you are in a mechanical vehicular beast that averages at 50 - 200 mph whenever you feel like it

- said mechanical beast can plow through snow; it'll fare just fine ploughing through zombies with special equipment or attachments like a cow catcher on the front

- attach a .50 cal to the top and have your teammate bait hordes. if they get too close just drive away

- store everything you could possibly want in your train cars, creating the ultimate armored, fastest, and reliable method of transportation, storage, and shelter

- high effort, extremely high reward system: repair train cars, link train cars, build modification for train cars, use a ton of resources to get your locomotive up and running and enjoy the benefits stated above


Functioning trains in zombie/apocalypse games are a big missed opportunity. I hope one day to have a mod to play around with in Zomboid that lets me use trains, but i think it would be infinitely better if it was a fleshed out vanilla feature


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9 hours ago, emerald_dragon said:

I'm a very big train enthusiast and I thoroughly enjoy the idea of having a nigh unstoppable mobile base, especially one that looks like a train, feels like a train, and sounds like one. So basically a train. In any case, after playing Unturned and basing on a train on one of the maps i found myself longing for trains to be added to other zombie games such as DayZ and, more importantly, Zomboid.



You should watch Kabanari of the Iron Fortress

Something tells me you will really enjoy it


Entire Show is about Trains + Zombies



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16 minutes ago, ZombieHunter said:


I had to google draisine cause it's the first time I ever saw that word.

That would be pretty interesting since it would make more sense in an apocolypse 


Same here. So that's what those things are called. Interesting.

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12 hours ago, ZombieHunter said:


Мне пришлось погуглить draisine, потому что я впервые увидел это слово.

Это было бы довольно интересно, так как это имело бы больше смысла в апокалипсисе

1. it will not be possible to crush zombies on it

2. the character gets tired of riding it

3. a lot of cargo can not be transported

4. low speed

I don't think it would upset the balance of complexity. another thing is that there are not so many railways yet

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